Plant patents, trademarks, what are they and how do they work, Let’s discuss facts

I am no expert on this topic.
You really need to be a high level lawyer to sort through it all.
But we can give it a hell of a try… :weight_lifting_man:

Please feel free to add more facts and correct anything that may be wrong, but, please cite everything you may claim, so we can see the source of your claims.
Please do your best to refrain from adding an opinion without at least citing the source for that opinion.
It would be best if we can keep this as fact-based as possible.

NOTE: These are great starting references to read:

These are my initial take-aways from reading the above and following works:

  • The pollen or seeds from a patented plant are not restricted by the patent, so a grower or other breeder can use them as they see fit, for example, to grow and breed as they see fit.

  • A plant patent only protects that specific plant (genotype), so if a different breeder created a variety with the same chemical makeup as the patented plant (or the same leaf color, for example), they aren’t infringing upon the plant patent holder. It’s only when it’s a utility patent that the copying breeder in this case would be infringing upon the patent. To infringe upon a plant patent the actual plant (genotype) is all that matters.

  • A plant variety protection certificate seems to provide more protection than a plant patent, as it also covers sexual reproduction. So a different breeder can’t use the protected plant to create new hybrids, except under the “research exception.” While plant patent is only about asexual reproduction. A big apparent difference here is the variety must be ‘true breeding,’ while a plant patent doesn’t make such a requirement.

  • A trademarked plant may be cloned and used as the grower or a different breeder sees fit, but the grower or breeder may not use the same name as the trademarked name.

  • In terms of Cannabis plants, I spoke with the “office of patent legal administration” at USPTO and I was told they will grant patents (plant and utility) for drug Cannabis plants.

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  • Grant of a patent for a plant precludes others from asexually reproducing or selling or using the patented plant. A plant patent is regarded as limited to one plant, or genome. A sport or mutant of a patented plant would not be considered to be of the same genotype, would not be covered by the plant patent to the parent plant, and would, itself, be separately patentable, subject to meeting the requirements of patentability. A plant patent expires 20 years from the filing date of the patent application. As with utility applications, when the plant patent expires, the subject matter of the patent becomes public domain.
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  • Plant patents, authorized by PPA, protect plant varieties that have been asexually reproduced, including cultivated sports*, mutants, hybrids, and newly found seedlings. They cannot be obtained for plants reproduced from seeds, tubers (e.g., Irish potatoes or Jerusalem artichokes), and wild varieties found in nature that are not asexually reproduced. Bulbs, corms, stolons, and rhizomes are not considered to be within the tuber exception. For a period of
  • A sport is an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of variation, usually as a result of a mutation.
  • Plant Variety Protection Certificates, authorized by PVPA, provide a form of protection for new, distinct, uniform, and stable varieties of sexually reproducing plants, except fungi, bacteria, tuberpropagated or uncultivated plants, and firstgeneration hybrids. PVPA is administered by the Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Under PVPA, the breeder can exclude others from selling, offering for sale, reproducing (sexually or asexually), producing a hybrid from the variety, and importing or exporting the protected variety. Two exemptions limit the certificate holder’s protection: farmers may save seed for crop production, and breeders may use the protected variety to produce new varieties-the so-called research exception. Furthermore, the Secretary of Agriculture can require the certificate owner to grant licenses to third parties if it is in the public interest. The period of exclusion is 18 years (7 U.S.C. 2483(b)).

  • Utility patents, issued under general patent law by the PTO, can be granted for plant inventions (35 U.S.C. 101) (8,16). Patents issued can claim plants, seeds, plant varieties, plant parts (e.g., fruit and flowers), processes of producing plants, plant genes, and hybrids. Utility patents for plants and varieties provide 17 years of protection for the owner. Chapter 3 discusses the requirements that inventions, including plants, must meet to be patentable.

