Insulated grow tent!

Not often that I see a new product worth shouting out, but I know a lot of y’all grow in garages and basements up north and think this might be just the thing(not a paid advertiser or sponsor in any way, haven’t used or purchased it, just saw it on facebook, but I’m willing to be lol)


Thanks very cool!

That would be good if you were in the north! :+1::sunglasses:

4x4 for $950.00 Ouch. The slim version is half but is also uninsulated. Weird they’d offer an uninsulated tent I figured that’s the whole point.

Cool that they’re modular and the Tslot framing is different I would assume fairly strong.

I think if I was going to drop that kind of cash on my grow id rather invest in insulating my garage or my basement. lol


You could easily put refletix either inside or outside a tent for insulation. 1 Roll and some time would be worth your effort.

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only thing that scares me is the price…i would be first one in line if we could bring the price down a bit…insulated tent may change the game once again…

Looks like this DIY person is gonna keep an eye out for foam sheet insulation and velcro tape on sale! :rofl: :+1:

Thanks for the inspiration @EugeneDebs420 !


Have you seen the video on how is ships also? Comes in a box the size of a refrigerator.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I couldn’t find it, that does seem like a bit much lmao

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Check out lex blazer on youtube

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I have no need for insulation but this might be a bad ass way to simply stiffen tent walls, and block pin hole light leaks with one stone

Nasa struck gold with that one

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Insulated sides, top, and floor….and it all “seals” with the same velcro & zippers every other tent manufacturer uses. That’s like replacing all your windows and insulation but not caulking the windows & doors to seal them. Sure it’s better than nothing, but it’s not sealed. For a grand for a 4x4, I guess I expect more. :man_shrugging:


Shit, gorrilla still charges nearly $400 for a regular 4x4, but yeah the pricing is not great lol

Not to be a Debby downer, but the grooves in that extruded aluminum frame are gonna be a secret hideaway for bugs and pollen and everything else yucky. Which I why I never used it to build grow stuff haha.

Also, you ever see foam burn? It’s real bad.

Nifty idea though.


My 4x4 cost $50 in a Black Friday sale last December. It’s not fancy, but it doesn’t leak and holds 16 square feet of plants. I can’t justify spending $500 on a tent.

well, i hate to add to my other thoughts above. i just bought 4 sheets of styrofoam from home depot, at the cost of $15 a sheet(4x8) insulated and silver foil one side. seems to be that at a mere 60 bucks or so , you can insulate your tent…so if i have this correctly…a 4x4 for $4-500 buck, plus 60…somehow makes alot more sense. i mean i see the glory of the tent, i see the nicey nice of the tent, but the price needs to come down. not saying that is the way to go for everyone, i mean if you have the cash to burn, i would throw my name in the hat for a try…i like trying new products like that especially…and hope the grow turns out as they say the tent is perfect for growing…so thats just one mans opinion here…its a great looking tent, and great thought behind design…

thanks for listening to my rant…i like the tent, wish it was in my range.