Free Testers for Canadians (sorry to the rest)

Hey guys!

So I want to be able to give to the community. I have been doing my own pollen chucks for a little while now but I currently don’t have the time, space or means to pop everything I make. I’m trying to work through my seed purchases more as some are getting older and I still want to see what’s what, but I’m also very interested to see what I’ve created. I try to dedicate 25% of my runs now to my own seeds but that still doesn’t give me much opportunity to work through them.

I could just offer these as gifts or in trades, but it was suggested I do them as testers as the one condition I have is seeing them grown out here on OG. That’s the whole point, I want to see what’s inside to give me an idea of where I might want to take things if I choose to take them in a direction.

I do select pollinations, sometimes random, but other times with an idea in mind that two lines would work well together. Nothing I offer will be from shit plants, infected plants, plants I’ve witnessed throw nanners or unstable in any way (hopefully 100% no hermies!) or any other plants I have issues with. I have alot of seeds that I won’t offer because I don’t think they will live up to expectation or they may have thrown out late nanners or didnt take well to stress. I only want to give out what I think will be the best.

As stated these will be open to Canadians, with a trust level of 2 or higher. This will be a mutual agreement that I will provide the seeds and you will grow them out. Preferably started within a few months of receiving them. I will allow up to 2 strains per member at a time, but no more until those are grown out. Anyone who tries to abuse this will be blacklisted from further seeds. These are regular seeds and I’m thinking I’ll package them in lots of 6 seeds to make more packs available. That way you also don’t need to dedicate a huge amount of space and allows growers with smaller areas the ability to pop them all or most of them.

To ensure this is not abused, im implementing additional requirements. On top of being minimum trust level 2, you’re profile must be an ACTIVE member here on OverGrow and have at least 1 grow log from seed or clone completed start to finish. It’s been brought to my attention that it’s too easy to get trust level 2 and my intention is not to have this filled with new users grabbing seeds and ghosting.

I’m not yet fully ready to send out as funds are tight right now. Even though shipping is cheap it’s not an expense I can spare at this time. But as soon as I’m prepared to send I will update this and will then collect information of who wants what. I will cover all expenses on my end. You can make requests prior to that if you wish but I won’t be documenting that information until I’m ready to ship.

Over the next couple days I’ll be posting what I have available along with pictures, descriptions of the parents and siblings of the fathers and the breeders of the original seeds. Any that I dont have pictures to back up, you’ll have to take my word for but I’ll be as descriptive as I can be from notes I have. I should have pictures for most if not all. Also, any that I have grown out myself ill post pictures of those plants.

This is the first time I’ve done this so hopefully there won’t be any hiccups, I’ll try to be as streamline as possible. When I’m ready to ship I’ll let you know the exact ship date, I’ll try to do them in lots one day per week to make it easier on my end.

Ok lets get started, apologies as some pictures arent great, some have been corrupted, some are blurry but ill do my best. Where i dont list one of the parents is due to the same parent already being listed for another cross:

Sweet Berrylope Haze (Canalope Haze x Skunkberry) 4 packs left
The Cannalope Haze mother comes from DNA Genetics. Stretch was very close to 3x! I had 2 phenos and honestly I can’t remember which these are from, but both were very similar. One had tops that were very blocky and started to foxtail a small amount, the other was spear topped, but both cured and smoked identical. Packed on alot of weight in the final weeks. I did get some cannalope type smells but also an aroma I couldn’t quite put my finger on…reminded me slightly of the sauce packets from instant noodles so I called it MSG lol.

The Skunkberry side comes from Peak Seeds. A female plant had a floral aroma like I find from the sweet skunk with slight berry terps. Lots of purple. She foxtailed towards the end due to high temps. The resin heads were huge and dry but would coat your fingers and the paper when rolling a joint, gritty like. I dont remember the effects so much unfortunately. This pheno wasn’t the best example of the strain I’ve seen but the male I used showed all the properties I wanted in structure.