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  • A patent legally prevents others from reproducing the protected plant variety by cuttings, tissue culture or any other method of asexual propagation without the written authorization or licensing of the patent holder. Possession of improperly propagated plants of patented varieties constitutes infringement, even if an illegal propagation was inadvertent.

  • Though asexual reproduction may be prohibited on a patented cultivar, there is no regulation against using the plant in sexual reproduction. In other words, the seed or pollen from a patented variety may be used without permission of the patent holder. The offspring are free of patent regulations.

  • If a plant is patented, a license is required from the patent holder in order to make cuttings of that plant, even if it is planted in your own back yard. Unlike with a copyright, there is no concept of “fair use rights” for patents in the United States.

  • Trademarking is another way that the nursery industry gets recognition for its varieties, explained Altland. It’s faster, easier and cheaper than the patenting process for a nursery company and is renewable every 10 years. A trademark helps consumers associate certain varieties with a company name, much like “Big Mac” is associated with McDonald’s. Trademarking helps companies build customer loyalty.
    [NOTE: It’s not possible to get US federal trademark protection of a Cannabis variety, cultivar, or other; but state trademark protection can be an opinion in some states.]

  • A trademark on a plant protects only the plant’s name, not the plant cultivar itself, as with a patent. Another person could propagate a trademarked plant, but not call it the same variety name. Examples of trademarked varieties include the popular “Wave” series of petunias.

  • Unlike a patented plant, if you buy a trademarked plant, you can propagate it asexually by taking cuttings. You can even sell the propagated plants for profit, but you can’t call those plants by the trademarked name or acquire your own trademark for those same plants. You can, however, use the plant’s cultivar name if it has one (shown in single quotes) – assuming that it isn’t also patented.

From…tellectual property protection for plants.pdf

  • A plant patent, like a utility patent, has a term of 20 years from the filing date of the application. However, unlike a utility patent, there is only one claim to the plant variety itself, for example, “A Bermuda grass plant substantially as described and illustrated in the specification herein”10. The claim may also recite certain distinguishing characteristics.

  • Until recently (1999), a plant patent only prevented another from selling or using the whole plant. However, 35 USC §163 has been amended in the most recent Congress so that the grant includes “the right to exclude others from asexually reproducing the plant, and from using, offering for sale, or selling the plant so reproduced, or any of its parts, throughout the United States, or from importing the plant so reproduced, or any parts thereof, into the United States”.

  • First, for asexually produced plants, a plant patent may be useful where it is difficult to meet the enablement requirement of a utility patent. Second, plant patents and PVP certificates only cover the plant variety and plants derived from the variety; a utility patent may cover similar plants, method of obtaining the plant, and method of use. Therefore, whenever possible, seek a utility patent.

  • The deposit of seeds to a recognized depository, such as the Agricultural Research Service Culture Collection, also known as NRRL, made in connection with a utility patent must be made publicly available after issuance of the patent; seeds deposited in connection with a PVPA are generally not publicly available. Publicly available seeds make the patent easier to infringe.

  • It is possible to obtain a plant patent but not a utility patent on an asexually reproduced plant that is discovered in a cultivated area. Therefore, if such a plant variety is actually isolated from a cultivated area, a plant patent would be the only protection available.

From…tellectual property protection for plants.pdf


I went to the Ball Gardens near Chicago… They make a TON of coleus and huechera. Most of their plant patents for them pertained to growing things from cuttings. This is why you see 4-6 “main” colors of coleus at the big box stores each year, and 2-3 huechera. If you look on their labels you will see a PP#. Seeds produced from crosses are ok though. But if you ever grew coleus, you know one plant makes 1000 varieties. then its serious cloning time… cause you’ll never reproduce that color consistently. Hence the PP protecting that specific genotype / color. They can’t patent ALL coleus!


