Identifying gender from seed thread

Ive tried this on very limited scale and 50% of the time it works 100% of the time.

But very interested to see a documented experiment with pics and larger data pool to get a more reliable answer.

High quality pics will be key because the individual who is making the choice can add human error in their interpretation of the shape of the seeds.



90% positivity on 2 uncontrolled instances does not a scientific experiment make lol


I have a rule that I try to live by. I don’t post negative vibes in any post unless I am needing to defend myself or someone else.

I don’t get all of the negative vibes being thrown out at you on your post brother!

Do your thing and let the Negative people “illuminate themselves” for the world to see.

As a side note for the HATER’s out there I do not use the Volcano method but I sure as #2 am willing to give someone a platform to show their opinion’s and research.
Maybe you could too…as I thought that was the OG Spirit…

Sending ONLY positive vibes your way brother :call_me_hand:



It’s this perfect circle/crater that is the only shape I care about on this experiment, this one shown above I would think is a female

This one I would suggest being a male since there isnt a perfect crater


How were they uncontrolled? Your right, two small runs don’t solidify it, that’s why I’m asking for a community experiment, y’all act like u never pop seeds and asking to take note of the seed shapes planting some is asking too much, I didn’t start the thread for naysayers to have a ball in here, so let’s have some contribution towards the science and get out of here with the debates…


I’m all for experiments but the theory has been controversial for a looong time. Keep in mind that beliefs, theories, scientific literature, and other experiences may be commented here. Try to keep emotions at bay and work your experiment. Looking forward to your discovery.


I have to totally agree. I have used this method before and probably not often enough. Nothing is fool proof, but if it increases my chances at all, would that not be beneficial to my grow? I for 1, am very looking forward to see the results from many OGer’s trying this. Great thread, I hope our family has a change of attitude and enough members try it so that we can get some good honest results. No harm done in trying, it’s what we do anyways. Happy bean popping. Stay lifted.


Damn I just popped two beans the other day. I woulda played along. But I’m always popping beans. There shall be a next time.


Now you got me looking for my Microscope so I can take a closer look at my seeds.

Just had a thought! Maybe the simple fact of looking closer at my seeds may make help to make me grow as a cultivator?


Exactly, theory, myth, wives tales, etc. That’s definitely the words I hear pertaining to the method, my goal is to eliminate opinions and replace em with facts.

I’m open to people commenting stuff like “I tried with 30 seeds and had x amount of results” but trying to eliminate the " that don’t work" and " u can’t tell gender from seed" comments as that’s exactly what we’re trying to prove or disprove here and didn’t make the thread to take ppls word for it. I’d rather the result of the experiment do the talking than people’s opinions.

I’ll admit when I first came across the concept I thought it was bullshit too…till I had 2 great runs with 90% females trying it with nothing to lose and was pretty surprised with the results but def got the wheels turning in my head to pursue finding out more and gathering more data to conclusively say ya this works or I just got lucky last year

Let’s be real, planting reg seeds is a shot in the dark, but what if this was bringing a flashlight to the party?

Hopefully we can find out with enough community SUPPORT!


So far, I have had great success as well. Probably in the 90%+ range. Coincidence? Let’s find out? Great experiment and great site to find out… I think. You have my support 100%


Gonna be a rough day without likes haha

Just know I’m mentally liking what y’all are saying lol

So u use the method too with similar results? That def gives me hope we’re gonna shine some light on something worth seeing :wink:


This caught my eye. I know it’s off topic…but only sorta :yum:.

Do y’all actually get close to 50/50 male female?? My ratio is much closer to 30/70 male /female. I read an article about enviro factors that increase likelihood of females. Then y’all told me sex is predetermined and it’s bro science. But here I sit…with several documented seed runs and all my other grows…with many more females than males…


That is a great point. I often come across beans that I have trouble distinguishing. They go in the maybe pile.


Keep in mind, what toasty was trying to convey, is that care needs to be taken on how the experiments are executed, sample size, etc otherwise folk that look deep and study methodologies will pick experiments apart, refer to past results, etc. It’s not meant to insult but rather is how the scientific community operates. It’s more intended to move the chess pieces towards something that is irrefutable and it may seem like criticism in how it gets conveyed. From theory->proof. There are lots of complexity there from statistics to biology to design of experiments typically based on what is considered known from past proofs. A strong result, particularly unexpected, will cause others to try to duplicate it for confirmation … which can lead to much bigger things or a different direction.


I’d agree but say 40/60.

Genetic though. Males are less important for continuation of the species.

Not science. Just my thinking and experience.


Cool idea!

Not sure if anyone suggested.

Have you grown the ones you pegged as males?



Can’t say I’ve actually tested that on a large enough scale of a same cultivar, I typically go for variety and with that I rarely will ever throw 2 seeds of the same thing in my garden so my interest in being able to find that 1 female from a handful vs the ratio of boys to girls in that handful. Would be another interesting thing to find out though but also would wonder if the ratio may end up cultivar specific with the pollenating male more y chromosome dominate with it’s pollen


Well the experiment is pretty basic and not really any other controls to put in place, we’re pulling randomly from ANY seed stock looking for 1 specific trait of a perfect crater on the seed and reporting if it was male or female. Completely agree with u though that the data collected should be picked apart to take that theory and make it proof whether one direction or the other and is exactly that being a strong unexpected result that is now warranting others to duplicate the experiment to confirm what me and now being brought to my attention another member having similar results.


No space for trying to run a stud stable haha would be another good variable to test and hoping someone that’s throwing a whole regs pack will take pics of the seeds and add their data not specifically picking out females to see if the odd shaped ones did in fact appear to be males.

Ultimately I’d like to be able to give the guys with limited space something better to go off of if it actuay exists