Imstinky’s Stink Shack

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Flopped everything over more and put up my net. Top dressed each earthbox with Gnarly Barley, colorado worm castings, build-a-flower, and bokashi. Gonna flip to flower in a few more days.


and here I got all excited and its been 18 days since you updated :crazy_face:
JK… all caught up and ready to chill, lookin great all around Bruda

Brought the Good Vibes :pray:


Yeah the last month I’ve been harvesting my 2 tents and juggling everything else. Updates will come soon when I get back to coasting mode.


Still not in coasting mode yet, but here’s what I’m working with right now. Trying to get these tents rolling so I can go back to my harvest and start pulling buds off the stems. They are dry and on stems in brown paper grocery bags in a Rubbermaid container. Need to get these in jars so the shit hanging drying can go into bags. Constantly playing catch up.

SIP shack is coming along nicely about 2 weeks into flower filling up the screen. Still need to do another top dress in these soon and will be cleaning up a few lowers in a week or so.

3x3 bed got a bucket of goodies top dressed last night. Craft blend, build a flower ewc, cowoco castings, gnarly barley, mustard seed meal, bokashi, and some cover crop got spread too. All my clones of everything going into or already in flower took, so that’s always a relief.


Bed is getting full too. I’ve had it for about a year and half now. So at least 6-7 flower cycles with a little top dress here and there.


same… think im going to need to take some soil out before my next round.
Nice mix for the 3x3 :+1: What will you be top dressing the EB’s with, same mix?


I think we got our take n bakes around the same time because I remember you dumping yours to put the tray under and I thought about doing the same but decided against it cause I couldn’t get a vehicle to get the tray and since I wasn’t watering to run off either figured i could do without.

Should be the same for the earthboxes. I already have the gnarly barley ground up. Had to put clones in solos last night instead of top dressing the earth boxes. They did get watered so I might wait another couple days for those.


Picked up an Oyster Straw log to cover up the top dress and keep the worms happier.


Is that from TR? I was in there 2 days ago digging thru the pile looking for the one with the most mycelium lol.


Yeah they had the bottom layer of the pallet left and I grabbed the whitest one I could find.

When are you flipping yours to flower @BeagleZ?


I’m going to give them 2, 3 more weeks tops.
I usually don’t have them in the bed this long before flowering, I’m getting antsy lol

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I guess I’ll be heading out to flower land before you. I don’t think I can wait 2-3 weeks


When you thinking? I don’t really need huge plants this run


I was thinking 3-4 more days. A week tops. And my reasoning is because my plants are usually a little shorter when they go in the bed.


glad to find this!


Welcome. Light something up if it stinks too bad for you in here.


Got a wild hair up my ass on lunch break. Well more like a plant got hairs that I thought was male, or just taking too long to show so I was gonna leave it out of this round. Little maneuvering and bending made an extra spot for this lady. So I shoved her in nicely. It’s a MAC x DLA5 so now I got 2 of those in the tent. Hopefully everything is praying when I get home from work.

@BeagleZ you just bought yourself some extra time. I’m gonna give them a few more days now.


Ha! I just updated my thread saying I was going to have flip sooner than I thought.


I just did a trim on the ladies in the bed, placed branches where I wanted, flipped the timer to 12hrs and tomorrow will be day 1 of flower. Always excited to see what happens in the next 2-3 weeks. Every plant in the bed is new to me so hopefully shit doesn’t go downhill fast.

Going for 6 plants again this time around
Back left-Soul Mate x Chocolate Diesel
Back right-Kosher Tangie x Chocolate Diesel
Middle left-MAC x DLA5 #1 from @Rosinallday
Middle right-Purple Afghan HP x ChocDiesel
Front left-Artifact1 f2 #2 x Kashmir Azad
Front right-MAC x DLA5 #2