Indoor / Outdoor 2024

up above it says i made or gave you crippy 4 or something but thats not from me.

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Is Red Rona gone?

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Definitely a typo @anonymous4289 !!

Thank you and I’ll fix that !!

Done Deal anon, much appreciated

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No its Not gone @SativaKid but things have slowed down in the bins, I believe my partners continual fan plucking has prevented them from Being Robust, now that they are in flower.

Blue God is the only one that’s excelling.

I suggested that Red Rona have the top removed because it became very sparse.

Its doing OK, but its not thriving

Morning Gang

Here she is @SativaKid, Size-wize, a couple stopped growing a few weeks before this shot. Close to flip and all, but it was noticeable that they were “idled”

The crown on the Red Rona (red gsc) had wilted and slumped during the last week. Truthfully, it provided zero resistance to a simple-Twist and it came clean-off. Looks topped at the moment, all is good.

I’m going to suggest / recommend some Bloom Fertilizer for the Chicken-shit Only-zone!

Everything in Bins has only seen chicken shit (composted pellets) twice this season… (impressive stuff, but it needs additional support)

When these strains below grew-past the 3metre mark; given their Open Branch patterns, we laid them on a 45 degree angle and they ate it up

Russian Tzar Bomba below

Zamaldelica photo-period (blue god back-left) below

Here is the small tent this morning; with the small Acapulco Gold (11:00) taking on a lime-green colour… its time (far left) to provide some Nutes in the Next size-up !

Tall Acapulco will get planted a Little Deeper


And B

Plants have been drinking EWC tea this past week, acapulco gold gets nutes this week; veg fert, kelp meal, dolomitic lime, gypsum, basalt rock dust, promix, ewc, sand, perlite (handful of composted chicken shit pellets. As described & highlighted, it can’t be over-applied… So I include it, Gently)

Now that Nutes are on the Table… Looking to Flip them early in Oct, giving Kashmir; 5 full weeks veg, ~ 7 for the A.G.


I’ve grown a lot of Red Rona and never seen light green. It’s usually a shade darker than everything else even in early veg. Must be something wrong.

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Nothings Wrong @SativaKid, plants need a bigger plate of Nutrition than just composted Chicken Shit pellets… Plain and Simple

(shared that message in June a few times / stated the obvious recently)

I’m visiting tomorrow… ahem lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

ps I’ll re-edit the shot, highly likely I screwed it up ie: yellows :shower:

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made 15 gallons of soil and moved these Seedlings into 3 gallon pots. Zero issues and no transplant bags. Earlier watering had left them solid enuff, slit one-side and it came out easy w/ no visible roots.

2 fans, heat and humidity; basic fertilizer @ 70% mixed into this 12-Gal of Soil. See where this takes it.

A.G. below, new shoe fits just-fine


You’re an impatient man … :grin:

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Seeing the one A.G. healthy and the other one Yellowing, got the better of me.
Makes this LITFA statement carry some weight now Comrade @George

Plus @George, I am out of town next weekend, I need to provide enough moisture for 2 nites away, moving-up in size was one way of getting it ready
(I’ve been terribly limited this summer, nice to have an in-house project, besides the Pending trim jail)


Acapulco Gold bud as it looked a few days ago, missed this shot.
Evening visit tonight, maybe a quiet sunset. Fresh pics of OG Row for sure !

w/Flash @Pigeonman lol ? if its a later visit for Sure


Dark Creme Auto (red-stem, SOP) cleans-up nicely for such a delicate thang

@Tlander, THx !

First Mulch donated to the small tent @defharo


Man, leaving them watered with some runoff left in the plates to reabsorb would had be enough, roots are the same even in a 3 gallon pot, hoping the best for them … :pray:

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Am I doing something wrong George? No, Thanks !

People Plant seeds direct to Final Pot all the time. This is merely close to that, for reasons known to me

Nutes won’t fit in my Saucer G. I have some timing issues…

All the same my Friend, sometimes individuals do things a little different. You sound disappointed

I’m Curious Now about xtra fast drainage in loose soil and added / easier Root Expansion etc etc No Transplant bags, no obstacles. etc

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Kashmir B is taking a run at this Survival thing

Acapulco B below, may be making a REAL Effort as well. (colour may be starting to come around)

Acapulco Gold “A” is off and running


You never expect to get Clobbered with Colour when visiting the Garden… not ever till Fall 2024.

Some cold nites have really agitated this Durban Poison lol and I laughed every time I walked past it @misterbee Thanks again !

Acapulco Gold from nukeheads continues to Swell lol
Many Cloudy trichomes are present already.

@DougDawson you’ll like this part! Or is it Uncle Doug?… the BOG LSD pollen that you so graciously shared with me, was used to Paint a couple of Low branches on this Acapulco Gold plant.

And today I found a couple of these circled, firm shapes happening!!!

Fingers-Crossed, branches on both the Pine Tar Kush and Acap Gold were painted and marked…

Thanks again OG !


:fallen_leaf: :heart_eyes: :+1:



Lololol 555 its 100% amazing.
And so fricking hilarious!

Cheers @Pigeonman


Dark Creme auto with the green-stem pheno turned a quick corner as well!

Monday is tentative harvest, which is great being ahead of the Amber, knowing its close.

Here is how the red-stem looked

Here is todays Green stem @Tlander


Beautiful plants there missinbissin :seedling::+1: