I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Took him 2 months to respond to my request

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Still pouring , everything is flooded , we are house bound again


Hey @Papalag

Got on insta and messaged Farmer for you told him to answer your request

E. K correct ???,


Hey , think I got a boatload of hash I can play with today , forgot about it , believe it’s been in freezer a week now :sunglasses:


Nothing better than extracts you forget about and find down the road…. Especially when you are out. Jealous as I literally smoked the last of my hash stash yesterday morning in my wake n bake.

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That should be looking good by now . So you going to keep it stored in the freezer or jar it?

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Was hoping for an ounce , got 25 grams


I’ve put in it a jar with desiccants and placed in bag .

98 % humidity here , within 2 minutes of pulling from freezer it clumped .


Day 37 in Big Tent, everyone doing their jobs

Those are my X’s, Lost Cap and Lost Cake, 1st one is Lost Cap. Has Mac’s goo, but she is NOT Mac. Building different, different colors, way different smells , will be cool @Papalag to compare her at day 50 to your Mac day 50 pic


:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: cool

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What are you running nute wise @Jetdro always Killin it?

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Same as ever. Urban Farms Texas Veg feed for all of veg, first 3 weeks of flip, then over to Jacks. Week 4 is 10 30 20 straight, week 5 is 10 30 20 50% with 5 12 26, rest of it is straight 5 12 26 . Nothing else. No snake oils, dont buy into them. My PPM’s are low, but i feed EVERY water, and the Octopot’s feed daily, so slow n constant feed.

“Forward Growing” is what i practice, something me n @ifish n @Hamme n @Papalag made up years back. We watch NPK ratio’s, not so much the PPM levels, but we focus on correct NPK ratios for each cycle of the plants life. We build leaf n branch in veg, we set up for flower production in early flower, we drop the N and grow BUD, not leaf, during weeks 5-finish. We constantly “push” the plant forward, we never let her go backwards, its always FORWARD…Forward through the fog (of bullshit feed plans)


DAMN…the bubble is pretty freaking Damn GOOD!!!


Somehow I knew it was Jacks…. Nice!

man i literally just traded a whole pack of the RIL away on Monday.


I read your journal…i posted in here begging for some not long ago


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i must’ve missed it or thought you had it covered or something :see_no_evil:

If you do get some, watch those fuckers as I already had a whole pack of em herm on me.
Tony will just tell ya to shave the legs… sacrifice that yield.

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I will not grow a hermie…second i see 1st nut sac, its gone, and all its companion seeds. I have too much genetics to go through to fuck with unstable poly’s…screw that.

In fact, screw all that shit. As i said earlier, im clone man now…as you know Holy, these folk spend their LIFE X’s shit, running 100’s of plants to find these gem’s. Im not into it, i like SMOKING BUD, good bud.
I will let the nspecta’s and Orgnkid’s and Bodhi’s do all that work, they would have a better eye than i would anyway.

I WORKED 55 years to be able to BUY these things without causing me hardship. Folks say.DAMN, you spent 200 bucks on a clone??? You nuts…NO IM NOT

You buy your 150-200 pack o beans, run them, get 3 females, one is OK…spent 5 months doing that .

Ill run the proven clone and be smoking her with a cure by then. Smoking killer bud too. I cloned her, ran 5 others next to her, and put a pound in my cooler…your hunting pheno’s…

To each his own. My time now is my time. I LIKE looking into my tent and seeing a plant that was chased and pheno hunted, maybe for years or a decades, and seeing the show she puts on. KNOWING what im getting in the end.

SURE…cool as shit, and i use to love it, to run your own shit and find gems. Very cool.

I did it for 3 decades. Did i find ANYTHING as good as my Weddiong Cake, or Mac…ah, that would be a big no. Found many many really nice plants…but no ELITE plants. WC and Mac are absolutely ELITE plants. There is a difference.

I get @HolyAngel work and dedication . With his talent and desire, he will find something. May be 10 years from now, or next month, but he will. I never did, and now dont care to.

This years journey is to run all the elites i can source, and build a stable of maybe 10 plants i LOVE to smoke. Clone hunting is only way i can do it in a year…so thats my plan and im sticking to it.

Damn im ripped on theis bubble…



Farmer wants to know your name on INSTAGRAM so he csn approve your app


Mine are old from original release, not from the OG buy, direct from @Great_lakes_Genetics i split on a pack with @Kyumonryu .


What the RIL’s??? @TopShelfTrees1


I didnt realize these were going to EH land. Thought US based overnight delivery. This is different .

Not gonna send tomorrow , going to let your cuts root in the Dixie’s, get real happy, and start to grow before i send on a 10 day ride. Thinking by Monday or Tuesday . Be best for them, and a few days wont kill ya i hope. Thye just rooted as you know. Let them have a week under my T5’s to fill the dixies and get nice and green green. Ill feed em with Mist before sending, will feel much better about it.

Ones dude sent me yesterday had 2 weeks of roots on them…look at the pics i posted. We need those roots to make it and plants real healthy. Weak from rooting, let them recover @TopShelfTrees1