I found a high quality seed cracker for under $10

I have there seed cracker, its really good. I’ve used it on every seed I’ve popped since I got it and it’s never failed me.

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I now use fingernail clippers to clip the very end of every seed i use now, it has never failed me. Only drawback is the seed shells do not fall off as naturally so more need to be removed with tweezers once they pop.

Could also get an aloe vera plant, cut a couple of slices off and sandwich the seeds in between, some substance in it that penetrates and softens the shell nicely apparently.

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Thank you… my mic has sat in my box unused since last ring and pinion install…

Now I might get my $ worth out of this tool…

I’ve had a record year for having to tweezer-off hulls & membranes. Not sure if it’s something about the weather here or breeders being more focused on yield than health qualities? Gonna try out the micrometer as soon as it gets here. Could save a lot of hassle, between love of coffee & age creeping up in the eyes! :rofl:



Seed hulls and membranes staying on is more dictated by planting depth and how wet your media is, if they are on the dry side membranes hang around, if planted shallow they typically have a helmet head on surface break.

And I just use tweezers for cracking when required but stick some finger meat between them as a safety per say so I don’t crush the seeds.


Thanks @Mr.Sparkle , been planting at the same depth as usual and keeping moisture levels about the same too. Seemed like the only thing variable was the seeds themselves…tweezers would have been a cheaper solution, but getting (hate to admit it!) older and the micrometer’s fine-touch just seems more reliable! :rofl: And it was only $5, less cost than most seeds these days!

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