Indoor diary no1.

So. I decided a good few weeks to restart a hobby I love. So here goes. I’ve built my own room measuring 4ft x 4ft x 7ft. Using a 600 watt hps duel with digib ballast and adjust a wing shade. Fan and filter are combo of an rvk 125 on a ram filter. Slugjtlyb larger than normal 125 filter as itsb just short of 5b00mm long. bso it’s pretty big. also using a hydro 4pot flood and drain with hydroton pebbles. straying new nutes this time around as I used to canna aqua products. And basically just fancied a change and the local grows shop highly recommended nutrifield nutes so am trying a good few of there products. There grow a and b. Bloom a and b. Veg igniter and there heavy pk as well as there bud boost. Also sticking to cannas cannazym. But I’m introducing Ghe diamond nectar as I feel the reviews and read up of using fulvic and humic acid seems to be pretty good. Also foliar spraying halo at times allocated. So that’s the system. Seeds were reserva pravada mix/kosher kush/purple wreck and og #18. Now quite young plants and just hitting the veg period. Reckon a healthy 4s weeks veg before I flip them. Topped all using the FIM technique. Now as soon as I’ve sussed out how to link photos I will do.


so there’s the room complete. Now for the greenery.


Damn! That was quick! :+1: :grin:
You are off to a great start, I’ll watch :popcorn:



no clue what was wrong with this one’s lower leaves but this is how she unfurled her self.

Roughly bout 3 weeks ago…


And now present day. Order is as follows. Top left is the mix. Top right is the kosher kush,
Bottom right is the purple wreck., and bottom left is the og#18. Incidently the mix is a week or so older than the other three. Also highly surprised out of four sown of the mix, only one popped. Which for reserva was a bit of a surprise. as this grow was supposed to be only from the mix box. just wanted the first grow In A long time to be surprise as to what I grew. So after ten days I sowed a lots of different seeds. Roughly one of each of what I had bought recently bought and had in the fridge for ten years. Needless almost all came up but decided to keep the three other reserva. Where as the others that popped looked to be great they were freebies with seed orders and the reserva cost money. So couldn’t justify keeping any of the others when they cost nothing. Which am hoping I don’t regret as they were ww x bb, fast nevilles and a cheese. As well as a catarract kush. The remaining ones that you see in the system have only been in there for a little over a week. Just about to hit veg. Seems the nutrifield is doing what it says on the tin. Although I’m currently having issues trying to keep the ph stable. Totally all over the place at the minute. With or without going into the pots. its a 50ltr res. And so far I’ve tried with air stone’s. Without air stone’s, lol that was a mistake through having no circulation in there the crap that formed formed in the tank was I settled in creating a little water fall using a spare maxi jet pump and some tubing. Just keep the cirrucaltion up but not overly aerating the water. Alas, still no stable ph. So currently everything else is doing great except the ph. I’ve a funny feeling the nutes dont like hard water. So am going to keep at it trying rule thing’s out. Pebbles were well washed as well as being soaked in ph but at water for two weeks. And the I’m using canna ph organo. Strange thing is I used to use canna nutes and never had this issue within this system also didn’t use the canna ph. Used to use ph groe and ph bloom. I mean it did float up. And that was with air stone’s as well. But no where near as much as it is doing. So nutes and additives I’m using are as follows.
nutrifield grow a and b
Nutrifield Veg igniter.
Canna aktrivator.
Halo foliar spray
Awaiting ghe diamond nectar and some superthrive. Should be here any day. I’m hopeing the ghe will help with growth and to give them that little extra boost.
Ec is around the 1000ppm mark. And next res change going up to about 1300ppm. Ph is set at 5.5 every morning. And I reset it when it hits 6.5 plus. Which is generally 3 waters in the cycle during lights on. Any hints or tips are always appreciated.


Sone dope choices for ur grow. Im especially fond of kosher, and og18…actually i thimk together they make one of my fave strains ever, holy grail kush. Dunno bout purple wreck, but good luck. Im about a month into my first grow, with a grow tent the same dims as ur homemade one. Might need to start posting, pretty close to flower on some and might need guidance


Really nice setup! How much time is there in between 3 waterings when the pH rises?

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Lovin it! Looks like you got dem OG grow skillz. Bookmark.

They flood every 3 hours., 24/7. Third tank change todeay. And again big hikes in ph. But the hikes are happening even without flooding. So it’s got to be either the nutes aren’t suitable for hard water. Or it’s the canna. Can’t see ite being the canna. But along with the nutes, the canna organo is new one to me. Always used specific pH down groe or bloom. But the grow shop I used recommended both nutes and canna. Have been in touch withe the shope regarding the ph. And I do belive I was given a bullshit excuse that in there words “its the nature of the beast of dwc/flood and drain etc” which I really don’t believe. Just wish I had some spare nutes and pH so I could at least rule them out or in. . But I’ve used h&g, canna, and vitalink in the same system without the issues and that was when I didn’t have a clue. the ph did drift. But I could set in the mornings and last thing at night and it would hold it self and only raise by increments. And I hoesntly can’t find that many people that have even heard of nutrifield nevermind used it before. But am gonna give them another week then think about changing over to something that’s actually been proving to work and people use. And see how that goes. And probably change the canna ph to a grow. Thing is though the plantsbel them selves don’t look so bad. A little paler green than I would like but that’s down to the low Ec I used to put them into the system. Overall I’m kinda stumped.


Scuse the typos. Seems usong an android phone is hard work when typing in here.

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Dunno about skills. But am trying me best. #heliosphear

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Well I sprayed them late last night with first dose of halo. And judging by this mornings greeting they kinda liked it. Will snap some more shots nearer the weekend.

Huh, maybe it’s your water or something. You said it’s hard water? As far as ph down goes grab a bottle of old trusty phosphoric acid and try that. If it still moves it’s not the pH down and you’ll have a lifetime supply of it for a few bucks haha

Could be the nutes also. Keep in mind 6.5 isn’t too bad really. Will it stay there if you leave it? Some people intentionally let their pH drift from low to high as different nutrients are more available at different levels.

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No. Doesn’t stay. Up to about 7.2 if I leave it which is what it comes out the tap at.

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But yes. The ph grow will be easiest and chepeaest way to rule one out.

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There’s a lot of buffer in that water. I’ll bet the EC is high too.
If you are going to use that source you will need some pre-treatment.


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No. The Ec is 0.3.

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are you measuring dS/m?


Sorry for my ignorance. But ds/m?

Just googled it. I’m using a truncheon.

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