I AM Bongholio™

I woke up one time in the hospitol. An i.v. in both arm, an i.v. on both sides of my neck. 12 electrodes taped all over me. This aint no shit, one in my jugular so they could pour blood in by the qt… I went home.not jail. Dont think i won that one, but i didn’t lose either.:face_with_head_bandage::wink:

You can’t allow people to use your anger towards them to control your actions. You can free your mind and yourself by chilling out on the aggro against humans. Take control of your life back by not giving into the temptation to do things that will result in a negative outcome for yourself.
An old man came and harassed me out on the street I laughed at him. The choices of what I could have done are endless, but instead I chose to be the one to prey on his anger management issues, instead of the other way around. It’s all about choices and consequences in this world.


I know bro, thank you. I really have calmed down from they way i used to be. Most of the time, when people get all upset, start yelling at me , cussing me, even charging at me saying they are going to whoop my ass. . i stay calm, dont raise my voice, just smile at them and say in a regular voice, " no your not". And it kinda like freaks them out, .like they get confused, its weird. Like i control them. But theres other times, like this one. When the fucking pos cops steal my car.my blood boils, outta control. Its really tough not to fuck everybody up… But i didnt fuck them up this time, i did good, just vented here instead. Cause of og and the seeds i promised to make yall. Yall get the vent.


That’s good man.


Not really
Whats Good is the feeling i get from fucking a thief up.
And its so easy, comes natural to me. Laying 4-5 grown men down . I love it. And im only 6,’ 190
58 years old. Still got it.



Matanuska Thunder Fuck , towering at 6’ 1 "

This M.T.F. Is deffenantly. Sativa domn
The 60 day bubblgum auto is going to be a dad.

Some SourD × lemon skunk, Blue dream
And the Gumrilla. But first, a weather forcast from

What The F*#K
There’s this white stuff all over the ground.


Well all good things must come to an end. A bit early on these. Hopefully I can get more out of them. I think I lost all my clones tho
Ten days now with no power,the first 4-5 days stayed below freezing. Not good for a D.W.C. set up.


The last cple are mtf.
…I haven’t forgot you guys, you know who you are.
Its just been a really busy last cple of weeks. I’m going to try to get them in the mail today. Maybe tomorrow.


That dog turd in the photo is hilarious! Phew and I thought our 36 hours outages were nuts, you got caught up in the storm it wiped out lots of peoples plants. Reminds me of the floods of '17.

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I really feel for you. I have never gone over 6 days without. I also had a small generator that kept the freezer, fish tank and a couple lights going.


Hey I got a real question when you get around to it. You ever used bleach or peroxide or some other strange thing in water culture? I’m just on a data gathering expedition.

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Gonna grab a snack and pull up a chair to watch this thread.
need more food


LOL, bring your own food… there’s plenty of weed…
:grin: :vulcan_salute:



Yes sir I do, h2o2, L.A.B., coconut water, black strap molasses, willow water, raw pure honey. I’ve not used bleach, when I learned tap water is bad because of it and other things in the tap water. Tap water in the fish tank’$ for two weeks, then I use that water as the base…I use it to Make willow water also. Now I have been reading recently where some add just a little bleach to their water. I found a while back, keep the temps low, no problems arise. Its worth the extra on the light bill


you put honey in a water culture? With hydrogen peroxide? did I read that right?

Yes sir, h2o2 is life for beneficial bacteria and death for bad bacteria.
Honey is natural sugar, can’t use processed sugar.
Makes the plant fatter, stickier,stronger, taste like candy. Mmm mmmmm…
Along with black strap molasses, Nat. Sugars and extreme health benefits.
Not a lot, less is more. Tablespoon each/gal.

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So without peroxide something bad will grow in there? Anything specific I should be looking for?

Higher temps lead to root rot, only thing I’ve come across. Its just good, all around health, preventative.

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Keep the temps as low as you can . 65° water, 71° air. That’s where weed grows its best. + r - I think 25° its not growing ,its dieing


Unless it is Celsius, than 77 is good.lol