im going to be a rich man

Turn a joint into ashes so fast :laughing:


I am very skilled at that.


I know you can make some rosin dissappear canā€™t ya?

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Iā€™m looking at empty containers as we type.

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Sooo not so exaggerated then? :rofl::sweat_smile:

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Well wizard assumes a certain status. Iā€™m not there yet and I donā€™t have a beard so thatā€™s the biggest problem.

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A beardless wizard! Say it ainā€™t so!

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Impossible if you want to be in the union. Beard mandatory.

I think itā€™s the same for magicians.

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lol yeah, longer story about how I couldnā€™t spend it for college such as a savings account for federal aid and fucking research tools but all is good for now, fam is helping me grow full time and if I get my op going my uncle has a ton of workers hes worked with for years

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Lolā€¦ so youā€™re an outcast wizard with no beardā€¦ no wonder you get high! Haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

its good bud, its mainly for their friends and if I get a stable job ill throw them a spare qp for their purposes, usually goes through my aunt initially

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Man it just sucks all the way aroundā€¦ the whole ordealā€¦ the medical stuff and litigation

My grandparents are nearing end of life and none of the siblings canā€™t along and itā€™s really ugly and is going to get worse.

But thatā€™s my little problem.


U any good at guitar?

That happens alot bro!!! Itā€™s very sad to see

Itā€™s better for them to rid the assets before so no one has shit to fight overā€¦ leave nothing!!!

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Itā€™s not even assets itā€™s petty rivalries from when they were 12 years old. Itā€™s weird. Iā€™m the adult. me


Awww manā€¦ yeah thatā€™s shittyā€¦ hopefully they find clarity and just do the right thing bro

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I told them to hire lawyers and be done with it because youā€™re making it too personal and itā€™s not getting anywhere.

This is happening in 2 family units.

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For sureā€¦ someone has got to mediateā€¦ good call bro

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I doubt theyā€™ll listen but thatā€™s what I said.

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