This is deep , but something I would like to have a better understanding of. Gracias brother


I think @LemonadeJoe is a top high flying lawyer like them ones in la law : )


Great thread! Going to add a relevant link for other Canadians:

Plant Breeder’s Rights Act

I hear it’s hard to prove you have a “novel” strain of cannabis but this is what we’ve got here.


Very interesting bro :thinking:

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Are they open to the public? That sounds like a place I’d like to check out and it’s not too far from me

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I am not sure but I think so (maybe limited hours?) the gardens were gorgeous to walk thru, the greenhouses might not be open to the public. I was there for a work outing during a week long business conference. So we had the place to ourselves for an evening.

Looks like by appt only, and only in august… Here’s their site:

Ball Horticultural


Thanks, appreciate it. I’ve got a bunch of coleus seedlings going. Wish I would have started them a bit earlier, but even if They don’t get large enough in time to do too much for me outdoor hopefully I’ll find some nice ones for houseplants.


They do grow pretty fast. I made cuttings in an “intermittent mist sandbed” propagation system, and they root in no time. That led me to putting some in full sun, but misted, and they grew FAST. Misters run 10 seconds every 10 mins from 1hr after sunrise to 1hr before sunset. Love coleus in the beds here. Havent gotten any this year, and didnt collect seed last year, the popped earlier than expected…

You’ll have them big enough for this summer, no worries :wink:


It’s going to be interesting in the near future, with big ag trying to enforce patents on breeders and growers who are very accustomed to operating outside of the law.

The new black market under full legalization will be hiding from corporate lawyers instead of the feds.


I did intellectual property but my specialty was copyrights, not patents. Had to take a couple patent classes but that was 10 years ago and all I remember is fuck monsanto. But there were issues and questions about patenting dna or living organisms and that law is prolly diff now than 10 years ago and will keep changing.

Problem is monsanto has so much money that its cheaper for farmers to just use their seeds instead of fighting it. Especially if they had non-monsanto/roundup resistant seeds but their neighbor did and the genectics get mixed. Then monsanto could claim they were using their patented product and force the non-monsanto farmer to pay. So shady. Enough that there was push back 10 years ago to the entire concept of patents on plants.

TL;DR at one time I could help, but not so much now. #notlegaladvice


I just kinda skimmed this…

My take on this is it’s a shit scare tactic. All MJ originated as landraces that have been cultivated for millennia. There is no way someone, especially someone from the modern breeding scene could technically defend a copy right.
@LemonadeJoe Further, I’m sure we are all familiar with kennel clubs and such. There really, really needs to be something like this for MJ. Seeds are now legal, let’s start the North American Cannabis breeder association. Preserve, collect, and cherish the plant.



It’s really the people’s plant…if there were a breeders association they could set up like a conservation group. Make sure that the plant doesn’t get taken from those that grow and cherish it.

I bet there could even be us grant money involved for the organization, seeds are legal, farm bill, MJ is soon to be rescheduled.



Well they kinda did that with open source cannabis.
That turned out to be a scam too…

But it would be nice if done correctly.


Free the weed man! Weed was here before people…and weed will be here long after we’re gone and all their bullshit patents are lost to time.


I’m serious about the "kennel club " type organization for marijuana. It wouldn’t be difficult and if we as growers want the plant to be cultivated and conserved correctly an organization such as this is necessary. First step would be getting a lawyer to file non profit paper work to set it up as a non profit. It’s as simple as sending in the correct documents.



Biggest thing I can see is if someone alters it on the genetic level with crispr or something. Then they would be able to patent the created DNA sequence of the GMO strain they created. Whether to increase yeild, improve pest and mold resistence, or whatever. They would also own anything crossed with it.


Theoretically they could, but in reality they can’t. Given the nature of global marijuana there are millions of people that have a potential claim to the genetics of a plant and a savvy lawyer could argue as such against any patent.
The reality is a big Corp can’t just walk onto the scene now that weed is legal and begin using their $$$ to patent and control MJ or a strain.


Marijuana is like open source code…:wink::wink:
