I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Was , saw some swings in humidity I couldn’t understand . Well today I know what it was . The dehumidifier I had up there went wonky .
Wasn’t coming on properly , not turning off correctly either . Saw10 percent humidity swings I had to manually adjust .

Replaced that unit with the one downstairs that I know works right at 6 am this morning .
Humidity been 59 to 61 percent SINCE ! Fuck me , love n learn I always say .

WC and Mac have 3 more days then room is turned off .

Yes room worked really well other than the failing unit . Buds reek, are hard , styrofoam feel , stable in the Grove Bag all day today

Harvest was successful :sunglasses:


Thanks man .

Did 8 ounces of Blissful yesterday . Have 20 more to do …….argh , but Weddying Cake and Mac done Monday , don’t want to burn myself out on the Wizard and not want to to WC and Mac . I put BW in big totes set at 60 percent humidity .

Having a ufc party tomorrow night , see if I can enlist some trimmers , lol

But we ALL KNOW how that goes. Spend more time showing them, then they do shity job on 2 branch’s while you’ve done 15 :see_no_evil:




Been there done it

Too many times



I got one buddy that helps trim my outdoor. We knock out wet trim of 2 clones in 5-6 hours fuckin around eating-smokin-vapin. So we knock out my 6 clones in like a total 15-18 hours over 3 sittings. I hope he never gets sick or dies. :rofl:


The Mac and WC will be easy trims , the BW much harder and more effort .

Dry went really well on the BW. Bagged up 2 quarter pound Grove bags . One set at 58 percent other at 60 . That was before 10 am today . Just checked them , 58 and 60
Cure is on , bags work a charm when proper percentage bud is placed in them


You need one of these.

I have the manual one and it’s the shit. For me at least.


Not a chance

No way it looks like this coming out of those

Thinking it would beat the shit out of the Tri’s


Trimmed a touch of WC and Mac just to see .

See above pics .

Very happy with them

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That looks pretty fuckin good. :100: I need to grow a pair and manicure my shit.


I cannot smoke buds that aren’t “tight” . I will trim those that aren’t before I roll with it
RPITA to trim that tight but that’s how I like it .

Trimmer do that @ColeLennon ???


Not the ipower bowl trimmer I have. @ShiskaberrySavior has one that probably comes close to that. :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:

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Hey @ShiskaberrySavior

Show me what your trimmer does to buds please .

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That’s a pic of my last run of MAC1 before I lost it. That’s the way they came out of the Riesentek but I also tweaked and played with the blade adjustments to get that result.
I always hear the beaten trichrome argument but I can’t tell the difference. Just something to consider. I pick off big fans first but otherwise I just dump the buds in and don’t crank the handle real fast.



I cheat a bit and angle the trimmer so they don’t tumble as long keeping some sugar leaf still on them.
Also blade adjustment changes there appearance also.



New Octo transplants never suffered, about to take the fuck off. Tommorrow they will get foirst LST treatment.
We are on! :sunglasses:

Tent 2 & Tent 3 DAY 21 TODAY. Got their 1st transitional feed this morning, ALL looking great!

Mac 1


Lost Cake

Cereal Milk (killing it)

Grape Pie…had to wrench 4 necks on her , sorry bout shit pic

Sucking the Rez’s dry in 3 days, they are about to MOVE

Just got notice from usps my mold will be here by Noon :sunglasses: PERFECT, just in time for the fights tonight.

Invited 12 folks over to watch fights n test buds. IF enough show up( i know how that goes, will be lucky if 3 come, lol ) ill do a “blind” Cup with my buds. Will be cool and fun, see others take on them.

Problem will be this: ALL of them are “casual” smokers. The Wizard, The Mac, and the WC WILL FLATTEN them on only a few hits, lol! I can see it now… :woozy_face:


Grove’s working perfectly


You need a few chronic smokers to suck back some bud . So you haven’t got fed up with the grape pie and turfed them yet not sure if they’ll measure up to your standards ?


She is largest and strongest in Tent 3. Had to break 4 necks to keep her under the lights

Ill go take a pic woth my phone