I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Good morning my brother

The paps punch f2 I got one very Sativa looking and buds smell like a sharpie marker

The other very indica looking not much of a smell yet ( it’s not in flower as long ) but is a beast

Ty for making f 2 I thought I lost the line forever



Sharpie is what the ones I ran smelled of


Bd and Sc starting to make bud :sunglasses:

Lost Cap too

And Lost Cake also , gonna be a big harvest

Tomorrow Mac and WC get the axe , will only leave me with the title of this thread then , get back to them :100:


Wedding Cake with a 6 week cure is absolutely fantastic . Been puffin her daily for a few months and still love it . For me , that’s saying something . Wish I could describe its smell/taste because it is , to me , exactly what good bud is suppose to taste like .

Anyone reading my thread REALLY GOOD at describing taste and smells ???
I know what I like and don’t like , but just can’t pic out what flavors smells are in bud . Once someone tells me, it sometimes becomes clear .Cereal Milk is the exception , I can describe its smell , lol . I don’t like grapefruit taste , hate the floral taste too . I like what I call “dank” . Cannot describe it , but my first though when hitting weed to my liking is …. Like when I hit WC or Mac ……damn , that’s friggin dank! Lol
Just a heaviness , a weight , something that tells me it’s really good .

Mac and WC taste different , yet both , when I first hit them , post a 6 foot flashing neon sign in my mind ……DANK ……. Lol

Anyone relate ???


Oh yeah man. I know exactly what you mean. A friend busted out a bag that his wife said smelled like a foot. I found it smelled really dank with no fruit in it at all. I loved it.


It can be sweet or a bit fruity and still have dank to me . Just not floral perfume smelling tasting bud , lot of Cooke type stuff . Mac is sweet as Hell to me , not fruity , but Dank .
Wc to me is thick and creamy and “dark” , lol

Best I got


The Wedding Cake I’ve had has had a vanilla, doughy type smell to me. Almost like cookie dough and/or cake batter type sweet smell. And then dank kush.



It’s the Kush part , my WC has kush taste

How the F do you describe kush ???

My WC had the dough and vanilla you mention . Certainly creamy and vanilla dough .

When someone ‘splains it to me , my mind can make the connection .

Yes WC tastes creamy dough vanilla

Cool !!

But then there is the Dank/ Kush , lol

Wtf is that ???




I use to have a great pallet. Being a chef it’s important to have a discerning tongue. That said, Covid fucked that all sorts of up. Food has come back better than my tastes of flower. Everything seems muted. My nose has been effected as well. Friends have come over to smoke and hang and they have tried everything I have and they can taste and smell way better than I.



On another note, your lost cake will be germinated this week. Tomorrow most likely.


@Jetdro I’ve read that you wash your bud. How long do you let it hang to dry afterwards? I’m ready to give it a try this next harvest especially since I’ve been finishing all my plants outside this year. Obviously you can taste the difference?

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I am terrible at describing or differentiating taste and smell of smoke. I can only go by the effect.

Chop em , fans off , wash them , put in clothes basket in front of giant garage fan out back for half an hour , then hang 24 to 36 hours before Cannatrol unit does the rest


I don’t do well with describing smells either but mac has a unique smell to me too, I got a sack of it probably 3 years ago and if I smelled it again I can pinpoint it. The East Side Mac I just ran has the aroma to an extent but not full blown.

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Do you mean literal fans or the fan leafs?

Leaf , remove all fans and large leafs

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Understood, thank you. Couple more questions please and I’ll leave you be. Would you do this step even before you had the Cannatrol? I remember how humid Houston was but I’ve moved to a Mediterranean climate. If you lived here would you still remove the large fan leaves for the wash?

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Depends on my dry method . If hanging , no , I would leave all but dead leaf on to slow dry . Fans are important in hang , I let them hang over buds when drying like a loose coat .

Cannatrol is different


Hey @Papalag

50 50 Mac n WC


Now that looks interesting