im going to be a rich man

All personal injury suits have cash advances, I still have to get a 10k surgery to get higher advanced my dads picking up, and yeah, happily ever after after this, just need to make friends and get a gf, I’m 37 as of 2022

Well said…I also love watching that show when people win the lottery and quit their job then they go broke…you have to have money management…my dad always said the more money you have the more you’re gonna spend on some unnecessary crap…


There was a study that said something like if you had an accident that left you in a wheel chair or won the lottery you would be more likely to be happy, one year later, in a wheelchair.


I sure in the hell would not be happy… I had 4 brothers that my mother buried…all of my brothers had money but in the end they all just wanted to be healthier…when your health deteriorates you don’t think about money at least to most people, all you think about is getting healthy…I’m the only one to make it past 40 yrs. old and I was the black sheep, none of my brothers smoked cigarettes, did drugs or drink alcohol…money doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have health.


That sounds really cool, I’ve done some writing for a few Toronto comedians. I thought about starting doing some stand up myself just as COVID hit and the comedy clubs all shut down up here…Typical me.

Hopefully we do!

My financial advice would probably include an old sock full of gold doubloons under the mattress.


What’s the deal with airline food am I right? Where are they getting this stuff, the dog track? And do I really need to stow my tray table in the upright position? What’s going to happen, is the weight of my tray table and a magazine that detrimental to our safety? You might be a flight attendant if, here’s your sign, git er done!


I can’t even open the bag!?!

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an update, about 3 weeks and no word back from my lawyer regarding my loan =( hopefully this settlement is real

Sorry bro. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Concentrate on getting healthier… It seemed like you were way more stressed out on getting settlement/cash & partying like a rock star bromigo…


My advice from personal experience, is to not let your expectations get out of whack. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. I was involved in a helicopter accident in 81 and it took me nine years waiting to get in court and when we did, my lawyer purposefully caused a dismissal and I came away with nothing. My lawyer died six months later because he had cancer ( I hd no idea). I was looking at close to a million in 1990. The jury was furious and was all for me but my lawyer made it all die. Then he died and my only recourse was to sue the dead lawyers estate. I was done, and wen on with my life. I’m still financially challenged because of it. Life is indeed not fair. Don’t bank any future settlement. I wish you well. Stay focused. peace


Man that phrase right there…:pensive:


My initial presettlement loan came in!! Bought a 400$

Dropped the bottle

Just need to get surgery for the six digit loans, planning to move to San Mateo county


Congratulations! I got an idea for a business and I was just wondering if you could maybe take a look. :wink:


Glad to hear it bud hope you get a good result.

“Buy dirt”. Had to say it.


You forgot to mention, it’s dirt cheap :crazy_face:

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I have to go in for a man boob removal to get more, so I’ll spend a few weeks recovering and I can apply for another loan, can’t beat free money

“Loan” and “free money” don’t belong in the same sentence…lol…but I think I understand what you’re saying.