(incomplete) Holy Crack Preservation

Sending positive vibes for a smooth run. Thanks to @VAhomegrown for providing the genetics to make this happen. Pulling up a front row seat


24hr soak with a dash of 3% peroxide and into the paper towel. Hung vertical in a dark room temp closet.


I’m excited all over again. This is a Rollercoaster of emotions.

D.S. al Coda:


Hell yea! Time for a rematch!


Isn’t that the truth!

Ding ding!




In the time I dropped the Holy Crack seeds I have dropped copa Quick Skunk seeds, Frankensteins Daughter seeds and Lemon Pound Cake seeds with 100% germ, and planted them. After a 30 hr soak, and 3 days in moist paper towel the seeds were still rock hard and not one tail showing. I was FREAKING OUT :tired_face:

As I was leaving on a ski trip I HAD to do something. I gently bit between 2 teeth and “popped” each seed, put them back in paper towel hung up in my closet for 2 days while I was skiing.

The first thing I did was run to see them when I got back back and lo and behold, tails! Not the healthiest start, but I’d bet that at least 7 or 8 are gonna be good growers! Phew! :hot_face:


Awesome !!!

I’m glad they popped for you, very excited to see these :raised_hands:

I posted my technique for popping older or stubborn seeds around here someplace, I’ll find it if you want for next time. It’s thankful not needed now haha
:seedling::herb:🪴 :evergreen_tree:

But for the future wasnt able to get seeds from the 70s to pop, and I tried like 8/9 different techniques I found online and in some books. I finally altered some things in desperation and combined a few together, and out of my last 8 beans, 7 popped in 24 hours. The last one popped in under 48 !


I got home from work this morning and 2 had broken surface… woke up from a 4 hour nap and 4 had broken surface!!


6 peaking through the soil this morning! I expect 7 or 8, we will see. Slow starters for sure. These are the others I started at the same time (quick skunk and Frankensteins Daughter 1 day earlier)

First 2 are Quick Skunk, super growers these ones
Second 2 are Frankensteins Daughter
Back 6 are LPC x

For reference, Holy Crack tray, lol

There are 6 up though, trust me :joy:


Popping like popcorn!

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4 are growing, 3 are above ground but haven’t moved at all in 3 days and 3 never surfaced.
I’ll give it a couple more days before I do anything. I think I should have more than 4 for a seed run… so I did some looking and found this. If we dont get a couple more growing, I’ll grab a new pack to get this done!

I emailed them to see if they will ship to Canada (no option on their site for that) and am awaiting a reply.


Damn. That’s not how I thought that was gonna go.

Did you bury them in the soil when you planted?

I started a technique of only burying the beans up to the shell, leaving it above the surface. It has helped me out a lot for older genetics. I’m not exactly sure why, but it really increased my seedlings from germed seeds rate.


Same as I always do, about 1/4" below the surface. I germed, with 100% success 4 other strains (18 seeds) at the same time. We will wait a couple more days… I’ll buy all 3 packs if I have to :laughing: but hopefully I won’t, lol


If they won’t ship to Canada, you can send them to me and I’ll mail em to you. I’m still pretty new, but not going to tarnish my reputation here for 100 bucks. Plus I’ll toss a few of these in there just for fun . Finally got my 3d printer out of storage!


Right on, we’ll get this run sorted out!


Plus if I help out, maybe you could throw a few my way once your done since I missed out on the seed run by only about eight months :wink:


Haha, all good pal, there are always extras to go around


I believe in you pal!

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Bought and paid for, shipped out to me asap!! @ix3u thanks for the offer. I’ll have something special for you :wink:

I delt with Daniel Rosen at ChaiLife Genetis and he was very helpful and more than willing to ship to cannada privately (off site) theu carry a ton of H.B.K. Genetics, give em a look up, love supporting good service!