Sweet Ape Cabbage (Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunkberry) 4 packs left
Gorilla Zkittlez came from Barneys. I had 2 phenos both of which looked much better than their own picture. One pheno was a little more green and the other more purple, but both had the Gorilla funk and Berry zkittlez terps. They were delicious. Not quite as floppy as GG4 but will need support. Easy to grow and will grow big if you let them! Smoke wasn’t too heavy, middle ground I would say. Heavy smokers could smoke this throughout the day and still function. It does lose the Zkittlez terps over time curing until you break it up but the funk is there always. Very good producer!

Sweet Northernberry (Northernberry x Skunkberry) 4 packs
The Northernberry also came from Peak Seeds and the mother I used definitely had a hint of sweet blueberry in the smoke, not berries in general, Blueberry specifically. This pheno packed a punch and was my go to smoke for night time. Very strong structure, thick stems. The buds weren’t giant but they weren’t small either, but better than middle ground. The NL in it allows it to grow very large in a bush style. It did get some purple, and it took stress well as I bleached some of the very tops under the qb.

Northern Gorilla Berriez f2 (Gorilla Zkittlez x Northernberry, f2d) aka NGBz 5 packs
This one I did grow out. Popped 4 seeds, got two females but unfortunately I stunted one of them so I only got one good representation. The NL comes out strong in the structure and the leaves. You’ll know it as soon as you see it. It had the same type of pistils as the Blueberry and the flowers were a blend of the Northernberry and Gorilla Zkittlez but much bigger and denser than either other strain. Dry resin heads and plenty of them, I think this plant would make very good water hash. The aroma and smoke also leaned heavily to the NL side with a decent amount of the Gorilla funk but later on in the jars the funk was more subtle. The effect wasn’t as narcotic as the Northernberry, more like the Gorilla Zkittlez side.

Gorilla vs Rhino (NGBz x Medicine Man) 4 packs left
Medicine Man was unique, seeds came way of Mr Nice, but i need to run it again. I grew out two females and like the NGBz I stunted one of them. The one not stunted was a big girl. It stretched much more than I was expecting, more than double. The bud set was great, but I must have pissed her off because the flowers never swelled up at all and the leaves got really burnt. I didn’t figure out if it was due to lighting or sensitivity to hot soil. She hermed halfway through flower as well unfortunately. The finished flowers ended up being very piney and the resin was super greasy. Straight up oil between your fingers. The stunted one had the same problem with burned leaves and lacked the bud swell but it had the same grease but much more dank skunky nose, no pine and no nanners.
Seeds made with the mom are definitely off the table, but the male used seemed to have no issues.

Mountain Berriez (NGBz x Mountain Temple) 2 packs
Mountain Temple is a Bodhi strain and it has been one of my favorite smokes ever, hands down. It has some downsides but theyre worth the end product. Biggest issue I found was the super slow vegging. She is painfully slow, small and compact. Very dense growth. I didn’t understand where the SSH was in the genetics. It requires extra time vegging if you want to have a large plant, and I prefer large plants. But once you initiate flowering the tops shoot up pretty quick, but I’d say just less than double in height. I had 2 phenos, one finished in 8 weeks and had smaller buds but stronger effect. The other took 11 weeks but double the size of buds if not more. For how small it was it put on the weight like you wouldn’t believe. Obviously with the dense structure, support wasn’t needed, even with the huge tops. Tons of resin and a perfect blend of funk and rotting tropical fruit. The effect punches me between the eyes, super high without any couch lock, the sativa side really shines in that respect. The male used was the same, small and slow, shot up in flowering and had a very nice dank stem rub.

Chocolate Rhino (LA Chocolat x Medicine Man) 4 packs left
LA Chocolat is another DNA strain. The first time I grew it I had a nld pheno appear that had the most addicting smell and flavour with an incredible high. I assume it leaned to the chocolope side. Unfortunately I didn’t get that pheno in the one used for these seeds, but I have more to work through at a later time. Average veg time, solid structure, plenty of well yielding bud sites and good resin production. Easy plant to grow for sure. The cured aroma has a hint of the smell I remember from the nld pheno but not alot. This leans more to the coffee side of things with a hint of something reminiscent of OG as well. There is no pine from the LA Confidential in the genetics. The high was average at the time I was smoking it but I was smoking heavily alot of different strains and hashes.

