I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I quit trying to read them all months ago. :rofl:


It’s true, this one moves fast and hard. Just glad Jetdro doesn’t give pop quizzes on thread content. C+ maybe a B- is all I’d score


Lmao for sure man

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Finn is half Husky, why one blue eye. Why he is different from my other 3. He is on “hunt” 100% of his life, or “guard” , never in la la play land, he has a job and he takes it seriously.

The other 3 have play in them , his hunt side too, but only 50% of his drive. I HAVE TO keep him busy, mentally and physically or he would be a handful. All four go to sleep every night tired…not bored.

The were bred to herd and follow order’s, they are like work a holic’s , ones without a daily release of their limitless energy become “bad dog’s” .

NEVER the owners fault. None of my four have ever hurt anything, ruined anything, or caused any trouble. I can trust them everywhere, because they ARE NOT wound tight like a spring, like every other Shepherd, Pit, Husky, and large herding or workinmg dog we see when out on missions’s.

My four will lay quietly on the floor, being respectful , when night falls. They dont get in my way, but ready ready ready for ANY adventure my stoned ass comes up with…


Finn can be just sick to your stomach scary when pushed to his limit. At 107 of solid 100 % muscle, and FIT FIT , when he is up on his toes, hair fluffled , tail 2 foot wide, neck arched and growling…

HE SCARES ME…lol…i know he would never hurt me, i could beat him with a rubber hose till he died he would not hurt me…but fucks sake he is intimidating.

He is 150% CHILL , rules his pack with a soft velvet hand, but all respect him and show it , without him having to do power plays. Takes an incredible amount of shit thrown at him before he will go off.

HE WILL 100% protect me and the other 3 too. Happened twice.

2 nasty very large dog’s were playing real rough with Paddle in the park. Got to point Paddle, even though bigger, (still a pup) was scared, and running . They started just mouthing him while running , but it escelated to a real attack quick. One grabbed Paddle by the neck and took him down. Finn , who was calmly watching it all, realized about the same time i did Paddle was about to get mauled. As i started to yell and run towards PAddle, the second dog was bee linning it for Paddles back legs. I was like oh SHIT, this is going down!!!

A blur went by me at 35MPH and it happened so fast im really not sure what exactly went down. Finn lept from 15 feet out at 30 MPH and hit the holding dog. Before i could focus, he was on the 2nd dog. First dog came at him from behind. Finn spun, let out this blood curdling growl…both ran off. One was running on 3 legs and howling. Finn looked 9 feet tall and 300 lbs…stood over Paddles and barred his teeth .

We were downtown in DA HOOD buying bud, when i wasnt growing. In Subarau, waiting on dark street corner for my “guy” .

All of a sudden my door opens, brother grabs me, tries to pull me out of the car. Im big, my shirt rips, Finn leaps out back side window . Dude lets go, i hear a LOUD OH FUCK…then a scream. See brother limping down the street, Finn at back of car hair up GROWLING AND BARKING and him.

He screamed till he was out of range and we couldnt hear him.

When i walk with my 4, which is everywhere , i need not have much fear. I trained Finn to protect, none of the others but they also would if pressed.

GLAD some of you here like them, cause they are pretty much my world…


Your pack is awesome Jet, i always enjoy the pics of their activities. They have the best life a dog could ask for.


Nite nite ladies


The led’s make all my leafs look bad…this is how they actually look. Light out


It really is all about how you raise them. And they need more attention than 90% of owners ever give them. Like with pits terrible rep but when treated right there one of the most loyal obedient pet you could have. And from the way you are with them I’d say you need them as much as they need you. It good to see people giving them the life they deserve.


I’m a dog guy. Nothing like a smart alpha! I really enjoy stories about your pups.


lmao i kinda get ocd when my anxiety kicks in and have to read them all before i can try to fall bacl asleep… keeps me busy i guess


Smartest Alpha i ever saw, and chillest too.

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SO COOL…no more unhappy, no more bullshit, MOM tent is bug free and HAPPY HAPPY

Right in time for the next run

Last shot of shitty old Mom tent…next week it gets thrown out and new Gorilla goes up


Hey @Papalag

Did you order from Farmer yet ???

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No not yet still debating on what


Simple, buy shit i dont have, we can trade. Save us both $$$$


Morning brother Jet, and the rest of the crew!


Looking good man. :sunglasses:


It’s a good time to pick up cuts from FJ

GMO has some bangers too: He actually paid 10K for that Chimera 3 just so he could get it out there for less


So many gems! :drooling_face: