Seedlings a week old curling the first true leave

If you look at my grow diary everything is there. The only thing I can suspect is over watering
Or overfeeding. I let the bottom tray dry out but cups were still wet
I added some water with root drench
Tonight they looked like this


I drained off the water and set them on the patio for some afternoon sun. I hope they are better in the morning
I will move them inside tonight

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Seedlings need absolutely no food for the first two weeks at least… The round leaves (cotyledons) are their food source til the taproot can take hold of the ground or pot it’s in and establish stability…

Feeding before their first initial set of leaves will do that…like two full nodes above the beginning cotyledons and single blade leaves, then you’re good to feed


They dont look terrible.
Will likely grow out of it.

I wouldn’t be feeding them anything though.
I just use tap water for atleast the first few weeks. Easy to burn the roots.


I knew it! Damn. Does anyone want some foxfarm nutrients? All they do is mess me up

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Fox farm is good… Ocean forest needs a couple bags of potting soil to even it up a bit as it runs hot for seedlings but nicely for older transplants… Happy frog is a toss up but would still add a bit to it to level it out just in case


Well I have these bottles of shit sitting and I think for some stupid reason I need to use them!!
I cut the happy frog half with perlite and a little soaked peat. I would have been fine but I got a wild hair and added root drench to my water.
I knew better but I can’t help messing with shit.


Lol the best advice is to add a little LITFA and watch them go til they show signs of getting hungry


Should not be feeding them nothing at this point.
Notta zero zilch

Do I see burnt cotlydon tips?


I am unfortunately at home this weekend. Will have to resist running out to the grow room every fifteen minutes.
Yes I think the cotyledons are burned


INDEED, Z-E-R-O food, H20 only, sparingly!!! We want 'em to be strong, but NO Steroids required. See that large bottle of LITFA that @OleReynard sent ya? Take a swig and chill!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Not good only source of food at that age, photosynthesis


…? wait a minute… gimme that…

Uh huh… Mr :honeybee: 's bottle of LIFTA is filled with 195 proof green dragon… no wonder he keeps nipping at it & smiling! :laughing: :rofl: :+1:



They do not seem worse. The little second set of leaves have popped out and made the plus sign formation. Thanks guys :grinning:

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Don’t forget newborn baby tears, and unicorn dandruff.


Yeah, since they are so small right now, they haven’t even made much for roots. So, it’s easy to over water as well. They just don’t have the mechanism built up yet, to move water and uptake nutrients to the roots.

So, everything will scale up a little at a time till she’s vegging well. I always heard that once the leaves are stretching out to the edges of the pot they are in, then that’s a pretty good time to up-pot to the next size. Once you get them into more root space then they’ll need a bit more fert till you flip.

Cannabis will actually grow with only water, especially if it’s in natural ground. It’s always been hard for me to hold back, too. I’m a natural at messing with things. It’s easy to get yourself in a hurry and that’s when I usually mess up; by trying to hurry things along. It never works that way. They have their own timeline, lol.

Error on the lighter side of everything and you’ll usually never go wrong. That makes it a little easier to learn how to read the plant when it needs something extra, too.

Best vibes! peace


Yup. I like the clear cups, people criticize but they work for me. I can see there is still moisture in the soil and eventuallywhen the roots start circle I can see it.

The tip I saw here is to put a clear cup inside a dark one, you can easily check your roots without exposing them to light … beer3|nullxnull

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Yup I made. Scoozies from duct tape…lol

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