Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I concur! Positive vibes…



Black Cherry girls are coming down right now and I took a shit load of photos.

One of the ladies did not do well during flush. She dried out and went extra crispy on me. Seeds seem to be intact and developed but didn’t bother with pics of her since she looks deep fried.

There will be some high res pics of the others tonight/tomorrow. Going to have to go through them all after me and my lady get done with a partial wet trim. All of them smell fantastic even the well done one :laughing:


I am definitely excited to see what you find in these! Thank you again! Positive vibes…



Awesome! Your setup for the photoshoot looks legit as fuck! I truly look forward to the shitload of photos!

That is odd. Hopefully she still smokes decent.

Again, I am definitely looking forward to it! I truly appreciate you AND your lady’s efforts! Positive vibes…



Here we go I decided to resize and get them on here…

These were my favorites after going through all the pics I took. I went through quick and picked my favorites but these are shots from all 3 females top colas as well as a random lower I shot.

I give you Black Cherry before chop.


Man would you believe number 3 still hasn’t caught up? Thinking about getting rid of that one. I don’t wanna raise another coty :joy:

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Got all HEL and BLACK APPLE up potted to 1 gallons should be able to spread there wings a bit pictures coming soon :call_me_hand:


I just got to know what kind of camera are you using your shot are beautiful


He does it up right got the halo lighting and everything that first girl is stunning @Rhai88


Yes I’d love for my pictures to look close to that at least lol

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It’s an OLD ass Nikon. With a cheap and then not so cheap lense combo. I used a 40mm macro lense as well as a 50mm cheapy off brand lense. The real trick is your lighting. If your lighting is shit your pictures will be shit.

In all honesty I can pull these same photos with my galaxy s21 as long as I’m in pro mode and still have the lighting I just wouldn’t have such hi res images.


(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) has been nothing but great to me :grin: not only were they not finicky but the aroma that I was getting all throughout flower carried straight over to the dried flowers THESE PLANTS DID NOT MAKE IT TO CURE they didn’t need to. the terps were loud enough coming out my dryer that I would have paid someone for this shit and never knew or thought they just snatched it off the plant 4 days prior. As stated once before the flavor of tangie was just in your face! Hated to see them chopped without cloning


Ok so here’s proof of life for the Chem Del La Black

Number 3 didn’t make the cut

Here’s the (Grease’s pieces x Tropicanna cookies) x (Cherry west bc) F2

And out of the 10 seeds I soaked 6 of them popped

:weary: I hate the fact that I just popped these to waste most of them. I just want to ride around and plant them in random places :joy::joy: that’s how you overgrow the world for real


Good morning

@Thats_bank great job brother

The new seed are viable woo hoo

The chem del la black oh yeah there should be some :fire::fire::fire::fire:


Good morning to you too brother. I can’t believe I made my first seeds. It’s like having a child :joy: I’m so proud


That shit is super exciting! Stoked for you brother!


Thanks. I may have found a whole new love. I’m looking at getting another tent now


You don’t have any children, do you? Hahaha.

Congratulations again brother! Literally the most addictive part about cannabis is making seeds and growing my own work… and then finding beautiful specimens in my work and using those to make more seeds… and then and then and then haha.

Just wait until you are renting another house haha. Shit gets real quick. Positive vibes…



Or 6 units in an apartment building and a loan for 40,000$ in equipment…. Ya it builds quickly.


welcome young jedi… to the dark side mruhahahaha ! :laughing: