Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Thank you @MissinBissin!

Here they are as of Yesterday; OG ROW


Super Diesel

Apollo Ape


Tuesday I’m defoliating the 4 beasts@ 20 days-out from Flip.
Super Diesel, Nefertiti, Apollo Ape and DBHP all get their Bulk removed (carefully)

Looking down the road at logistics and our History of handling a few Large plants… Internal Fans, shoots n Sugars will become compost, now that the plants busy making Nugz

Day 15 of Veg for the Acapulco Gold and there are 9 leaves already on the 3rd node. Bring it on.


Looking great @MissinBissin !

I’ve been plucking sinkers for weeks! My compost heap looks great :rofl:


Crushing it @MissinBissin

OG row keeping pace with the corn, what a spectacle that row of beautiful plants :heart:


Thanks a Xillion @FieldEffect.

I’ve never had such a “Hands-Off” season… I’m loving the show too

The corn has absorbed most of the Storms this Summer and has definitely let the Winds blow right over OG Row.

And yet 2 x 20-gallon bins got blown over side-ways this summer from a gust

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Day1 of Veg for the Kashmir

Acapulco Gold 1 & 2 are ready (photo-period)

Drilling Holes in 3 gallon pots today & defoliating a few monsters @ OG Row

Have a great Holiday Gang!


What’s the source? icon_e_confused|nullxnull I see some “variegation”, you should be aware of this, read the thread:


Good Evening @George!

Kashmir seed source is Direct from India; 2 / 6 survived, I just tossed the “stalled” effort.

May I ask where are you seeing this Variegation.

Here is the Pine Tar Kush below, and her 100% variegation.

ps, I believe I see your area of concern. I’m grabbing a couple shots right now for Us !



Anytime I hear Kashmir I panic because I remember that TMV story with those seeds, glad yours are from a different source, just wanted to be sure…beer3|nullxnull


Here you go @George, quik screen shots


Look a bit crinkled icon_e_confused|nullxnull, will keep an eye on them (as with the rest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:), always enjoying your work…beer3|nullxnull



Hey George - just a quick note, the post you linked is actually my argument against the prevailing idea that the original Kashmir suffer from any particular pathogen. TMV was never shown, and I actually ran some Agdia tests on some variegated plant material and whatever seeds I had remaining of the stock received from the former member/distributor of those beans. A total of 5 tests, all negative - personally, I am completely satisfied that those original KashAz plants carry a trait (perhaps recessive?) expressing the variegation rather than any kind of viroid or other pathogen.

I’ve actually got a few going outdoors, just getting into flower, and keep meaning to get a thread going to show them and a couple other things. I’ll tag you if you would like when that gets going.

@MissinBissin - Definitely something odd going on with those two Kashmir seedlings, hard to say, but loving that OG row a couple of posts up, that is some epic work, hell of a hedgerow! Not sure if the corn is hiding the row or if the row is supposed to hide the corn!


Thanks for the info, I just saw something strange and it’s better to be alert than everything infected, glad at least to make you discover that wonderful hedge, cheers …beer3|nullxnull


The Hybrid Cattle-corn is on its way to 3.5m… its become the perfect camo this year @Vesti

I’m 6’2”, under a non-Panama hat

nukeheads Acapulco Gold above and the Barneys Farm version below:


loving that corn camouflage. the apollo ape sure does have that “square” look to it.


scare crow!


BlueBerry from seedsman, below

Acapulco Gold #nukeheads

CRIPPY B4 @OriginalDankmaster96

Super Diesel below @SativaKid

Chem Fuego @anonymous4289

Pressure Skunk @OriginalDankmaster96

Nefertiti @defharo

Nefertiti in back and Pine Tar Kush up-Front

Acapulco Gold from barneys farm has become “BiG” in the last 2 weeks. below

Pine Tar Kush oldschoolbreedersassoc

Apollo Ape @anonymous4289

I basically did Not Touch the Acapulco Gold from nukeheads or the Pine Tar Kush. Leaving them as au Natural as I can. All else had a major thinning / clean-up, 20 days after the flip


Greetings @Reznfingeez33
What are the flowering times like for “Iranian Sativas?”

Certainly a Country I do not believe I’ve Smoked anything from.

My long-flowering potential has the future locked-up with my Inventory. Wondering what comes from Iran, I’ll be sniffing around

Here are the fresh shots of the Kashmir seedlings @George
Day 2 of week 1 veg, they are just puppies
#1 below

#2 below

While in the little tent, here are the Acapulco Gold ! & 2 as well
#2 below

and #1

HERE are the AMBER trichomes that we saw on the DARK CREME auto! Shocked the hell out of me. And HARVEST WE DID @Tlander


Thanks for sharing, they look a bit freaky crazy0to with those crinkled serrations and tips, also discoloration, apparently not a normal variegation, guess you will have to abide with me that they don’t look “normal”, will keep an :eyes: on them for sure …

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