Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

She is fucking beautiful! Is that Coty or?

P.S. I miss a fucking backwoods blunt, but my old ass would probably cough up a lung these days haha.

They look mature and healthy too! Congratulations again on your first seed crop! I am happy that it worked out for you! F2s will differ quite a bit from F1s, but there should still be some awesome plants to be found in there. Positive vibes…



Ask and you shall receive? Haha. I am happy that they touched down brother! I look forward to seeing what you do with them! Thank you again! Positive vibes…



Dropping them in the cups in 1 hour 2 minutes :joy:



Hel(dogwalker x black triangle f2) update 6/7 are doing great 1 of them popped but had a fused Cotyledon it’s still alive but going at a snails pace about another week or two then going to up pot all to 1 gallons


Black apple(stagger lee x black triangle f2) all 7 are doing great starting to get some good growth still about 2 weeks till up potted into 1 Gallons


This is definitely not the case this time around. Definitely enough seeds of Garmr V1 and V2. Always a nice feeling. Positive vibes…


I always love hearing shit like this. I am happy that you are finding something that you enjoy so far. I truly appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…


Goddamn homie. You hit that shit up real quick. I can’t thank you enough for that! Positive vibes…


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That is odd about the 1 with fused cotyledons.

I am currently looking through a large population of Hel. They are in early flower, with the males being a little bit ahead of the females. They are fucking gnarly so far. A fucking breeze to grow and the whole group smells incredible whenever I move them around on watering days. I am thinking about creating a Dogwalker OG Bc1, if I find a male that leans towards the Dogwalker OG cut.

I actually procrastinated so long about sending that round into flower, that I have a round of all of the female cuts flowering a week or two behind the seed plants haha.

This hybrid has my interest. I am really excited to get to it and also Apple Patch Stagger Lee x Dog Patch ASAP. Thank you again! Positive vibes…



Patience isn’t my strong point at all :joy::joy:


Joining the party with 10 beans of >Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies< F2 . Most have pushed thru the soil already with 2 pushing dirt but not showing yet. Helped the helmets off of 2 of them without any issues. They are accompanied by Biker Kush V1f3 with the white tags. Not much to see now but they are growing!! :smiley:
Thankyou @stanknugzz77 for the chance to grow these out.


Same here brother haha. Literally only with plants of all types. Other than that, fuck it. Positive vibes…



When I get a harvest that holds me over I’ll learn some patience


Awesome. Welcome to the party brother!

I miss Karma’s old work! It is an honor to have my work ran beside his, even if it is the 3rd filial generation and especially because it is the V1. If any of that makes any sense haha. I am guessing that you took them to F3? If so, that is dope.

That is all that we can ask of them haha.

Truly my pleasure to share with you! Thank you again for giving my work a spot in your garden! I look forward to seeing what you find! Positive vibes…



I feel you brother. I am continuously harvesting plants, so I am never lacking any flowers. Shit. I found a few elbows of a few different hybrids in the garage a few months back that were ~3 years old. I had just put them in rubbermaid tubs, they had gotten shuffled around and I had ultimately forgotten about them entirely haha. Positive vibes…



See that’s the type of problems I need :joy:

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Back in 2016 when the old seedbay was still live I bought as many packs of karma’s gear that I could. I think I had 4 or 5 packs of the original Biker , 7 packs of old Grandpa Scratch… that 7% of the packs dropped in that limitted line. I grabbed a few others like happy brother and where’s my bike… couple others I can’t recall at the moment. I have done my own preservation work of the biker and the old grandpa scratch but have promised Karma G that I would not sell anything pure but crosses were okay. The biker v1F3 is giving me amazing plants that I feel are okay for me to be working into my other lines as my own work.
anyhow… the Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F2 will be in good company this summer in the greenhouse. I won’t be keeping males but I may keep a cut for bud runs if any special ladies stand out :wink:


Sounds like a good time to me for sure!

I appreciate you brother! I look forward to following along! Positive vibes…



got my testers today! super stoked to run these ! got a week left to finish existing crop then these go into my veg room… stayed tuned !