LA Temple (LA Chocolat x Mountain Temple) 5 packs
Listed above.

Chocoberry Glue (LA Chocolat x NGBz) 3 packs left
Listed above.

Mountain Gorilla Berriez (Mountain Temple x NGBz) 4 packs
The large bud pheno listed above was used at the mother.

Shaman Haze ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 3) x Medicine Man) 3 packs left
Sweet Skunk x Haze is another Peak strain. Pheno 3 had more of the haze influence and was sensitive to intense light from my qb. It was moved under the hps where it seemed happier. She also liked a bit dryer root zone. The Haze side of things gave it more of a wild nld shoot like growth, im seeing this same type of growth in my Ohaze leaning Congo Creek Haze. Tighter nodes than the Sweet Skunk leaner with lots of long thin leaflets making it appear slightly scraggly. Thick fuzzy pistils with some purpling, she developed thick flowers with foxtails but not super dense but she wasnt shy to pack it on either. She developed the thickest stalk at the bottom I’ve ever had in a plant of this size (5gal fabric pot). Sweet and floral aroma and smoke, maybe a hint of spice in the jar but just slightly. Fast flowering and short for a Haze type, doubled in size and took about 9 weeks but could go 10.

Mountain Haze ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 3) x Mountain Temple) 5 packs
Listed Above.

Glueberry Haze ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 3) x NGBz) 5 packs
Listed Above.

Shaman Sweet Skunk ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 2) x Medicine Man) 5 packs
Pheno 2 leaned much more to the Sweet Skunk side. Large narrow leaflets and longer internodal length. She didn’t show sensitivity to light or moisture. She grew longer denser flowers than the Haze leaning phenos, and much much more purple. Most of the plants turned dark purple with some lime green in the buds. Heavy resin coverage. Sweet floral aroma and perfect daytime smoke. She was the crown jewel of the ones I grew. I took her down at 12 weeks.

Mountain Sweet Skunk ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 2) x Mountain Temple) 4 packs left
Listed Above. I popped 4 of these seeds in my current run. All 4 turned out to be male unfortunately, I hope that’s not a sign of a high male:female ratio. Like the Mountain Temple they grew slow, short and compact and they were slow to show sex. I had chosen one of the males to collect pollen, his stem rubs had the same smell as the Sweet Skunk x Haze and when put to flower he was very much like the MT in that he shot up his tops pretty quickly. But I swapped him out for one of the later sexed boys which showed more appealing resin on the stalks and sparkles on the leaves. This newly chosen male has stem rubs with more funk from the Appalachia side.

The one in the back, right, was the initially chosen male.

This is the currently chosen male on the right.

Glueberry Skunk ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 2) x NGBz) 5 packs
Listed Above

Fall 2022 Additions
The following moms can be viewed in my thread “Fitzera Does things”

Congo Creek Haze 1 x Black Candyland 5 packs
Congo Creek Haze 2 x Black Candyland 5 packs
Congo Creek Haze 1 x NGBz 5 packs
Congo Creek Haze 2 x NGBz 5 packs
Mac x FPOG x Skunkberry 5 packs
Mac x FPOG x NGBz 5 packs
Mac x FPOG x Black Candyland 5 packs
Mac x FPOG 2 x NGBz 5 packs
Black Candyland x Mountain Temple 5 packs

Earlier this year I sent some of the NGBz f2s, LA Temple and Shaman Sweet Skunk to an old friends mother for this years garden in the Okanagan. I cant recall what i sent her last year but whatever they were they did great! I’ll be sure to post up how these new seeds do when I get pictures.

There will be multiple packs available of each of these, I may throw up some other stuff that I have limited numbers of. I’ll note of how many packs are available of each.

If this is recieved well and its working as intended I’ll make additions of new stuff I’ve made as/when it happens as time goes on.



