Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Did you rub them yet?! Haha. Truly never any real rush or worries brother. Positive vibes…



I’m going right now…if I don’t rush I’ll forget :joy:

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All good brother haha. I am going to do my best to respond to your questions about your male, but my brain is tired and it is all so subjective and about personal preference. I don’t give a shit what anyone claims haha. It is just something that you get a feel for over time, based on your personal needs and preferences. There is more than one way to skin a male? Fuck. I dunno haha. Positive vibes…



I almost don’t want to say it but they all smell similar. This one smells like cherry candy and lime but very faint. Yea not getting much from the stem rub anymore on this one

Coty lacks the lime in comparison to my number 2 female which is very lime and the one that has my favorite structure kind of smells exactly like the male.

I think I have a new favorite ironically my favorite number always been 5 anyway


I have to finish dinner for the family. I will be back soooon. Positive vibes…



Appreciate that, there’s definitely ups and downs always but I try to stay positive.

That one plant is the only one that had that chem funk, we’ll see how it plays out as they flower.

The chem cut of A&C made it but I’m not sure about the BCHP right now, I’ll have to double check. That’s a really good turnaround on the clones, my cuts of yours took a minute to root.

No smell on DP yet, as for the spots those are from gnats. Got some dead leaves I need to clean up in my Lemon Tree pot.

Hoping to source together the DP and make some new stock for you and whoever else is interested.


All that matters. Keep it up.


Holy fuck me, life is crazy haha. So much for sooooon haha.

I had quite a bit of a response typed out, but erased it after I came back to it. No one wants to read me go on and on for hours about my own personal thoughts/process on male selection. I promise haha. I will answer your questions as best as possible, without giving my own bias as much as possible.

15 days can definitely be long enough for some males to open pollen sacs and release pollen. All males/environments etc are different, so every situation is usually different, albeit similar in many ways as well.

If you want sinsemilla, he should have been separated before releasing pollen, but yes, depending on your intentions for your crop, you should most likely still separate him as soon as possible.

Around 3 weeks, give or take a week, is usually the sweet spot, but again, males/environment blah blah blah blah.

Ready for what? To commence the fuckening? Haha. It is as soon as it is releasing pollen, if that is your question.

Depending on my intentions, I usually start collecting immediately and cease collection whenever the male has stopped releasing pollen, but I am a greedy bastard when it come to the process haha.

Again, like most things, sooo many different ways to do it depending on your preferences and intentions with the project. Just do it, fuck it all up, learn and do it all over again as many different ways as possible and pretty soon, you will be able to do it in your sleep.

Literally the only thing that I take extra seriously about collecting pollen or utilizing males is cross contamination. I care just as much about knowing what I am working with, if not more than people who receive my seeds, whether they are purchasing them or receiving them as gifts. I would never care to grow out seeds that could have accidentally been pollinated by rogue pollen and I wasn’t actually certain what the parentage is and I would never care to send that out to someone else either.

For that reason, I do not flower my males out with any females that I do not intend to pollinate with said male’s pollen. I don’t flower multiple males to collection at the same time. I don’t flower different males in the same area, I look at cleanliness as next to godliness (for once in my life). I don’t collect/work with a male’s pollen without showering and changing clothes immediately after or leaving my grow operation entirely etc etc etc. The list goes on and on. Being a control freak is a fucking curse, but it also makes me 100% certain of the validity of my seeds etc.

And I could go on and on haha, but I will spare you all of it haha. I hope any of my ramblings of a crazy person were helpful haha. Positive vibes…



@terpenetom designed my logo. I sent him the name, all of my ideas for the concept, pictures etc and he brought it all together beautifully. I can’t thank him enough.

Nuh-uh. The Futhark runes? Haha. Tell her to tell you what they mean so that you can tell me haha. They are actually arranged in a way to represent the path of my seeds to exhale haha.

For anyone who is interested.


Every part of my logo carries meaning and intentions and represents what I constantly aim to achieve with my work.

I appreciate that brother. I enjoy it as well and i am happy that so many other people do as well. Thank you for putting it on a t-shirt and humoring me with “he who makes the plants fuck”. I am still giggling like a little girl about it and probably always will, especially when I rock that shirt haha.

You are a fucking gentleman and a scholar! Thank you! Positive vibes…



What do s 999 strain? I have a whole tube of them and have no clue what they are?

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That was my exact guess….


Thanks a lot. That answered my question. So he probably got some babies coming with everything :joy:

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Same here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So I got spooked today cut the male down but before I did I picked a couple pollen sacs off and dumped them on select branches of the females except coty. I know that was very unconventional I’ve actually never seen anybody do it that way but it seemed like a good idea at the time


I culled my Cody this morning
So down to 2 females woo hoo

The 2nd will be up potted to day

I’ll post pics later


Yeah, but you guys are brientists (bro scientists), so that is kind of an unfair advantage, if you ask me. Positive vibes…



Oh and by the way idk WTF was wrong with my nose yesterday but that male plant smelled strong today seems like it smelled stronger at the bottom of the plant

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Yeah they are amazing and the reason for it all. They are also fucking daemons, but that all comes from me, so I love it all haha. Positive vibes…



All males would definitely suck, but it happens. Here is to hoping for a female!

Truly my pleasure! Let me know what you are interested in running next, if you wish and we will run that shit back. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Looking good brother! I love the look of yours, almost as much as my Garmr plants. I have cuttings busting roots right now.

I am confused though. Do you have all 5 females still? All good either way, I just can’t tell from the numbers that you mentioned. I’m slow haha. I am excited to see what you find! Positive vibes…
