I need help with an insect problem

An option if you have it, that might work, is to switch rooms. Most of the time mites don’t move far on their own, they stick near plants.

Or if you can afford to wait you can starve them out, but that will take around 2 weeks with no plants on the room. Im not sure of the lifecycle length for spider mites, but thats another method if things get bad.

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For the carpeted area: go rent a steam cleaner and use it slowly and thoroughly on your carpet. Go over the carpet several times using the steam liberally. It is about the only method that will penetrate all the way down to the carpet pad and kill everything in its path……. Good luck!

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Again, to reiterate what has been said, and is very important: these are highly toxic organophosphates. They should not be put in an occupied space (it may be secluded, but it will be concentrated in the grow room so you’ll be exposing yourself to it every time you go in there), and you definitely shouldn’t smoke plants that have been exposed to them.
In the short term they cause dizziness, nausea, disorientation, because it is an enzyme inhibitor and neurotoxin, and in the long term they have been linked to increased risk of dementia and alzheimers. Dichlorvos, the active ingredient, penetrates the plant, so you will be smoking it in your finished product. Just not worth it to risk lifetime health problems for a harvest.


I also notice that you’ve ignored all of these comments, in favor of responses that seem to be what you want to hear.
Nobody wants to chop a grow, but sometimes the hard thing is the right thing. And if this is in any way commercial, it’s a messed up thing to do to customers/ friends


Just like spider mites @HeadyBearAdventures never sleeps


Damn right, I hibernate


Do you fatten up beforehand? I just fatten up consistently.


I’m betting he does by smoking copious amounts of fatties……


Oh for sure. I stay insulated.
A burrito here, a pizza there… cannabis helps me maintain my energy supplies by making calories more appealing.
One day I hope to release a very niche erotic calendar, like the one on my dresser.

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Perhaps you’d need some big plants to camouflage the largesse but I think there’s definitely a market for such a thing.

“Cannabis Burrito Babes”

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I like the idea of featuring the plants and the munchies… maybe spilling a bit of seasoned beef into the chest hair

Just don’t get scalding cheese on the sensitive bits but there’s a possible gem in there.

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Candle wax, nacho cheese, we all have our thing

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Then again - it’s a brave man who can pull off using Kraft singles as nipple pasties.


I like Babybels personally.

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I like them too but the plastic wrap is a PITA to open.

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But you can seal letters with the wax. I mean, I guess you could. I hope. And a nice bear shaped signet to press it


Speaking of dreams, I’m off to hibernate. :bear::zzz:

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Pleasant cheese dreams

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Just know that your face (actually most of you) will be the first thing I see in the morning.

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