I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Now ive seen this dudes, thinking ill just make my own…the dixie cup deal @ShiskaberrySavior


Sounds like a plan then Dixie’s it is. As far as that show it’s not bad definitely not super informative I’m sure he isn’t in charge of the grow almost like he had a teleprompter he was following is how I felt watching it. Definitely some interesting stuff, good way to kill some time.

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Doesnt sound good…

Could just be me I might of been expecting more from it . Wasn’t bad enough to quit watching it .
Maybe he was high and needed help remembering shit. Lol

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Isn’t that SFV OG from B good bro? I’ve been blazing it for a couple days now, it’s very nice, sticky, dank! Bit racey for what I remember but I’m sure taken a bit longer she’d lay you out too.


I have the Amnesia core cut for many years but haven’t done many grows with her lately. Recently almost lost her. It made me reevaluate her value which is a lot! If you don’t know what you’ve got 'till it’s gone is true, i guess i am a quick student!


All kinds a ways to skin a cat. :sunglasses:

Ha! I know PNW when I see it. I just got the AK47 and Tampa Crippy from him! We traded like 8 cuts with each other, no charge. Sweet deal. He used to be on Strainly but left last year. Everything he sent then had some disease, but I was prepared, and his cuts are always great. He’s back at it now but just doing it through personal email. These newest 8 have been pretty sickly but free of pests at least.


This is my preferred method to send and receive plants.


Is he on IG or where is his information?

Yeah, PNW is a great guy. He sadly had a problematic neighbor who kept giving him some problems so he had to move his whole grow to get away from that :face_with_head_bandage: but his new spot is clean and he has fresh clean moms


TADA…looks great , nice n clean too, cept hose trip hazard :sunglasses: @ColeLennon


I have that exact same chair thing here, sit on it to water my octos


Growing Belushi

Total bullshit, total written script, poor acting…not nuff bud stuff…his REAL knowledge is limited Males grow seeds , lol

Why am i still watching it, on episode 3

Not sure, but not going to download anymore of it…it’s fake, 100% made up fake


Gonna be some pail thunkers on those plants. What week is that ?


Glad it wasn’t just my thoughts on that series.

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Yesterday started week 6…so day 36 today

Big honker is Strawberry Cough…she got 3 more weeks, gonna stack big time…

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Outta frigging likes again someone should open a like store so I guy can buy some .


Smells are outrageous, very high pitched, very “sativa” smelling to me, if you know what i mean. Been a minute since i ran real Saty’s!!! :sunglasses: