Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Here’s a quick update. Endes you with 5 Goji’s and cherries and 6 apple patch. 1 apple patch was showing some mutant signs but quickly snapped out of it. I plan on keeping the mutant thru flower if it’s a female. I’ve nevet seen anything personal, but my buddy said some amazing stuff can come from mutant seeds. My flower tent is 4x8 so I have plenty of room also. Been feeding them Jack’s 321 at about 50% strength. I also added a heat mat.


The holidaze have been pretty chaotic (and still are) and I have been MIA for the most part. I am behind on messages etc a little bit of everywhere.

​All orders that have been paid for have been shipped and tracking numbers have been sent.

I will be doing my best to catch up on messages etc over the next few days and into the new year. All messages will be replied to in the order that they were received. If you are waiting on a response from me, please employ patience. Thank you!

I hope that everyone is enjoying whatever holiday they choose to celebrate and enjoying time with their loved ones! Positive vibes…



I was watering last night and cgeck out these roots on this seedling of Apple Patch Uploading: 20231227_225115.jpg…


Looking good brother! It should be fairly easy to pick out which way that phenotypes lean in both of those hybrids:

The Goji OG leaners in the Goji OG x (Cherry West Bc) Gojis & Cherries will be more lanky, while the Cherry West Bc leaning phenotypes will be shorter.

The Stagger Lee leaning phenotypes in the Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch should be more short/stocky, while the Dog Patch leaners will stretch a bit more.

My male and female cuts of Stagger Lee that I work with (and all of the Stagger Lee that I looked through) are really prolific when it comes to producing roots. Easily some of the quickest rooters in my collection. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Day 70 (44F) - (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch - HogFishDog

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! HFD is cruising along perfectly through the holidays :evergreen_tree::fire::grin:


Really looking :eyes: quite well bro :sunglasses:! :tophat::tophat::tophat::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


I forgot to report in on ODIN.

All very stinky. Night time type smoke. Just how I like them.
Preface with I have a terrible nose and lack to the skill of describing without being repetitive.

A - Burnt rubber/gas/chem scent. Taste matches scent. Shared a fat joint with some family members on Xmas, They really enjoyed the taste. Stunk up the house just passing thru with the joint. whoops haha.

E - Slight burnt rubber, more chemical scents. Taste more chem then burnt rubber.

F - Sweeter chem scent, Flavor is like a sweet n sour chem.

Would I grow them again?
Yes, Easy to grow and keep happy.

Favorite out of the three?
A would be the one I’d keep after smoking. I thought F would be the better smoke out of them during flower based on looks and sugar leaf rubs.

What would I do differently in the next run of ODIN?
Let go longer to get more amber, Veg longer in bigger pots, Go lighter on nutrients, Take clones and store clones to keep the one that stands out for additional run or two after a smoke report.

Thanks again for the seeds and look forward to running the remaining seeds in the future. I really enjoy the flavors on all.

Hope you and the family had a merry christmas and have a safe & happy new year brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Strain: Hel ( dogwalker og x black triangle f2) pheno #1

Method Smoked : Bong/ Joint

APPEARANCE- rock hard very dense buds golfballish shape

Smell- this pheno like hel 2 is very complex sometimes getting rubber/chemical sometimes incensey sometimes earthy/hashy sometimes sweet lemons hard to pin point the strongest smelling of the run

TASTE- very much like it smells kind of hard to pin point a taste with this one smooth creamy smoke

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) - 7.5-8

Effects- onset Immediately very potent behind the eyes rush rather a clear headed mind expansive giving a sense of heightened or broadened awareness rather sociable good daytime pot


Grown under hlg 600r 20 gallon organic living soil 7th cycle Taken at 72 days I think a good harvest time for this phenotype slightly less amber then the hel 2 but some amber when harvested could of went to 11 weeks most likely

Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent) to 8-8.5 nice and strong some of the more potent I’ve grown

Duration : (approx length of buzz, from first hit) hour and a half - 2 hours

Use : great for exercise walks hikes general great daytime use

Munchies? : yes/no

Not really

Overall : heaviest yielding plant of the run no signs of intersex one of if not the most potent plant that I’ve grown yet find myself having a hard time keeping my hands out of these jars slightly more then doubled in size really mad at not taking clones of these some true winners to be found in this cross


Strain: Hel ( dogwalker og x black triangle f2) pheno #2

Method Smoked : Bong/ Joint

APPEARANCE- rock hard very dense buds golfballish shape

Smell- this pheno like hel 1 is very complex sometimes getting burnt rubber and chemical sometimes sometimes earthy/hashy hard to pin point exact smells a little less “loud” then hel 1 pheno

TASTE- earthy hashy smooth very full bodied thick smoke leaves a almost zesty twang coating in your mouth real tasty

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) - 7.5-8

Effects- onset Immediately very potent behind the eyes rush rather a clear headed mind expansive giving a sense of heightened or broadened awareness then after about a 45 minutes to a hour transitions to getting a bit calming daydreamy slightly sleepy compared to hel 1 that does not have that
image image

Grown under hlg 600r 20 gallon organic living soil 7thcycle Taken at 72 days I think a good harvest time for this phenotype had some slight amber when harvested

Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent) 7.5 to 8 nice and strong some of the more potent I’ve grown

Duration : (approx length of buzz, from first hit) hour and a half

Use : found this great for evening/night time smoke

Munchies? : yes/no


Overall : this plant was rock solid easy growing throughout the whole grow about doubled in size from flip some real winners to be found in this cross if you got them pop um you won’t be disappointed some winners to be found

Will have the black apple reports up by the end of the weekend :call_me_hand: @stanknugzz77


Beautiful flowers! Man that cold garage has those anthocyanins working overtime haha. Literally just pitch black. I love it!

The majority of the Tropicanna Cookies F2s that I looked through had purple flowers to some degree, while the Grease’s Pieces mother that was used to make the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F1 hybrid would easily go fully black like that, even without low temperatures.

I feel like you have been growing those plants for quite some time. When did you first germinate the seeds again? And how many females do you currently have flowering?

I look forward to seeing how they finish for you! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



GR8 looking :eyes: plants, I like the in depth up dates and the way you give us the stats! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Awesome! 6 females to 70 days should be nice!

I look forward to seeing how they all finish for you! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Holy shit. You have them all looking fucking beautiful at 56 days! I truly appreciate the closeups brother! Did the picture of Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog #2 fail to upload? Either way, I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Looking :eyes: GR8 @stanknugzz77 bro :sunglasses:, glad I came across this thread 🪡. Just goes to show the talent we got here on OG! :facepunch::+1::wink::ok_hand::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Chopping Block DAY 62

Couple of these could have run longer on both strains. Day shy of 9 weeks.


#1- Smells like garlic, skunk, and egg nog. The largest plant (30 gal)

#2- Lemon Cleaner smell

#3- More lemon cleaner

#4- Frosties plant out of the bunch. Little funk little lemon. Smalles yielder of the group. Also buds not as compact

#5- Almost a twin to #4 almost as frosty. More funk less lemon. Tighter buds. Bigger plant.

Next up - These plants are heavy for the stem. Major leaners

Grandmas Dog
#1- Light perfume

#2- sulfer and perfume

#3- This plant was squat, leafy, dense. Gunpowder and Perfume! Heavy buds. But had a pollen sac hidden that blew.
#4- Heaviest buds. Ended up being the largest of the 4. Lemon smell. Almost every bud looked different.

Updates in a couple weeks!!!


Just for an end of year record…



They started March or April I think, but I let the stay outside and our flowering season doesn’t start until Sept 16th outdoor. They certainly stalled in the cold of the garage and they’re a bit unsure of what to do with the temp flux going up down up down up down this past month. However today is the day they get chopped and frozen to do some fresh frozen wash. Terps are really crazy sweet and sour right now, all the funk dissapeared and it just smells like a candy store now. Sickly sweet and the sour makes your nose wrinkle.


Just finished taking down all 3 girls, in the freezer they went and hopefully tomorrow they’ll be good to go


Happy New Year !! @stanknugzz77 and bean testing friends!!
Man I have some catching up to do in this thread. Been a busy holiday time for me with the garden and life in general. I have sent a few friends some samples of the two Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F2 and instructions to do full reviews on paper which I will try and collect this weekend. Then I will put up a final report on the light depped flowers from the greenhouse.

I put seeds to germinate on the 1st and will pot them up tonight into starters.
So I sent the 5 tester beans of Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies X Cherry West BC into the towels to soak. Will check for tails tonight but will probably just pot them all up and get them into the cozy warm grow room to do thier thing.
So this round of testers is off to the races :wink:


Damn man, you have that lady looking fucking beautiful! I can really see the Chem in her. Mouthwatering!

The holidaze have literally just been a fucking daze around here, but I am getting my footing back. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…
