Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Why do they look like that? I’m legit curious, not criticizing or anything. That one in the back left-hand corner is like an eighteen-inch meristem with only three sets of leaves at the very top.


I am pretty sure that @TopShelfTrees1 mentioned having a light go out a couple of weeks ago and having to piece together some lighting for his veg space. Maybe stretch from low light?

@TopShelfTrees1 Please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken.

@minitiger Either way, it doesn’t look like anything too horrible to me (this is testing anyway) and with a little attention, it can easily be corrected prior to flowering.

Hell, I have some plants that look like a bag of fucking shit before I flip to flower. I prune them, transplant, wait a week or two for their roots to establish in their new pots and then flip to 12/12 and by the time they are done flowering, you could never tell that they ever skipped a beat in veg haha. Most of the time, it is just due to the sheer volume of plants that I care for day in and day out, that there is always some inevitable neglect haha. In all honesty though, the plants that can’t hack my abuse, are always more than welcome to hit the compost. I don’t have the time or energy to baby them shits anyway haha. Positive vibes…



Oh yeah, for sure, dude. I wasn’t criticizing the genetics or whatever as much as I was just kind of like,”What happened there?” haha. The plants are the plants, they typically grow pretty similar (in veg, anyway). I was just wondering if, like, topshelf had just pruned the fuck out of that plant or what. Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like that before.


The thought never crossed my mind haha. I just figured that some people might take your comment as you being critical of the grower, even though you legit said,

It’s the internet; we are all out to get our feelings hurt haha. And let’s face it, you’re the meanest guy that I know on the internet and I went to the dark web once, so that’s saying a lot haha. Positive vibes…



Haha… You’re funny.

Again, hahaha… You’re funny… That actually really did make me LOL. Like, for real. I laughed out loud.

But seriously, am I the meanest guy on the internet? Haha! I feel like I’m pretty nice…

No, it was more just, like, I’m interested in the technique or whatever, like if it is a “technique” or if something just kinda “happened” or whatever. I’m always trying to learn, dude, for real, always trying to put shit in the memory bank…


I feel like you might be missing some pretty blatant sarcasm on my part haha, but it is text… on the internet. Positive vibes…



Anyone who has completed a test grow of any of the Cherry West Bc hybrids, please feel free to reach out. I harvested a fresh batch of (Cherry West Bc) F2s a few days ago and I will be more than happy to send your 5 seed pack out ASAP. I truly appreciate everyone’s love and support! Positive vibes…



Say less I’m definitely interested

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Cherry cherry cherry …hopefully when I hit you up in November there are some available for testing LMAO …
Every tester is doing one hell of a job with your work brother !


Yep, you are correct @stanknugzz77 still using that pieced together low light piece of shit for Veg. Any plants that aren’t in the direct light source tend to stretch like mofos as it’s a blurple pos I bought from homegrown hydro when LED’s just came out and paid a small Fortune for 6, some t5’s and a ghetto led strip, I quickly learned the blurple wasn’t cutting it and added the others overhead which seems to have fixed the issue until I can afford a new light ONE DAY @minitiger


7 weeks oh yeah and started bulking up now !!!
Buds are colorful, sticky and hard as a rock !!!

As they near the finish there smells are getting louder
Iv not look at the trichomes as of yet , I usually don’t even bother till week 8, but these ladies are freakin frosty so I’ll sneak a peak later
I figured based on there lineages 64 too 70 days




Fucking beautiful


Hit me up whenever and we will make it happen ASAP. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



I truly appreciate your interest!

I just harvested another round of Cherry West Bc hybrids a week or so ago and I still have my Cherry West Bc male and female that I work with, so there might still be some that need testing around then. Always feel free to hit me up.

They really fucking are. I can’t thank all of the people enough that have actually followed through with testing and kept their word. Honestly, they are all fucking killing it. Positive vibes…



Hell yeah brother deff has to feel good seeing all the active members holding true !
You know it brother I’ll hit yah up for sure !
Until then keeping tabs !!



Update for ya @stanknugzz77 !!!
Below Black Apple. Very nice structure, slight branching. Nice smell.

Below is Hazmat OG x Blowfish x StaggerLee. Thick stems. Holy hell! Tight nodding and the branching stays tight to the main stem. If I put her in flower right now it would be one big ass cola. Lol not much smell yet.

Below is the family.

Just put them all into flower to sex then back into veg for a few weeks.



No no no, I got it. I just felt like being extra smart-ass-y last night.

I was interested in the technique, though… Looked intriguing haha.


Those (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) are looking sexy! Nearing the home stretch now! Amazing work on your part brother! Positive vibes…



(Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black I presume? Haha. Looking good brother! Positive vibes…
