Indoor diary no1.

Someone else was having this exact problem a year or so ago. It turned out to be an air stone leaching into the water.


No air stone’s. Removed those 2 res changes ago. Using a spare maxijet water pump to create a small waterfall to keep res water circulating.

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,Oh yeah, you said that already. lol. My bad.

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Well. ph is still acting up. But seems not as bad… Lol only ramped up to 7.2 in a 9 hour gap of checkingl. So I’ve ordered some non organic acid just for the experimental side of things. On a plus note. Got my ghe diamond nectar delivered this morning. So that’s gone in. And the new ph should be here for the weekend. And I’ll post some new pics at weekend also. Oh and have fimed them all and they seem to have taken to that really well. Lots of growth on under growth. All though the purple is still really short and stocky.

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