In search of Pacific Northwest Cinex. Some flowers for my Mom

Hello everyone. This is my first topic I’ve ever created since joining this website, I hope this goes well. I have recently become a supporter of Over Grow And I’ve been slowly but consistently building my trust level. Cannabis has been part of my life, since I was a young boy. My family has all been gorilla growers, Users and advocates since I can remember. I myself have carried on the tradition of being a cultivator and a collector. I will always advocate for and defend appropriate responsible use of cannabis as long as I am breathing. I’ve seen the beneficial effects of this medicine impact several people in my life, including my own mother and wife so it’s safe to say I’m very passionate about cannabis. Back on topic…. About 10 to 12 years ago in the Pacific Northwest where I’m live, there was a cut of Cinex ( Cinderella 99 crossed with Vortex ) going around and I ran it for a very long time exclusively for my mother and her pain. Well, life happens, shit happens, and sometimes we lose cuts or seeds that tend to haunt us to this day. I would really like to get that back in my collection and running it immediately. Does anybody in the community have this either as seeds or a cut that they are willing to part with? I would prefer to get it within the community from one OGer to another. This will be exclusively grown and given to my mother. I just wanna grow some flowers for my mom, especially ones that have been proven to benefit her. Thank you everyone for your time and thank you to the Team at Overgrow for letting me make this public for the community to see.


A user who just joined has a cross. Also, you might check out the seed trading forum.


Thank you brother man.

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Now, THAT’S a healthy attitude!!! Good luck on the search, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @misterbee! Your kind words reach me very well!

I’ve got some Straight Vortex/f2 from a gracious OG Member, if you desired that. I know Cindy99 is roaming the “OG Campus”. If that interest you, I can certainly/willingly part with some. AFTER I knock out my remaining/outstanding obligations, I can prep a shipment. Good luck on your search, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@misterbee Mr B doing Mr :honeybee: things. Very OG of ya.


Welcome brotha.
Thanks for supporting OG. :+1:t3:
So sorry to say I do not have what your looking for.
I’m sure you’ll find it round these parts.
Best of luck!

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@misterbee that is super nice of you. I have seen countless folks here on “Campus” speak very highly of you and all those drawings you provide are really amazing. You my friend are a righteous dude. I’ll be here whenever you get time down the road. I sincerely appreciate that. Effin sweeeeeetttt.

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ME??? I just hold the Giveaways (Buy, collect, trade, have gifted the Seeds), it’s my Partner in this effort, @OhNo555, who provide the Visuals. A GENIUS, to be sure. I certainly 'preciate him immensely. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you brother, I’m sure I will. There are some very compassionate folks around here. Makes me proud to be a fellow OGer.