What deficiency is this?

2 mephisto forum.stomper autos in soil. Both have this leaf damage. This is the worst of it.


Looks like leaf septoria to me

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I was gonna say the first pic looks like calcium deficiency, the second pic looks like potassium deficiency… maybe just need more nutes or double check ph is good? Check your run off. but in the second pic… is there bugs?


I saw that I think it’s just crap from trees outside. They get shuttled back and forth to the tent on cloudy days. I thought potassium. I have dr. Earth flower girl powder on the way.


Underside of the leaves looks clean


is it hot, dry, or really sunny in the location your moving them to outside?


I look into it online. That’s a new one for me I hafta admit.

Yup its been hot and 20s and 30s rh. But they only really get a solid 4-5 hrs of direct sun

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hot in the 90s? the leaf taco/curl looks like its too hot or too low humidity or both.
it does look like septoria as well but im not sure why it would be mostly towards the leaf tips.
can you check to see if any other plants in the vicinity of where you put those plants outside are showing any of those types of spots with halos around them?

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Yea 90s hot. I don’t think it’s heat tho since the leaf taco is only on the leaves with rust spots. It does look like pics of sephoria. Internet said that doesn’t affect buds.:man_shrugging: plants have been on the deck for the most part when outside so I’m a bit skeptical of fungal infection.

Between heat and low rh, they are perspiring faster than water is available. They can’t cool themselves fast enough and are “burning”.
That’s my guess. If it’s not septoria.


I’d suggest a correct ph and 700 ppm feed of flower food with plenty of run off .

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Is runoff ph better than soil ph? I don’t have run off per se because of the SIP buckets but I tested a small sample of soil and got 6.0. Are those soil ph probes any good? I feel like you schooled me on this before.

What ph are you starting at?

Starting water is declorinated tap at about 7 ph

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And you ph down to 6.2 / 6.5 ?

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No I have been afraid to ph my starting water because this is my first soil run and I went all organic. I use recharge and I figured standard ph down would kill microbes or my organic street cred. Or something. Tried lemon juice but a few drops did nothing.

After you’ve mixed your feed what’s your ph ? You probably have a ph issue I’m thinking.

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I just did dry amendments and plan to top dress as soon as my dr. Earth granular arrives in a few days

I’d be buying some ph down and have some baking Soda around in case you drop your water to low . Try ph in the 6-6.5 mark see if things improve .