Inked skin anyone?

Now i want a leg of stricly oldshool style

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Just got a fresh peony yesterday


That is got to be the best tattoo I’ve ever seen. I’m sorry it was. Lol

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You’re still getting tattoos ? Lol I do like the one with the tank. I do have a fetish for tanks.

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IMG_20220726_124706 Celtic cross face banger done this morning :sunglasses:


Love the Celtic knot!

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Thanks man, me to I believe its a wisdom knot. Ancestors you know…

Hand poked by your other hand? Oh hell yes! I have one hand poked that I did myself. Not nearly as nice as yours. G8PxQ8j smile1

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All my tats are initially ca.1967/68. Read on to find out why I say initially.

That’s hand poked by your truly. Don’t know if you can read it. It says “FUCK.” I would have liked to have had room for “YOU” too, but, as they say, Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. The six Ps. (Look for a replay later!) Like everyone, I don’t know who exactly “they” are, but I personally have found them to be generally correct. It was far darker and more distinct initially. It’s been whited out literally ten times by pros over the years. An uncle of mine nearly choked on his cabbage borscht when he saw it in 1969. I taught myself to be more careful thereafter. Now I couldn’t give half a shit who sees it. BTW, that’s my saluting hand. I was never in the military.

My two others were done by Doc Forbes in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. His shop was at East Hastings and Davie Streets. Not the most upscale of areas then, but exciting as shit for a neer-do-well middle class kid like me. There were several other parlors very close by. I don’t remember why I decided on Doc, but what I do remember is there was a framed B&W photo, probably 8X10, of his wife’s spread thighs displayed in a couldn’t miss it spot in his shop. Her thighs read “Doc’s Box.” I couldn’t believe it! (Just reportin’ the facts. Don’t want to offend anybody.) I found this picture of him online -

The two Doc did for me are an ankh (my first pro tat), and roses. I had drawn the ankh and he made into the stencil as I sat there. The second is a pair of “Dead” roses as I like to describe them. I wanted a rose bush growing up my leg, dirt and roots at the ankle, then leaves and buds wrapping around my leg as it went up and finally a couple of roses on my upper thigh. I want to say, but am not certain, he estimated it would be around $150, maybe a little more. Far too expensive for me. As I recall, the ankh cost me $10. It was so much because he had to custom cut the stencil. Otherwise it would have been $7! The roses were $18. I showed him the ankh when I want back in for the roses several months later and he totally remembered doing it and the circumstances, that it was simple but one of a kind, at least from his pen. When he finished the roses, he cut up the stencil. He told me the stencil was brand new, no one else had that particular tat, and since I had one unique tat of his, he wanted to make it two. I’ll never forget that little gesture of generosity towards a dim kid. d8JBdDJ

I had simply drawn the outline, and not quite symmetrically at that. This was at a time when I was beginning my 3 year journey/addiction with/to meth (needles only, thank you very much!). I’m sure I was pretty shaky when I drew it! HA! Doc added the shading. It used to be that you could see each individual line of that shading. That subtlety was long gone 20 years later.

The roses are pretty faded coming on 60 years later even I’ve had them recolored 3 times. The last time was probably 30 years ago. What can I say? Epidermal cells die. :rofl:

I know at least one person in this thread has commented on how difficult it can be to take a selfie of a specific body part. (Minds out of the gutter, guys.) I couldn’t believe just what a PITA it was to take these. The wife is out or I’d have her do it.


always wanted a …wait for it…NEON Blue scorpion on my pecker :upside_down_face: but never had the balls…hehehe ( pun intended) to do it…settled for a dragon and a rose


Dragon and a rose on yer unit? (I don’t need to see! :laughing:) I knew a guy who had a fly on the tip of his. He said it hurt like nobody’s business, and I so totally believe him!

lol no no no…a rose on my forearm and a dragon on my shoulder was in the CORPS when i got the rose they wanted to send me to 8th and I for a duty station in DC couldnt get a tat quick enuf on my fore arm they werent to happy with me …sux to be the powers that be this was in the early 80s i guess now you can have sleves and they dont care

I have 4 tattoos. All are hand-poke types done by myself when I was 14. My mom and dad were PISSED when I did the first one but they couldnt stop me from doing more. I really felt like it needed to be done. I have always done whatever I wanted to do. They are not “artistic” in anyway. Very primitive. Honestly, I dont think I was making a drawing. I have always believed that they were a type of “alchemical, magico-religious symbol” that only had meaning to me. I saw the same type on the ice man corpse that they dug out of the glacier in the Alps. I guess I have a “stone age” mentality. As I get older they become more powerful symbols for me. They contain who I am. Now they have faded. All things pass.


Outta likes.

I think in this instance you are the only person who counts. Fuck what other people think. If it’s meaningful to you, that’s enough. :+1:

Above, you can see my hand poked “FUCK” on my right hand. I’m right handed, so it was a challenge to poke myself, and it looks shitty now because I’ve had it whited-out ten times over the years. I’ve never seriously regretted getting any of my tats. They are defining features of who I am, and so I say again, fuck anybody who can’t accept who I am.


It’s been a minute since anybody has posted here, so I thought I’d make this live again. Perhaps there are some OGs who don’t know about this thread? Any tats out there that we haven’t seen?

My granddaughter got her first large tat recently. Her design. She thinks she’d like to go to tattoo school. It appears that there’s one fairly close by that has a strong reputation. I told her that if she completes school successfully, I would consider commissioning a large piece from her. Probably be the oldest skin she’d ever have the opportunity to work on!


My son also has full sleeves as well as some random tats on his torso and legs. My daughter-in-law has several too (random tats, not sleeves. HA!).


I don’t have one myself, but my wife as some art work


i currently have 6 but i’m not comfortable posting them online. i have 6 or 7 more planned but can’t afford them right now.

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Right on @mota . Your granddaughters new tattoo looks cool! I’ll add something. Here’s an old Kirin on my inner thigh.



My guess is none of the services would like the “fuck” on the side of my saluting hand. Just a guess. HA!

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I wrote a shopping list on my palm once and it really hurt because the pen was pretty dry.