Indica vs. sativa edibles

i just made some edibles, but from mostly very sativa dom buds.
it’s been about 4 hours since ingestion and I have to say, the high is very much a heady energetic high. at 100mg or so, my ears are ringing and i don’t have squinty bloodshot eyes like i normally do.

i thought i noticed this a few times on other edibles, but this is pretty good confirmation since i know what went into the melange. i do a pretty quick decarb (30 min at 230f) and bake muffins at 300f for 30 min. maybe some terps are left in there.

though, it’s hard to imagine it’s the terps after a decarb that is driving the difference in high/stone. so far, no stone just up and up and up. head feels like a balloon.


I think all 3 have their place, hybrids plus the others.
I’m a newb to oil, just made my first batch so can assume the oils will reflect the flowers type.
I’m smoking mine, not sure how to dose
Eating it and it kinda wrecks me Justin a joint.
I seen folks scoop it in capsules but im weary
Of that much effect on my old ass.

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I made coconut oil with a 1:1 thc:cbd strain, with some thc-v. stuff is awesome. keeps kicking hours later. I make my cupcakes with coconut oil. just decarb. then cook in the oil for 45 mins. 230f. then freeze that for 10 mins. then use it in the recipe. indicas and sativas feel similar. but that cbd puts another level on it.

this time i just use decarbed bud, flower, milk and sugar. i usually use olive oil and egg, but i forgot…doesn’t seem to matter.

I use the recipe in the Nestles chocklit bits and substitute my pot butter and use half the sugar recommended. For my pot butter i use about an ounce (by volume, not weight) in a mixer. stir it up just enough to break it into smaller bits. One pound of butter now I will use veg. butter. Boil the butter in a quart or two of water, add the pot and simmer it for 1 ro 4 hours, stirring occasionally, adding more water if needed (Don’t burn the butter). Remove, strain put into small pan, let cool, put in fridge and the next day you got the pot butter to make cookies or??? with.
I prefer sativa(Humboldt Sour Diesel) because I feel great and able to do what i want, although i do stay away from power tools and making final decisions. But sometimes i come up with better ideas. Driving has always been my thing… I do NOT recommend driving stoned unless you KNOW you can handle it. I usually keep it at the legal limit on the highways. I stay away from traffic and have not had any problems. Rules of the road: Keep between the lines. Stop on red, go on green. Don’t hit anything. Stay within 2 MPH within the speed limit. On the hwy cruise control is your friend. If you feel like you’re losing it, take the first exit, pull to the side near the top of the off ramp, turn on some soft music and take out your phone and call a cool friend. Everybody will think you’ew a good driver because you pulled off the road to make that call. Life is good. Enjoy it!


Yes, great observation, the last bit in particular. I find it hard to think terpenes are responsible when I get similar highs from edibles in oil, butter, or even cob cured.

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