Hello buds , first time grow needs a little help

Hi everyone, newbie here with first time grow. I know it’s a bit rude to start with a question but it’s got to be done sorry.
I’m 5 weeks in to my first grow, I’ve got 4 plants on the go, 2 Edge and 2 Jorge’s Diamonds. They’re in a 3 to1 John Innes no3 and pearlight mix with a few additives mixed in, garden lime, blood n bone. I’ve been feeding them on miracle grow liquid for fruit n veg with a teaspoon of BS Molasses. ( thanks for that tip) Now the plants are doing alright, in fact if it wasn’t for me being a total idiot, they would be doing so superb.
Unfortunately I stressed them out with too much heat and by under watering. It’s only a small room 7.75sq ft and I had them under a 600W duel spectrum, digital light which was just to hot for them. I think there was a bit too much light as well, a bit intense for them. A few days ago I dropped the power down to 400W and them seem a lot mellower. Anyway my question is, where do I go from here, 5 weeks in to an 8 week flower and I’m not sure what I do next. I’m sure I’ve read on here somewhere that I’m meant to give them some sort of tea at this stage and stop feeding them after that, is this correct and can anyone help me and point me in the direction of the tea I’m meant to use, is it a high K or P tea.
Any help would be gratefully apreciated


Do you have air cooled hoods.
I run a 600 hps in 8SF with an inline fan.
My plants will literally go up and kiss that lense and not hurt them.
I can lay my hand on it for indefinite if I wanted too.

I haven’t, the only thing I have got it the fan on the carbon filter, which is alright but the room still gets hot, it was alright before they stretched, I’m fairly sure that they Edge reverted back to what ever strains it was made from, one is extremely tall with skinny leaves and is very lanky the other short and squat with huge leaves.

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Week 5 on a 8 - 9 week strain you need to add p.k to your nutrient schedule for a week. Ignore whatever you’ve read about tea etc. Tea is more for organically grown bud but your in compost so nothing is organic about your grow. Only give the p.k for a week. It’ll help boost the bud sizes. Come week 6 start to only feed water if your wanting to flush your plants. I don’t flush as it’s not required but I’m sure I’ll have a lot of members pop up saying flushing is needed but they can’t prove it with any scientific proof. If you decide not to flush just taper down with the nutrients.
Oh a few pictures would help with your thread :v:


Cheers esrgood, think i may have been getting things a bit wrong. I thought the miracle grow was the PK, I’ve added it to every watering since they started flowering but reading the bottle now it’s 325
Should I be adding something else, What would you recommend numbers wise?
I put some pics up tomorrow they’re asleep at the mo

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Toss out the miracle grow, add sillica you need to get a parts per million reader measure you ppm in your food reservoir , first week off bloom your ppm would be around 400ppm , use a organic boom compost tea . Next week ppm 550=every week feed them 150 more ppm fertilizer tea water, until week 6 then your in flush mode water only maybe water with 150 ppm once every four or five days. When you feed or fertize do it 3 or four days a week, not Evey wattering…

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Just seeing if these upload

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Some I’ve picked off as you ca see they’re a bit battered, I think heat stress more than anything

Shit photos I know, haven’t sussed out how to take em in the flower room. The babes in the veg room are white widow, they’re coming along nicely,
I’m going to try and do them as organic as possible from here on in. They haven’t had any food yet and are in a John lines pearlite mix.
I haven’t sexed them yet, do you think they’re old enough to do so, do you have to root the cuttings first or can I just take a cutting, pot it and put it straight into 12 hours darkness. I seem to remember doing this by accident years ago, trying to root some cuttings and they were flowered within 2 weeks.

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Hi Ppb nice one for the info, I,'ll give it a go, which recipe for tea would you recommend, I’ve had a look and there seams to be quite a few

Hey @Billynoshoes welcome to OG and plants looking good buddy.

Terp tea is a good product you can buy, and sea weed tea in a black liquid form is good plus worm castings, ground oyster shell, bat guano liquid bud swell is great. mix what you can get your hands on in a five gallon bucket full of water add half cup of each product after water has been declorinated sat for 24 hours we with the lid off and a air stone bubbling on the bottom . Checkout mendo doors sprouted popcorn tea recipe.

Tea… 1.4.2. Those leaves you posted range from heat stress too nute burn. I’d stop feeding for a week, invest in an ac unit and humidifier, go from there. Also, keep using blackstrap after flushing but in micro doses, tbsp to gallon, gives ya some frost.

All said and done, congrats for your start to overgrow the world, but if I may recommend, start small and work your way up. Next grow just stick with ocean forest soil start too finish(a hot soil but something tells me most here use it too an extent). See your results, adjust from there, more pro-mix/nutes/etc…

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Thanks for help boys, one thing that’s puzzling me though, there’s 4 plants, all the same age and been in flower the same amount of time, the 3 largest plants are fucked, they look unhealthy, leav3s are burnt and bleached.
The smallest plant which has had the same amount of everything, food heat etc looks really healthy, beautiful green leaves, Big buds , lovely roots popping out the bottom of the pots.
Is it possible that the smaller, which receives less heat and light from the light, has had the correct amount of food and the three larger ones are starving. Or is the smaller one just a fluke?

Just checked Ocean Forest soil and think I might have to find a UK alternative, £100 P&P is a bit out of my price range.


P.S.-Gotta add more words fer this to post

Aye up
Can’t move them out of the room so any pics would be the same as the ones already posted, so I picked a sample of leaves.
The first one is of the smallest, healthiest plant, all her leaves look like this, tiny bit of tip burn but other than that no problem.
The second and third are of the other plants,
I have had a bit of a development, I decided to give then some tea. Molasses, seaweed, fish blood and bone and sulphate of potassium. Gave it to the healthiest first, she loved it, so after waiting 24 hrs. Just to make sure there wasn’t an after effects, I gave it to the other 3. Two of them have perked up a bit and are getting a bit more colour to them, less bleached, the other is still fucked.

The last two are the worst, not all the leaves look like these

looks like cal mag probs, maybe a flush, feed within correct ph range and if they continue to deteriorate then suppliment with a cal mag boost

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judging by the good leaf the food seems ok so im gonna say its caused by lockout due to ph issues