Insect netting?

I’d like to try a outdoor grow this summer but we do have lots of issues where I’m at with caterpillars, worms, flies etc. I was thinking of building a small pvc or wood frame and frame it out with inset netting. Any of you guys have experience with this and if so how did it work. Does it impede proper air flow? Hopefully something like this would be cheap, simple and work. But, I do have concerns about proper sun penetration and air flow.



It would be a very good idea. Because the caterpillars cause the bud rot. If you already have a frame you could cover them with plastic towards the end of flower to help as well.

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That netting works. I live in a subtropical climate with lots of bugs that like to eat plants. Yeas ago, when I started using netting, It allowed the younger plants to survive long enough to grow tall and develop it’s own defenses. Diatomeceous earth, springing around the plant base works well to keep slugs and caterpillars away. You have to replenish after each rain.


Yo @Taproot ! Yes. it’ll work great. Better yet, plastic over the top and screen the walls so when the flowers come rain’s not a problem. I’ve made about 5 of them now and love 'em. Especially effective on butterflies and grasshoppers! Just don’t skimp on ‘support’, even 3/4" PVC out in the Sun gets all bent out of shape from the stress of the material clipped over it. A metal/pipe structure that acts as a center ridge-line that supports the PVC really helps. And be careful about the angles if you cover in plastic - you don’t want any places where water collects and ‘pillows’ as it’ll pull down the whole thing!

I’ve got a ton of pictures of various ones in my thread (First Time (growing legal that is)! ), but scanning the thread could take forever! :joy: Here are a couple I can locate right now…



These all got screened in later…




Good luck bro!



@Taproot that’s all so gorgeous!

Where you located with all that tropical magic around?


Haa, haa, haa! That was me posting ‘to’ Taproot! I’m on a small island in SE Asia.



We’re in the same boat lol. I just ordered that same netting with the same intentions. Glad other growers had success!

Does anyone have recommendations for how tall I should make it? I’ll have 4 in 3g pots this run.

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Yo @Taproot I forgot to mention…if it’s only bugs (not rain) you’re concerned with, I found another little trick involving steel rebar and baby-buggy mossie nets…get’s 'em off to a good start w/o insect damage!

