Grow tents & lights -- Brands/Suppliers to AVOID?

:thinking::dollar: :shopping_bags::tent::bulb::question:

I am looking into getting an indoor setup and lighting recommendations vary wildly so I thought I’d ask if anyone has made regrettable purchases or had bad failures with: grow-tents & lights.

If you have a horror :scream: story please share it. :slight_smile:



I like ipower tents so much I have 5.

Quality zipper, metal powdered coated frame, metal corners a must, push button release for tubing.
Plenty of outs or ins

I rate it 5 star


Chinese goods on Amazon or other sources will save you a buck and often work the same/are the same as their hydro store counterparts. HOWEVER, if a light/pump/fan fails in the middle of a grow, you won’t be thinking of the money you saved, you’ll be thinking of how to get a replacement ASAP, because pennies don’t matter when your entire crop is jeopardized. In this case, it is better to have a receipt from a local hydro store where you can get a next day replacement.

I get whatever I can at the hydro store, I rarely order anything from the internet anymore, just chemicals and random specialty products.


How are the pinholes in the Ipower tents? I have three cheep tents, the Apollo tent I have is not that bad for a Chinese tent. They all have pinholes and came with pinholes. I am temped to blow a few hundred on a Gorilla tent. Hopefully they are worth the extra cheddar. I would pay extra for a pinhole free tent.


You will probably still get them I think there is a fundamental flaw in all tents silver reflective material, especially around doors where the material folds, it will crack and get pinholes eventually, my tent lasted a year, before the dozen holes it came with, progressed to looking like the sky at night.


Nothing a little metal tape can’t fix!


…or spray-paint? :thinking:

I made a “tent” last winter with lumber & panda film & it worked OK but wasn’t built up to spec so I had light coming out. Didn’t enjoy trying to sleep with that or the fan. …and the masking tape/duct tape door latch sucked. :unamused:

I’m wondering if it might be better to build my own setup again but the tents do seem tidy & easy. This time I’d use more PVC & EMT than lumber & plan it out better(be less high, work slower).

Hoping to hear some more though. :blush:



I stand with @Shadey I’ve setup my own tents and helped friends with bigger tents they all tend to be of the same quality. Thing is with the tents they come tightly folded and go around extremely tight corners so could be pinholes through our own fault or they’ve been stored too long the elasticity has worn in and it’s popped pinholes in.


Mine are over 2 years old, no holes


The seams open up as well especially around the corners.


I was looking at one of these for my next grow area in my pole barn. A little expensive (I was quoted in the $500 range without shipping) but could be fun to try diy with a rack and some panda film. A little industrial Velcro or magnets to hold up the panda film maybe? Or you could seal the sides with 1/4 in plywood.


Check out Menards they have some units with metal mesh shelving alot cheaper, they were on sale last week


I had to custom build my boxes due to height. The first one I made with 2x2s and plywood. The plywood was expensive and warped easily…a pain to work with.

For my next box someone on here recommended stuff called ‘hardboard’. It comes in 4x8 sheets like plywood, but it’s made from MDF (I think lol) so it’s straight and doesn’t warp. Was like 10 bucks a sheet and so much nicer to work with than plywood. This way my box is lightproof except for holes I cut, and a single layer of black/white plastic on the inside makes it nice and clean and lightproofs any gaps or whatever.


@cannabissequoia thanks for your question, as an experience led lights and tent provider, I sincerely invite your to check out our lights and tents.

I’d love to help you choose the best lights, may i know how big is your grow space?


@Zoey I’m curious about common/pattern failures & quality feedback from the members who’ve had bad experiences. (I don’t have a dedicated space yet).




There is also tec board, it’s about 11$ a sheet at lowes and is reflective material like mylar on one side. The plus side is it’s much stronger then mylar, bonded to the board already, water resistant and has a great insulating value.