Claimed Packs



Wow, you sure have some cool crosses there!

1 Like

Thanks! I don’t really follow hype stuff so not all my crosses may appeal to everyone. Part of my pollinations are just to keep genetics whether in f2 form or crosses. I don’t want to lose stuff. I’ve got some fems that I’m holding off on growing until I’m prepared to reverse them, just to keep stock. Other pollinations are things that interest me.
I’m going to grow more ndl in the future so I have plans for hybrids and nld crosses. But I need sleep too so I have plans for more bld stuff…I got some deep chunk recently that I’m itching to pop. Also got some chocolope f2s that I’m eager to get into. So many options and not enough space!
Right now I have a Congo Creek haze male that I want to use on my macxfpog and black candyland (praying it never shows nanners) and my SSxHxMT male looks very promising, leans heavily to the mountain Temple side and has that Appalachia funk on the stem rub.

Edit: didn’t I just say I don’t follow hype? Yet here I am with Mac, fpog and animal crosses lol


oh my goodness! The crosses look phenomenal. I love that you have been doing work with Canalope as well as with Sweet Skunk! And Chocolope wow!!


Well this is interesting… :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

How is that Sweet Skunk x Haze plant? Your cross?

Roughly what quantity per cross did you do?



The Sweet Skunk x Haze is from Peak. I had 3 phenos, pheno 2 leaned heavily to the sweet skunk side, pheno 1 vegged like pheno 2 but flowered like pheno 3, and 3 had much more Haze influence. They all cured to smell very similar, sweet floral. Great daytime smoke, mellow and easy on the come down. It should be noted that the Haze influence was very much in shoot like growth, thin leaflets and slightly looser flowers with foxtailing, but it did not make them extra stretchy or longer flowering. The sweet skunk side had more stretch and longer flowering time. Also to note, the Haze influence was sensitive to too much light and preferred a slightly dryer root zone.
Pheno 2

Pheno 3

I’m probably going to have 5 packs available for each, so 30 seeds total per strain. That will leave me with enough left over to play with later on.


I have a couple cannalope x Northernberry but literally only a couple. I’ve got more cannalope in the vault for later though! I think the cannalope x Skunkberry is going to be great, the cannalope had baseball bat sized colas and I think the skunkberry can only add extra depth. I’ve got alot of ideas going through my head for the chocolope too :wink:


I can certainly make some room for these in the late summer/fall, if the timing lines up.

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Well you definitely can grow nice looking plants . Looking forward to see some of the other gems your offering up. Have a good weekend .


It probably makes sense to those interested to post what you’re interested in. If this becomes really popular, it would be only fair to go by who claimed what on a first come first serve basis. If dates don’t line up it can go to the next in line.


Makes sense,

I would certainly love the opportunity to test the cannalope x skunkberry or the Shaman Haze if the timing lines up.

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That is an amazing selection you have there. You have a good eye

I would love to be able to test your

Shaman haze
Gorilla v rhino
Mountain sweet skunk

Any of those would be rad to try out. I would give you a great thread to see how it does in my tent.


Thank you, it’s appreciated!


Thank you, certain things pique my interest and then it became a rabbit hole lol
You’ll be in!


I would love to test the:

-Chocoberry Glue (LA Chocolat x NGBz)
-Mountain Sweet Skunk ((Sweet Skunk x Haze 2) x Mountain Temple)

I wouldn’t be able to run ‘em ‘Til q3 or q4 this year though.


Thanks for the interest! I want to see these run so we will get it figured out!


I’ve updated the original post with pictures and descriptions. :smiley::hugs::partying_face:


Awesome, thank you :slight_smile:

1 Like

Can’t run testers, but wanted to say the plants look beautiful and as a Peak Seeds fan those are some very interesting crosses. I had the same gritty, sandy trichomes on Skunkberry with lots of foxtails and a massive stretch. That pheno was a strong, borderline racy motivating smoke. Sweet Skunk leaning I guess?


The mothers used look lovely, I’m in UK so no help for testing but cool thread :green_heart: