I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Spent an hour looking for mites. In Mom tent and big tent. Didnt find anything moving, no eggs. Big tent ladies are happy. Some burnt leaf, some unpretty ones, from spraying lights on. From spraying real heavy too. Not a concern, be nicer if they were pic perfect, but with spraying 30 times thats not gonna happen. Cool thing is it appears they are gone, and i will stop hitting the big tent. Let them have 5 weeks to build bud and finish will be really nice. Next week ill make it rain clean fresh water in the tent, and then let them finish out.

Smells from the Strawberry Cough are pretty cool. Cant describe it, but its pungent, SHARP , and high pitched, lol.

Smells from the Blue Dream are also very good. Both have STICK GALORE and budding very nicely.

The Lost Cake’s are acting like Goji, and throwing a 100 golf ball hard nuggs. Not gonna stack, but will yield real well, the buds are super dense like WC buds.

Big ladies enter week 6 tomorrow. They are on full on flower ratio , and will be till the end. Ill back off to 1/2 nute load last week , maybe , lol. Not a believer in the “flush” , with FULL ON NUTES my ladies will “fade” all on their own, nothing to do with whats in my REZ, it’s their life cycle. Long as there is little to no N in the REZ, they will fade whether my level is 1800PPM or 8 ppm…so the whole flush deal to me is just that…flush, as in flush a toliet, not your plants. OF COURSE, JMHO :sunglasses:

Lights in big tent CRANKED to 100%. Ladies looking at 1200 PAR across the canopy…let the building begin. Lights are to strong, when big time “pray” happens, ill raise them a scoch . Then it’s there till the end, sucking in the lumens.

Mom tent is finally …GOOD!!! Little fuckers are no where to be seen, checked every single plant and 80% of all leaf. It is showing too. All of a sudden my “hard to root” plants are now rooting, not seeing any leaf issues, and the fresh cuts are standing tall and looking likje they want to go to the big game, lol.

Ill pull my T5’s next week, place a GLS640 in Mom tent, (4x4) and get a big tents worth of ladies ready to be Octopoted!

Next run will be 5 weeks out from now, Ill use the 5 x 10 Tent, and probably 3 GLS 640’s (yeah, im shutting down for the heat wave :face_vomiting:) . All going in same time if all goes to plan.

Whats gonna make it??? Well, for sure Triangle Kush, Tahoe OG , and the Skunk thing. I will pull cuts for Mom’s off them, not induce flowering till i have MOMS of those 3.

Wedding Cake will be in every tent i run, so one or two of her for sure.

Have 3 rooted Frankies, she roots FAST and WELL. She already has 3 inch roots to WC’s stubs, lol.
Been holding off on her, thinking her time is now, at least one of them .

Got the 3 sets of seeds. @santero 's F3 GDP, and @SamwellBB Baked Beans, Dosidos, and the Wedding Cake x something cross. Thinking at least one of each of those gotta go in.

R is giving me a cut of the AK47 he gifted me, and if i get it in time, he said pulling cuts in a few weeks, she will certainly go in. Im about out of the 1/2 Z he gave me, and im gonna miss it. Very cool taste, very good clean functional high.

Figure if im going , might as well go first class, load up the big tent, put my 2 Cannatrols to good use.
Here comes another jungle…


hey @Mrgreenthumb @ifish @ShiskaberrySavior @MyLittleGrundle

POURING rain here, me n the pack are stuck inside :poop:


Cloudy with some wind here today . Could definitely stand to get some rain things are really dry and lots of fires all around us . Fire bans across the whole province right now.


Cloudy here, things are drying out getting ready for summer, time to get the outdoor cranked up. Hello Jet, hope you have a cool quiet day


That sucks brother. I’m sure you and the pack are going stir crazy. I can’t say the same. It been gorgeous here. We have had three great days in a row and another four coming up according to the weather man. Not much trust in that guy but I’ll stay positive. Got the days chores done in the garden and now going to get I. The car for a ride and gonna smoke a fatty. Hope the day clears up for my man.




GDP, WC x 33 , and Dosido get Dixie’s tomorrow or Tuesday . Should have enough to get a female from all. The X is fem seed so there is that . Only 2 GDP , luck be on my side please :sunglasses:

Nuff soil ready for all these , the cuts, and the new clones coming Tuesday . I’m ready


Your going to love that Dosido. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


do si do was one of the nicest smelling plants i have grown and golf ball rocks, cant wait to see this 5x10 up and running!


that’s a stellar line up, bro !! :slight_smile:
sam’s wedding cake/gelato x dosidos burned a HOLE into my tent.
those rocked my cabs like few others, killer-genetics at play.

@SamwellBB 's creations always peak out over all other things → it’s a sure bet.

i can’t wait to see those two lines show their sexy in separate form :slight_smile:
i have no doubt you will make them all shine, @Jetdro


great photos of that (Wedding Cake x Gelato) x Dosido # 9 strain San :fire: - he’s got the Wedding Cake x Gelato f1s from Seed Junky


yeah, i can’t wait to see how they compare in jet’s cabs :slight_smile:

do you maybe still have some of those #9 F3’s, bro?
i’d kill for the chance to run those in pure form.
i still have some of archive’s #22 f2’s, but not many :confused:


Thanks to you @SamwellBB


Hey @santero

How is your wife doing ???


better :slight_smile: things were so bad that any development was a way up …
through constant help of a few very dedicated / reliable OG-members
she recieves the medication she needs !

we want to report about that but feel uneasy about legality in our country.
hopefully it gets legalized soon, so we can let everyone openly see how
well RSO helps with her MS :star_struck:

thank you for asking, jet ! any kind of good vibes help her through the day.
this here is one of those things. it appears small to some but it is a mountain
of good vibes for her … thank you , brother !! :slight_smile:


Glad to hear she is doing better @santero, maybe one day your country will get it together and legalize…



So you are getting RSO and it is helping her ?

So good to hear that .

Understand the legal issues , we’re not legal here either , on anything .

Tell her lots of folk here have her in their prayers , and hope she has good days


What’s up @Mrgreenthumb


I still have a pack of those dosido #9 f3s I can send ya if Samwell doesn’t have it. Just let me know :relaxed:


Mornin @Jetdro