Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

@stanknugzz77 your beans landed today!! Thankyou


Awesome. I am happy to hear that they landed. Thank you for giving my work a spot in your garden! I truly hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…



I am glad that they arrived. Thank you again for participating in the naming contest! I’m most likely going to be looking through a grip of those Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog sooner than later. Positive vibes…


Yoo guys just dropped some beans in the water!

4x (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West
4x Chem Del La Black - (Chem Del La Chem F2 x Black Triangle F2)

Will update more this week when they land in soil


I have a bunch of flips of 3 and 5 seeds. After this next round of seeds I’m going to be dropping all of them and that flip is one of em. I’ll keep ya posted. Pics tomorrow of the testers. They’ve been up potted. Looking great. 100% germination on all of them. Culled all the tall ones as well.


That’s dope! You said that you were going to run these outdoors? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

Either way, definitely feel free to post updates here. And I don’t anticipate any issues, but please always feel free to reach out as well if you ever have any issues with my work. Thank you so much again for your support! I hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…



Awesome, but truly no pressure. Those are a prize/gift, so don’t feel any obligations. If/when you do start them, definitely feel free to post updates in this thread, if you care to.

Sounds good brother! Always nice to hear 100% germination rate as well!

I am not sure that I understand? Either way, I appreciate you! Positive vibes…


Because I have to deal with a height restriction in my tent I don’t like having plants that grow tall and lanky. I’ve had them and can do it I just like to. Over the years I’ve found when popping ten or more seeds the tallest sprouts, 9 times outta 10, are male. That’s all. I’ve got more than five of each strain.


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Some snaps, and those smells are changing, getting more delicious smelling in there.

TropicannaCookies x Herijuana x xCherry west BC


Looking beautiful brother! I just want to get up in there and smell them haha. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Webe Beautiful work as usual, bro


3/5 with the Chem Del La Black so far


Make that 4/5 shit that was fast


Hi guys and gals

Sorry for the quality of the picture it’s crowded in there lol
Grease’s pieces x Tropicana cookies x (cherry west bc1 )

Room is packed

Flowering 28 days


I appreciate the camaraderie between everyone. Reminds me of the old days in the community. Positive vibes…



Yeeeeee. We still hoping for 5/5 though haha. I appreciate your enthusiasm brother! Positive vibes…



Truly no apology necessary! You gotta do what you gotta do!

They are gorgeous! You are killing it! And it is definitely crowded in there haha.

Side note: Could be my eyes or maybe just the picture quality, but the 3rd picture looks a little bit worrisome. Maybe pollinated? Not to worry you or anything. Again, could definitely just be my old eyes haha. Positive vibes…


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I see a color change in the buds but I have not pollinated anything this grow hmmmm I need to investigate lol :joy:
And No Signs of intersex at all


This is all that I was concerned about. All good brother! Carry on! Positive vibes…


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I’ve had occasional buds do that really early too… in my case it’s usually from having a cord on the light movers brushing against the bud repetitively all day every day, or wind damage.