Stopping already established plants from falling over?

Hi all. My flowering plants are now at week 8 and they keep flopping over from their own weight. I staked them weeks ago, but these things are TALL and they’re in very light one gallon pots.

Anyone have any clever ways to keep these from falling over once they’re so established? They’ll be done in a week or so and I don’t want to do anything too drastic.

For now I’ve been just letting them flop against the walls of my box, but then one huge nug flops the other way and the whole frigging thing goes over due to to momentum. In a sense it’s not the worst problem to have lol

Any suggestions would be much appreciated! :+1:


You could set them into empty 5 gal pails or weight them down with a rock on top , if there the cheap plastic nursery pots and are tight to each other you can staple 2 pots to each other or even 3 stapled to give a bigger bottom area helping to stabilizing them !


I keep adding bamboo stakes and tie off the branches


Oh nice, not sure I have enough 5 galls, but something heavy on them would probably help alot. Simple and effective…good one!

@OleReynard I’m gonna take them all out tonight and try to add some more stakes where I can, but they’re so damn top heavy that one small imbalance sends them over. I’ll have to stick em like pincushions :round_pushpin::round_pushpin:

Thanks for the ideas!


I just tie each branch up to the top support beams of my tent. Looks like a spider web in my tent


That’s damn clever…I already have a bunch of lines up there from hanging my last harvest too. Never thought of going up with it.

You guys rock, feels cool to be in the ‘buds too big to support themselves club’ :sunglasses:


A wise grower once told me that floppers are good but you need to handle them asap. If not the plant spends too much energy trying to fix the flop as opposed to growing the flower. Not sure how factual it is but I listened


At the flop they’re exhausting their sugar supply.

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It sure looks exhausting!

Chicken wire. Big spacing so you could feed branches through for support relatively inexpensive.

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What this guy said. They sell a product called grow yo-yos just for this purpose.

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@Explorer that would be nice, but they’re way too big and delicate now. I 100% would break or kill something lol. I’ve been running scrog mostly lately and will go back to it for the next round

@vernal that’s cool I’ve never seen them before. They should have called them ‘grow-yos’ though

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Well I went with the path of least resistance. I gave them one or more extra stakes each and did some creative tying and pruning. I then attached eye hooks to the side walls of my room and attached the central stake to it for further stability. They’re now all standing on their own and can never fall over with the wall anchoring.

Tomorrow I’ll grab some rocks or something to further weigh down the bottoms and they should make it though the next 1-2 weeks with some dignity lol.

Thanks again for all the help, I’m gonna stick with scrog going forward, it’s much easier for someone lazy like me :sunglasses:


Easiest thing to do is put it up B4 flower can even space out a 2nd 8-10 inches above the 1st. It’d still work well for established plants. Bc the netting holes are 5-6 inches wide.


Ya that stuff looks awesome. I’ve got a wood framed screen I made myself that I’ve been using for scrog rounds, but might switch it up to that next time if I can find it reasonably priced in Canada.

Unfortunately for this round I don’t have any support structure to tie it into in my room at the proper height for these lanky bitches


There’s no walls? 20 characters


Yes, but they’re made of thin plywood. The actual structural supports are only in certain areas which are far too low for these lanky freaks.


If the pots themselves are flipping use cinderblocks

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Ya I’m gonna grab something like that tomorrow for extra insurance. A collapse at this point would be a real heartbreak!

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I was just sitting here reading this and thinking the same thing PoppaPuff. Tie them up @beacher , if you can. I’ve got hooks in the ceiling of my flower room and use twine to tie with.