im going to be a rich man

Try not to get wrapped up in it if they don’t listen bro… ooohm ooohmm oohm!!! Keep that head clear and happy

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I do stay out of it but it’s ugly.

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Man I hope it gets better for your sake brother… :pray:

They are fighting over ashes. It’s ridiculous.

I’m good. It’s just a minor stressor in my life. Not really my problem.

But I see it happening with my siblings when then time comes.

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Why not split them? Several urns

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Because that would be reasonable and little sister never got her way and wants her way now, for example.

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Damn bro… i feel for you man. That’s a tough 1 especially when stubborn heads bang together

Thanks man. Really I’m just bitching.

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I suppose… but I know it helps to get it out too… so… well there’s that anyway…

It does. It’s mostly very weird to see the adults in your life act like children.


I know… it shows what lies beneath the facades… it’s a sad thing to see for sure

These rivalries have always been present this is just a manifestation of them.

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Oh I’m sure… but the childishness… that seems to increase in times like that… why? I’ll never truly understand

I dunno man. I’m not sure how it’s going to shake out but we will see.

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At least they have you trying to be reasonable… that does matter u know… even if desired results don’t happen… your words will ring in their ears for years… likely out of regret… but it’s a learning experience for them nonetheless… that’s even if it goes bad…

Who would have ever thought I’d be the reasonable one? :joy:


Haha I’ve been you before… I’m the typical problematic 1… but oddly enough… in weird times I have a level head. And they don’t lol

Perhaps because you are more comfortable than they in weird times


Must be lol… strange I never saw it like that

Yeah man if you spend more time in that headspace it becomes comfortable.

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