Identifying gender from seed thread

im trying to find about germinating temperature affecting sex , was watching subcool talk briefly about this but did not give any details
edited: this is the right episode they talk about msle selection and germination in the 16-17minutes mark aproximatly


Yo @highminwin miss ya buddy! Hope things are going well with ya! Sure miss the grow talks with ya! Drop on over and say hi if u see this and get some time :slight_smile:


I found this, I was researching the exact same thing as my last run of popped seeds was unusually heavy on males…

I’m thinking my issue was more light cycle related as the seedlings were under 24/0 for the first month.


I only have the one room (flower) that I can attest to it being light leak proof. My veg room is constantly on 24-0. Everything goes from seed to flip in that room. So far, I’ve not had a problem with ending up with more male plants than female…
That, of course isn’t conclusive since I have only five grows under my belt but I’ll keep watching and begin keeping track of the actually statistics.


So the science I would argue on environmental is chromosomes, females xx males xy, doesn’t seem like environment would matter if that y chromosome was present and my understanding it’s predetermined the second the pollen fertilizes it’s host


But, because it has both, being hermie, could this not be influenced one way or another? I am a firm believer that it can be.

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Partially set by genetics is my understanding, but environment can affect sex during seedling stage.

The more i read, the more i need to read.


This paper is only on light duration affecting sex of seedlings.


This one gives a bunch of advice (most of which can be found elsewhere too), but isn’t associated with any empirical testing so to me it’s bro science…but it also might be right, who knows until it’s actually tested?


in my spring planting, not for at least another month, I am going to apply this pictures to my seeds and will try to remember to report my outcome. I am for now going to plant about 15 plants.

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I’ve always vegged 24 hour and have always ended up with more ladies than dudes. I wanna say it’s usually around 70/30 or more. I’m gonna give this method a shot with any regular beans I run and document my results. I feel like it makes sense


I can’t say this method is guaranteed, but my buddy told me about this like 10yrs ago. I blew dude off and had a good laugh. But I got curious eventually after being bugged on whether I’ve tried. It actually does work, not 100% of the time but it has proven to work more than not.

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I agree with this, totally. This method is not 100% accurate because sometimes I screw up. LOL


Ya I’d have to agree, I took a lot of hell for making this thread but I’ve personally seen the firsthand results on 2 grows back to back with 3-4 males showing up in 32 seedlings. Can’t guarantee 100% but def bringing a flashlight to what would otherwise be a shot in the dark


For sure! Your only as strong as you weakest link. As far as I’m concerned, any credibility to a resource makes it worth utilizing. Gender testing from tissue sample is expensive, I not a fan of just tossing my hard earned money out the window for something I can potentially do for free.

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Gender testing is def for the impatient, 2 weeks u can test but 4 weeks the plant will just tell u, I think I’ll wait the 4 weeks haha

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Yeah I’ve never went that route. I honestly don’t mind getting males. At worst they’ll get culled and re-purposed for a ferment or something. Very few males, for me at least, make the cut to be a breeder. But I refuse to make any seed by using fem pollen aside from S1.

Males def make great worm food haha, that’s why’s I do with mine anyways haha

To funny cuz I just did a room of 55 autos reversing a cdlc female and open pollenated the room, def a shit ton of f1 Fem seeds

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I can’t grow autos, I’ve burnt and stunted every single one that I’ve tried.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with feminized seeds but I feel potency suffers over time, but if your goal is to just make some beans it has its benefits.

All cdlc? What pheno are you looking for?

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Yup creme de la chem, chunky and potent as it usually always is, curious how the crosses will pan out but there was about 20+strains it dusted lol

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