(incomplete) Holy Crack Preservation

I will be collecting some pollen as it’s still dropping, I may get rid of the males after as I think it will be easier to keep fewer plants heated. If it gets cold like that again I can more direct the heat towards the females. I’ll keep everyone posted. :crossed_fingers:


Hoping those are salvageable, it does look like a few can be…

I’m sure that was heartbreaking, what temps you think they saw?


You’re an experienced grower, hope you don’t mind me giving a little advice.

Correcting the environmental conditions to their usual state will go a long way. Keep an eye out for any sign of mildew in the grow, because a frost like this can make them more vulnerable.

Focus on the overall health of the grow, don’t worry too much if some of these individuals don’t make it.

I wouldn’t be concerned with keeping the males alive at this stage either, the pollination has been pretty thorough. If any of the males look like a liability in terms of their health, you could probably chop males with no negative consequence.

Good luck!


Below freezing in the root zone. It was -16°C (3°f) last night outside.the middle zone in the tent got down to +11°C so it was just the bottom that was freezing




Thanks @zephyr great advice. :+1: it’s much appreciated


With this information, the other thing that would help is to get the pots raised up off of the floor.

If you have a wood pallet, or even cooling racks for baking, that will work well to get some airflow to those fabric pots, and get them up off that freezing ground.

Anything that won’t mold or get waterlogged will work. Don’t use solid metal, as it will act as a heat sync and conduct the freezing temperature. But wire racks or anything of that nature will work.


Dam it @zephyr
I was just about to hit reply…LOL :worried:

If ya can put a milk crate under em, or whatever you have available.
Good luck brother.
I feel your pain, I am in michigan and it is about to get shitty here too.


I grow in a detached garage, few tents. Insulated and ac/heat… but didn’t always have. So iv always been struggling with cool temps on the coldest of winter days…

If you haven’t already, a 1" or so foam insulation cut to size under tent liners might be a good idea.


It is a heart stopping sight for sure.
I do see this as an opportunity for valuable info about how the strain handles extreme cold


One last thought, if any of the males die, you can still collect their pollen when you chop them down.


Agree with you I’ve been using Styrofoam to line the walls and I have my plants in top of a piece of it and it’s brought temperature up almost 7 degrees because I’m in Colorado and last night was-25°F and again tonight so I have been using Styrofoam for the last ½ of the year until I can afford to get some reflective foam board for insulation and I have been keeping my lights on at night also but I am sending some good vibes @Jinglepot for you and your Dudette’s and Dude’s!

see I am one of many forms LoL Saint, dinosaur, LoL but seriously I can’t believe the weather we had a 42° temperature swing last night in less than 1½ hours and did get a few inches of snow but I think if anyone can get them to bounce back it’s you


Sending plant prayers for you, I am no expert but I would guess they will bounce back for most all of them. My garlic is outside under a foot of snow in a frozen raised bed and takes right off again when the environment comes back. I realize thats not garlic in your tent but below the soil line I think the biology just goes dormant, and theres alot of green above the soil line. My moneys on a decent recovery.
Ive been looking into electric, radiant heating mat. They make some thats designed to be installed under carpet or tile, thermostat operated. Im having a hard time finding something that accommodates the dimensions I require but my thought was trying to keep the root zone happy in winter months. Im in zone 5b and Dec-Mar here the ground is frozen and im on a concrete slab.
Wishing You Well !


thats a cool grafix


Oh no, I hope they come back. They are holy seeds afterall


Damn… might be losing my grow too. I’m out of town for the holidays and just got word that the power went out at my house. Six degrees Fahrenheit. Hoping I can get someone over there to hook my generator up but I might have to take this whole grow as a loss.


It’s amazes me how so many people lose power in this country. We are supposed to have the best.
I will not set up any real grow where I’m living because of power disruptions.


Yea the power company is in the middle of burying the power lines where I live. Taking their sweet time about it though. I live in the sticks so it happens fairly often. Reason I got the Grower’s Choice Master Pursuit CMH lights for my flower room - they have all kinds of circuit and bulb protections in case of outages. Been GREAT lights so far. Havent seen any other HID’s with all those kinds of protections. Got a buddy heading over to hook shit up now. Hopefully they can survive until the power comes back on.


Ms. Longtooth and I are snuggled up on the second floor watching the wind blow when we hear the loud honk of a fire engine. -Look outside to see a fire truck backing into our driveway before pulling back down the lane. Two guys, who we thought were spotters stay behind and tie a police tape from my mailbox to the neighbor’s mailbox across the street, blocking the road. We check it out and sure enough there’s a line down and they’ve got the way taped off. No more deliveries for us for now I guess. Also guessing at some point Dominion will come fix things up. Power blinked s couple of times before the fire co. showed, but we’re still energized ATM. Two days before Christmas and the coldest of snaps underway… -Should be interesting.


Well, it’s NOT looking good. If I can’t recover these I will do my best to source out more Holy Crack seeds amd try again. Root zones are warmed, no signs of recovery… just more death. It also looks like I’m losing some plants in my main grow big room :sob: we have NEVER had weather like this here. Now it’s all freezing rain ontop of 15" of snow