Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Black Triangle x Cherry West 1st
Goji Patch 2nd
CDLC X BT 3rd pic


whole lot going on in the 1 Veg tent atm as you can see, sorry for the shitty pics but as you can see individuals are tough atm.


Greases pieces x Tropicana cookies x( cherry west bc1 )

They are still stretching at 21 days in flower
Feeding jacks 10/30/20 and a pinch of Epson salts totally ppms 650
She drank 2.5 gallons in 2 days she’s a thirsty girl

Buds are forming nicely , and looks like she will produce well



Yours look so much better than mine lol


My apologies to everyone for being MIA. I have been sick for the past ~3 days, with the past ~2 days being debilitatingly sick. I do not usually get sick and if I do, I rarely have it affect my day to day. I feel like I have been hit by a car. My whole body aches, down to my bones. Tending to the garden has been a fucking struggle, but I am the only one. I was hoping that I would be out of the woods today, but I am still dead. The only things that are moving on schedule are orders. I have messages piling up, but I can’t even get to them because every time I try to reply to one, I feel braindead (more so than usual haha). I am hoping that I feel better by tomorrow, although, I had that same hope yesterday. Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding. I truly appreciate you all! Positive vibes…



Just got off the death bed myself, food poisoning though for me. Feel better brother, do you I’m sure no one will prioritize their goodies over your well being. Get well soon homie


Feel better


Black Cherry male taken down, going to spray down the females then reintroduce them to my grow room.


I hope you’re feeling better today!


I truly appreciate the well wishes from everyone! I am feeling better today, but still nowhere near 100%. I will be getting to messages ASAP, responding in the order in which they were received. I am hoping to have another round of testers sent tomorrow, as well as the last prize for the naming contest that I didn’t have the safe addy for. Thank you all again! Positive vibes…



Another round of testers, plus the last prize pack for the naming contest went out today. I will hit up everyone individually as time permits. I appreciate you all! Positive vibes…



It’s funny how before I started growing I could care less about lineage or anything like that. Only care about how it smelled and how it taste. I never forgot a good taste though. I remember after high school I moved back to New York met up with one of my friends I went to high school with and got some forbidden fruit for the first time. Loved the flavor. As I sat smoking a blunt of the (Grease’s pieces x Tropicanna cookies) x (Cherry west bc) it hit me “this taste like that forbidden fruit” immediately I go to google and man that tangie is something else huh? Very distinct.


Forbidden fruit is some of the top 3 favorite weed I’ve tried when it comes to taste the pheno It tasted just like

so freaking tasty :yum:


That’s kind of what it taste like when I tried it again a few years later


Beautiful work brother! I look forward to seeing how the flower structures shape up. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



What size pots are you running @Vagabond_Windy i know I asked you this before, but I’m dumb and forgot. Also “the eagle is in flight” :wink:


Looking good brother! They are coming along nicely! I look forward to seeing what you find! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



@stanknugzz77 just to some what gauge things… on average how fast have your Black Triangle and your Cherry W. plants been finishing?


Just to preface my reply, I rarely take any of my females before 10 weeks. I let the flowers tell me when they are ready, visually, every time. It can also vary, depending on environmental factors.

I usually take both of my Black Triangle F2 females to a full 10 weeks, but some people would probably call them “done” at 9-9 1/2. I like my flowers to be fully ripe, with bracts swelling, pistils receding etc. I mean shit, I enjoy both of them around 11 weeks as well haha.

My Cherry West Bc female cut has definitely been finished around 9 weeks on some runs, but I prefer to push her to at least 9 1/2 weeks most times. I hope this information helps at all. Positive vibes…



Understood depending on what I see going on with the trichomes come Sunday I may end up pulling nutes at the end of week 7 and letting them ride out to week 8 to chop.

I did the same last round of testers and pulled at the 8 week mark. Little to no amber at that point but thoroughly cloudy and I was okay with it to see how the plant smoked on a somewhat earlier harvest. The BBD has been well enjoyed even by a few of my more critical friends who aren’t afraid to give critisism. lol

Going to wait and see how things go.

Thanks for the reply!