I just lost a gram of hash

holy shit I’m high as f.


LOL, this reminds me of an autoparts store radio jingle. (confused now, aren’t ya?)

Back when I was building ponds, my minion was driving one day, hour drive to the site. We stopped somewhere for breakfast, and I kept my one hitter and a small baggie in an empty cigarette pack. Evidently that pack of goodies fell out of the truck when we stopped for breakfast (I probably stupidly put it in the door handle). Spent half the day searching the truck for it, finally accepted it fell out somewhere. Shortly after, an O’Reilly’s Auto Parts jingle starts on the radio. “Oh oh oh Oh’Reilly’s!.. Auto Parts!”. Well, my minion (good guy, didnt smoke but was funny as hell) turns to me, and sings along with the jingle. “Oh oh oh Oh SHIT!.. Lost my weed!”

Still laugh when I hear the jingle today, and when I see him, one of us will start with the jingle, and the other finishes it, like a greeting. Its pretty fucking funny how an unfortunate incident (losing my days smoke) turns into a regular greeting and constant laughter…


Is this it ??


@Foreigner hash I snagged it.


I knew it, and I want it back.

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Yeah I just don’t the time to dig it out. It was harder than hell to put it all they way down there. Hold onto it for ya.

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Save it for a special occasion:
Special occasion: giving it back to me.

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I know this is off topic but years ago i had a buddy tgat had a black carpet…he was a coke dealer and his wife was very…shall i say clumsey…you could find him picking up chucks with the corner of a razor blade after “hurricane hannah” blew through the room :rofl:

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