I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

yup you were smart i am deaf so last few years was tough to find decent jobs and i made just enough to not get any disability lol. my income covers rent and ibills and i drive disabled ppl around for grocieries during the week here n there that covers the food. but i make the best of it because i did it to myself. just happy to be alive. and the smoke keeps me from reality LOL


just dont miss 2 days in a row lol then you will have 200 plus posts to read and spend a good hour catching up.


Hell yeah there the pack. Happiest dogs I’ve ever seen. It gotta be a great life being jets dogs lol

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love that he gets them out in nature. nothing worse than beautiful dogs locked in houses and yards.

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Yeah for sure and there nothing worse for a German shepherd than having nothing to do. And if your jets dog you get to eat chicken every night haha. I just wonder if jet the alpha of the house or finn lol


Oh it’s me


I see it everyday, I live in a condo now since last year, and two people here have huskies that only go outside to go to the bathroom 8 ft out the back door then locked up, almost fought the guy one day cuz he said it’s just a dog bro! Wtf just a dog, my dog is my best friend, and other love of my life, mines a shi-tzu and we walk 3 times a day faithfully no matter what . People like him should not be allowed to have pets, the girl either. I’ve never seen her leave her 4x8 front yard with it in the year and a bit I’ve been here. My wife wants to steal them lol


Huskies specifically need to work and run. To bad. :upside_down_face:

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Ya it’s ludicrous they are absolutely gorgeous loyal to the core workhorses that just love the outdoors. It truly is sad, I even offered to walk it for the girl, she took offence called me a stalker and shit

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Ignorance. We want what we want. Most people get dogs that aren’t the best fit. See cute and not think about what is best for this particular animal. In a perfect world huh.


So true bro. So true


Buy once cry once.

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I didn’t realize your humidity was that high where you live @Jetdro i have not made hash thinking it’s too humid to dry it here but 51% is where my rH stays at so sounds like it’s doable for sure. Been thinking of ways to store extra product long term and hash temple balls sounded like a great way.
hey @ColeLennon curious what a vape like that runs in a legal state? here they just sell delta8


You can get killer ones here for 25-30$ a pop or 5 for 100$ I love the honey badger shatter sticks, even the vape itself is nice, stealth and rechargeable


Most people are asshole just sucks for the ones stuck with with them.

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I’m sure every one of them would sacrifice them self to protect you. No alarm system needed with four gsd.

It’s premium live resin 30.00 a gram

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This is my closest pot shops cartridge menu on leafly.

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Wow! This thread has been active as hell today. I’ve had to come back to it to finish it. Good things happen at Jets place. Exciting things happening.



Man it insane you can’t miss a day or you will have a hour or more of reading to catch up. And it top notch quality Convo. Og by far has the best members.