Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

So true
The funny thing is, I have so many store-bought seeds.I normally give away all the seeds I make, and then everybody tells me they’re good, and I got to go and scramble to find them.
Now I slip in one or two a grow


Yeah fuck all that noise haha. I barely have a life outside of cannabis now (I don’t haha). I have thought about renting yet another house and then it hits me, “yeah you are definitely fucking retarded” haha. Positive vibes…



Here’s a few pics of the lings…. Sorry for the purple pics but my one big ass bar light shat the bed, so I had to steal my big Veg light and now my one Veg/clone/mom room is a mishmash of blurple, t5 and some cheap led strips. :rage: should never have gave away all those 400’s :man_facepalming:t2:


I will never stop drooling over this shit. Absolutely stunning work.

Looking back, it kind of makes me laugh about how much you seemed to dislike those plants in veg (I would constantly beat myself up over it). Definitely not at your plight at all, but looking at the end result and how you knocked it the fuck outta the park. And how incredibly beautiful you brought them around to. Yeah growing cannabis is fucking crazy like that sometimes. Most times really, in one way or another haha. I truly appreciate you brother! Already looking forward to whatever you choose to run next round! Positive vibes…



I only wish we did this post legalization. That was a complete nightmare and I’m almost positive gave me PTSD, and know it was the beginning of my anxiety issues. after stripping, hiding everything TWICE. Burying 25 pounds and bags of cash etc. Then a home invasion that almost saw my mentors brother killed and DID kill his two pit bulls…. Ya never again. I swear the day I was finished with that, recouped the funds, sold everything is still one of the best days in the last 12 years. Was like they took 300 lbs off of my shoulders. And the day I became a much better father to my sons.


In the past 5-6 years I’ve grown out one cross I/we made and that was only to test if the Mountain Temple was truly a “clear” male so I definitely feel you, they get tested for viability and that’s about it. I just can’t let all these gems I paid top dollar for sit, then I say “not buying a seed this year” bahahaha who am I kidding.


It’s a curse


I bet it would boggle peoples minds to know the seed stashes some people here have. I gotta admit I thought someone was lying when the said they had around 2000 packs, until they showed me proof :open_mouth: When I hit 150 packs I thought it was ridiculous! That was several years back now. And this place is like the ultimate enabler. “No more seeds this year” 5 mins later incoming PM “hey weren’t you looking for Casey Jones originals” yep, Send em! :man_facepalming:t2:


I do suppose our addictions could be much worse though….


ya, a violent home invasion took me out of the “game” back in '05.
I was living in and managing a 6 bedroom house with 2 large sectioned off areas that were a former basement rec room. Those two rooms were mine and the other 6 were occupied with mothers and clone tables. The living room and dining room were basically work areas. When the shit went down I was nearly killed and would have bled out if it wasn’t for a friend who got to my house before the ambulance and got me to the emerg. I woke up two days later with 6 brothers from ontario who got on a plane as soon as they heard the news. I cut ties with everyone and my associates and partners in the clone op agreed it was time for me to lay low for awhile. Took me 10 years to get over the anxiety of starting another grow. Since 2015 I’ve been back growing and even then I find myself on security alert all the time. I stopped packing a pistol a few years ago LOL so that’s an accomplishment with the ptsd in itself. When the fires happened here (twice) and all the evacuations all round us, I was literally a ptsd wreck the entire time with all the rumours and news of thievery going on. It’s rough some days but I get thru it.


Been through 2 in my life…. One I was beaten BAD! Changed my way’s completely then , and those I associated with. Scary times not knowing who to trust etc. I definitely feel you. Idk I guess you reap what you sow and being involved in that industry at that time was not ideal anyway as it was big big bucks back then and everyone was after killer hydro in the 90’s plus the Crips/bloods were trying to come into town and push out the HA it was a crazy time for everyone and taught me a lot . But the stuff I’m left with internally is what REALLY SUCKS! And now it’s legal¿ I never would have thought even 15 years back, no way


Man I have a whole starting lineup :joy:


I was too scared to grow before legalization. I tried once when I was 16 then gave up when my cousin dropped the light on it. Just started really learning in 2021.

They alway post something or some good price that makes you think twice :joy:

It’s so refreshing knowing I’m not the only one


I appreciate that man. Always glad when I test for someone and they like what they see.

Like I said before veg was on me… I refused to adjust and that was my fault. Knowing that I adjusted to a 1:1 means they really needed that calcium.

Definitely will be looking at any of those dogwalker crosses and many things from your ever growing list haha

I’ll have another update when we trim up.


Awesome! I am over here thinking that the (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc) (Triangle Kush leaning mother) Black Cherry V1 or the (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc) ('88 G-13/HP leaning mother) Black Cherry V2 and the Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple might be interesting to run side by side. I look forward to the pictures!

I am currently making another batch of the Black Cherry V1 and V2 and both seed crops should be ready for harvest in ~2 weeks, give or take.

Side note: I have been collecting some pollen from some Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel males recently! Positive vibes…



I would love to toss this pollen at my Airwolf… (Dogwalker OG x Romulan) see what comes of that.


Absolutely beautiful work brother! I truly appreciate the writeup as well!

I feel like you have some pretty awesome pictures as well. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Will have pictures up tonight or tomorrow I think those would be a fun side by side for sure some pretty plants on those black cherry @Rhai88 crushed those I’m sure the black apples won’t be no slouches either!

Oh yeah excited what might come of that pollen! More I hear about that dogwalker making me giddy to get those HEL in flower :joy:

Other note Thinking the grandmas dog might be lost to the mail abyss still not giving up but still nothing yet :smiling_face_with_tear:


Pretty sure that you meant proof of DEATH haha. All good brother!

They are all looking nice! I look forward to seeing what you find! Thank you again! Positive vibes…

My thoughts exactly! Positive vibes…



HEL, Chem de la Black and Mikado x Tropicana cookies F2 vegging away. I hope to transplant them soon.