Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I will hit this up whenever I get a little bit of time to give it a proper response. My apologies for the delay. Positive vibes…



Well… it’s high time I joined this party and got some seeds going!! :smiley:
Everything has to be timed just right for plants to be the size/age I need them to be for the greenhouse as I transition them to the greenhouse June 10th and no earlier.
(Mikado x Tropicanna cookies) F2 going for a soak in the paper towels


Male Black Cherry is still putting out pollen, applied some to a branch each of Alpine Guava and Lemon Tree S1.

A&C females seem mostly pollinated but a bit early to tell.

Smell is somewhat similar to Georgia Pie.


Just a quick update after getting into the tent and watering all the ladies… I figured since my sinus infection/severe allergies are finally at a point where can somewhat smell again I’d check some smells out. I gave the closest of the Black Triangle F2 x Cherry W. Bx some lower sugar leaf rub action…

I have one plant smelling very fuel like with a sligh lemon zest smell. The lemon is subtle but there. (This has been my favorite plant from the begging)

The other 3 all have a very berry smell but its all over the place really I can’t narrow it down. Very sweet smelling though across the board. Definitely fruity pebbles/fruit loops cereal smells going on here. Which I did also get from my last run from the Blueberry Diesels. Which does make sense since the Cherry W. is in the lineage as well but surprised me with how much sweet I’m getting with the 3 other females.

I’ll report more down the road once my nose is in better shape but so far they’re all enjoyable. Definitely all up my wife’s alley! haha

Edit: Forgot to mention these are some impressively sticky plants.


These Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin seeds are fucking fatties. Positive vibes…



I also got the fruity pebble smell fairly strong from one of the plants, I’ll have to go back and check again tomorrow.


Awesome! I am happy that you are joining in the fun!

Definitely understandable brother. I hope that it all goes smoothly for you!

I love my logo haha. It never gets old seeing those beautiful slaps!

Thank you for giving my work a spot in your garden! I hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…



Good on you! Those hybrids sound intriguing for sure. Although, admittedly, I know nothing about Alpine Guava. Is the Lemon Tree S1 from Caleb? I hope that you get a nice seed crop!

That Apples & Cherries x Black Cherry should be interesting as well! And I feel you haha; I never trust that a pollination was successful until the bracts are obviously swelling and showing seed set.

Just to clarify, are you speaking on the Apples & Cherries smelling like Georgia Pie? Also, I know nothing about Georgia Pie haha. What does it smell like? I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



:heart_eyes:I just wanna take it off and smoke it

And look at coty


Alpine Guava is Strawberry Guava x White Nightmare. I’ve had good luck with the White Nightmare line so far, I’ve also got a Forbidden Fruit x White Nightmare and (TK x Green Crack) x White Nightmare that I’ll be looking through next.

The Lemon Tree S1 is from Force of Nature on Strainly, pretty tall with spaced out buds, but I’ve got a few more to look for a more lemony one if this isn’t to my liking.

Yeah pretty sure the A&C was the source, Georgia Pie smelled like a pastry covered in powdered sugar.


Sounds sexxxy! Haha.

Mmmmm fuel and a hint of lemons. Incredibly sexy really haha.

Thanks guys. Now I have to go and buy some shitty cereal to eat when I am baked haha. Ah nostalgia.

Sounds good brother! I am happy that your wife approves! That is always nice. Some of my favorite cuts are very much so not wife approved hahaha.

I like the sticky icky. Positive vibes…



Did you make this?

And these? And also, is the White Nightmare from Sin City Seeds or something? Sounds familiar, but I have no experience with it.

Come on man. Now I get to pig out and be a fatass for the rest of my day haha. Positive vibes…


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Man you have that (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) looking nice! I can’t wait to see what @Papalag finds! Positive vibes…



Those are all from Sin City Seeds, White Nightmare straight rubber and berry with really nice structure.

Yeah loving the smell, I think the cereal smell also came from her.

Side note, I threw one of my Gorilla Glue clones in the tent with the BC and A&C. She’s been my favorite plant since my first grow so I know that’ll produce something really nice.


I always hate answering these types of questions because I always feel like someone who does things differently will take offense to my methods, if they differ from their own.

With that being said, let me preface this by saying that I am nothing and no one and these are just my methods and everyone is more than welcome to their own methods/thought process etc when it comes to selection, making seeds etc.

Much of your selection process for males will depend on your goals for a project and will differ from time to time, based on those goals.

I wouldn’t call it my top 3 and I wouldn’t even say that it is always in this particular order (again, desired traits in a male will usually differ based on what your goal is for a certain project or seed crop), but structure, flower development and trichome development are usually important to me when I am selecting males to work with. I also like them to have some stank on them (who would have guessed it haha), but I definitely do not have the time or energy to stem rub hundreds of plants a day haha.

I will say that one of the only ways that I know of to truly know a male that you work with, is to look through as many plants from as many hybrids as possible that were made utilizing the male. Then you can start to see traits that the male is bringing to his progeny. Especially if you know your females that you utilize in the hybrids. In short, you get to know your male and what he brings to the table by studying a male’s progeny.

Also, if you are culling a male immediately after collecting pollen or pollinating a crop, you are not getting the full picture of your male. Many males will produce pistils toward the end of their life (quite some time after pollen begins to be released), in hopes of self-fertilizing to produce their own seed crop. Other males will become extremely covered in trichomes.

I could go on and on about it all, but again, these are just some of my own methods and thought process when selecting males. I hope any of this was helpful at all. Positive vibes…



Sounds delicious for sure!

Like a cut of GG#4? For seeds? If so, I hope you get a nice seed crop brother! Positive vibes…


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These Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog (props to @DesertHeartGardens for naming the hybrid) aren’t too shabby either. Positive vibes…



Not a cut, but seeds from someone. Fat, sticky buds with the typical glue smell.

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So…the biggest thing I take out of that is time. Time to really get to know your moms and their prodigy. Time to know your males. And grow out a shit ton of your crosses!!

This, to me, is what makes for good, intelligent crosses. And I commend you for it!


With the taller Garmr moved to the bigger tent, we can take a closer look at the other 4 individuals. Gave them another leg shave.

In these two pics you can see the branching differences in the 3 BT leaners (straight up) and the Dog Patch leaner(candelabra -ish)