Indoor / Outdoor 2024

And I’ve just heard that this Durban Poison has been found with His Gonads out.

there is another one in a Bin @misterbee, we’re gonna be fine

And the @OriginalDankmaster96 gets his Pressure Skunk put right into OG Row this morning… day 3, week 3 of Veg. Here goes…
Some early gardening.
Soil Amending next visit
Pressure Skunk

Blue God below x 2

Red Rona (aka Red GSC) x2 below

D.B.H.P. left, Apollo Ape middle, Acapulco Gold right, below

And the best shot yet of the Super Diesel below, just before the Sun hits it.

Dragon Blood Hash Plant, topped version below

Chem Fuego below

Absolutely crazy, to have a “back-up” Durban Poison… no gnads




Welcome to OG Row Pressure Skunk

CRIPPY B4 came through the nite with Zero issues


I like seeing these B4 plants are turning out better. Now for the field test to begin… Doing exceptionally well :ok_hand::+1::clap:t2::wink:


Looking good man.

Jeez, sometimes I see pictures like that and wonder what I’m doing. Spending half my life trying to perfect my indoor conditions while people are outdoors with better internodal lengths killing it.


B4 are in 4 different locations @OriginalDankmaster96. All outdoors.

And I am so HAPPY to whisper that my long-time grow-Buddy at the Sand-Trap… has accepted the Last Dark Creme Autoflower… @Tlander ( green stems)

We get Ganja in the Trap, one more Time. this 3-week player is counting Dayz already! @FieldEffect
“11-weeks come-on Lets GOooo, I’ve only got 8 Weeks left !! “


Cheers Buddy !!! Happy to give them a Go!


My process, however improvised it is, has been steady the last year and a half @Igor

Not that I’m trying to do less. Just paying attention to maintaining a steady soil has kept the plants right on-course.

A short-term Soil that drains well and contains basic nutes is what I’m wanting (castings, composted manures; Like Chicken shit pellets, thats what the plant s are responding to)

And Soil Amending on a 3 week schedule, is the 2nd method I’m working with on OG Row!

2 schools of thought running here. I’m Considering Boosting the plants fed only with Chicken :chicken: :poop: with a little All Purp…
We are Not far from the outdoor Flip… I’m Amending them now/next few days

#1 Drainage; Mix of Natural Sand / Rice Hull Husks / Perlite 33%
#2 Organic content; Worm Castings 33%
#3 ProMix 33%

And trust the moisture meter.
Any nute program will succeed in this


Hey @MissinBissin

Seems like you are quite busy during the OD season :innocent: I will ride with you for sure!

If you need a volunteer just hit me up :crazy_face:

Can’t wait to see them budding!

May I ask your latitude ?


43.03 would be the answer to that @CalleMinogue
Its always a Welcome journey to see my Friends plants lol


Lots going on! Happy plants and watching all your ammendment program to learn for next season.

Bummer to hear about the male Durban, such a pretty specimen. Good thing you have the backup Durban :sunglasses:

I didn’t expect the Acapulco Gold to look anything like it does, mean looking dagger leaves on her :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it’s crazy we’re only 10 degrees apart - 600 nautical miles. Close but far.

Have a wonderful day buddy :nerd_face:


Thats too funny! And a great day for your self as well @FieldEffect


Could be also Calcium? icon_e_confused|nullxnull, the rest look wonderful… beer3|nullxnull


Thanks for that Observation @george… they’re always appreciated.

Tomorrow I’m seeing that the OG Row get it’s Soil Amended… and I’ll be throwing a Buffet at them; liquids and Solids

Lets see what she looks like in a weeks time. Real Food Real Light !

I threw her in the ground the other day, in the pouring rain, definitely not a Drivers Licence shot

The rounded shoulders seems to be a Plant trait…


I have to train my eyes like an AI :sweat_smile:, I’m sure you will heal it as always… beer3|nullxnull


Here is the remote Blue God (pictured) and Mysterion V1. Before the cages and After; Blue God below. Certainly looks a lot bulkier, with the branches opened-up!!! Good timing for both plants

Blue God right, Mysterion left

Up close and personal with Mysterion v1

Soil Amend / airflow defoliation / Jungle Juice w/worm castings tea / molasses 10ml/L humate K. 2 gallons ea.

I get to check-on Rainbow Belt 2.0 tomorrow…


Seems like I am growing too high in the north :dizzy:

Keep on the good vibe


Last nite was a spectacular evening (13th)

The Soil of OG Row was amended, with the Last batch of 100% Veg nutes this season.
(In 3 weeks its 50/50 veg/bloom nutes)

It /they were Watered-in with Worm Castings Tea, Humate-K and Molasses.

Next visit will see a inner-plant Foliage-trim, to Open- up the airflow in the btm 2/3 of All the plants…

These ladies are getting large. Nefertiti grew a Foot this week
front and back view of Nefertiti

here she is below, posing with Pine Tar Kush on the right

Here is the PTK below. She is a sharp looking plant

Young Plants have responded well and are Chasing the Lite. Here is CRIPPY below

And the Pressure Skunk, below

Hawaiian Snow (& tent pollen) below

Blue God

The topped; Dragon Blood Hash Plant

And the In Ground; Dragon Blood Hash Plant

Apollo Ape front & back, x2 below

2 Acapulco Gold strains below, are starting to show differences.
Barneys Farms Acapulco Gold

and NukeHeads AG (yes the plants are drooping at sunset !! )


What beautiful plants! :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good Evening @defharo, Thanks for that compliment. The plants are making it look easy