I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Damn, I knew he was an ass but WOW! Sorry you went through that my man. Ida been in jail and the on the news on my on station had I endured that. You’re a better man than me

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Man I thought I worked for some asshats! I guess the more they pay the bigger sucks they become.

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@Jetdro Remember that Bean Bag Man commercial that ran around town back around that time? I would shoot those and make fun of him because of that…until he told me he made about 15k a week from the exposure and people wanting to buy furniture from THE Bean Bag Man.


He YELLED and screamed at us EVERY DAY EVERY HOUR. Threatened all of us with our jobs 10 times a week.

I was not Jet or Jethro to him…i was …Genuis…or Albert…or JERK, he called me JERK about 15 times a day.

He would csll sales meeting like 45 times a day. EVERY one was a come to JESUS session. EVERY ONE at least one of us was threatened with our job, and made fun of in front of our peers.

He fired me 16 times, i quit 11. I just couldnt take being PUNKED, NOT MY STYLE, not a fucking bit!

Although i made 28 years…NEVER more than 2.5 years in a row, either was fired, quit, or some other version of those two.

MY SANITY has returned , or returning , lol, now that i told him toi fuck off for the last time. Im set, i got the Cannatrol, lol, im NOT going back EVER AGAIN…i hope…lol


Jet did you know Stanton Rep Bunt or another guy they called Chock

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Not Mac, John Turbyville…TURBO as we called him. Worked with us for 5 -7 years, took Mac’s profit sharing money (we lost the profit sharing after Turbo’s move ) and opened a store 1 mile down the feeder road from Gallery…LMAO…

Where the Ben Bag’s are…his slogan, with the net and 100 bags in it out front of store on hiughway.

We are friends. He was into boats.

He owns SEVERAL 200K boATS…AND A PAID FOR million dollar house .

Furnture has been VERY VERY GOOD TO US …


We sold the Bean Bags also to get folks in the door. We sold em for $8. Sold em by the 18 wheeler load ( bout 4-600).


Chock Lemond. Married our office manager who i use to date, lol. Small world.

Chock was hiding outdside the loading dock at Gallery, bent down under the dock outside. Truck backed a trailer into him and SMASHED him into the end of the concrete dock. WAS UGLY, i helped carry him to the stretcher.

He got mangled…him and Linda fell out over the lawsuit he filed against Mac.

OF COURSE…OF COURSE…when you fuck with a billionaire…YOU LOSE. YOU JUST LOSE…dont matter the back up beeper didnt work…didnt matter no one backing truck in, no matter NOTHING…BILLIONAIRE WINS…

IF you dont KNOW THIS…tust me, it is so, seen it 100 times. MONEY TALKS, connections rule, PEONS LIKE US LOSE


Damn, we probably crossed paths and didn’t even know it. I was the tall, dashing peon holding the television camera


I was the tall dark haired one either helping a LADY CUSTOMER, or being screamed at by Godzilla

Sure we crossed paths…ALL the tire marks at George’s place where put there by me. He pissed me off so bad i would go there every night after work on way home and launch the Mustang in his lot. He KNEW it was me…confronted me several times, was fired over it 2 times. He also hated i could SMOKE his “bad ass” baby blue “limited edition” “one of a kind” Saleen …thst cost 9 times what i had in my car, lol

OH thiose were the days.

ONLY cool thing other than big money was i had an out on anything i did, Mac owns half this town. I was immune to tickets, police hassles, and could have him get me out of any shit i found myself in. OF COURSE i “owed him” big time for each incident, lol, but he owned me anyways so WTF. So glad he protected my bud growing ass!!!


How peaceful


Note to self

Cuts taken today 3 14 23

WC, Mac, CM

First set of WC cuts taken 15 days ago not rooted, looking worse for wear. CM not rooted either. Both Mac’s rooted well already and in Dixies. New gel didnt solve issue of WC n CM not wanting to root

Damn it.


This thread is bongos. Looks like you got it going on over there jetdro.


So sitting here with wife puffin on a bowl of Blissful Wizard. Pretty fucked up! Great fuckin cute brother, just perfect. I absolutely love the smell. Very floral and potpourri smelling, which I love, but it’s got something else on the back end. Reminds me of something but I can’t put my finger on it. The high is very nice. Warm towel around your cranium. Relaxing. Very enjoyable all around. I’ve been parked on the treads for a while. Need to hit this again. :sunglasses:




Long term storage test ala @ShiskaberrySavior

Vac sealed in a hard plastic tub no top so buds not crushed , into freezer . See how it goes

New sealer has a pulse button , works excellent for adjusting perfect pressure


How long do you plant to store this until you test it?


Once a month or so for a year or two I hope . Not my favorite. Plant so little hits of her a month apart will be easy to do


I like this experiment. Hope it works out nicely because I was planning on freezing some as well. I like the tub without a top idea brother. Did not even come close to thinking of that


I’m stoned so I’m gonna bag up half ounces of 4 different kinds and vac seal them for handy usage, lol

Put each half in zip lock , then vac seal on pulse till just snug . Be like a popsicle bud