Looking for a 4x4x6 grow tent. Reviews and opinions

I need a tent for my long term sativa projects. I have a hard 78 inch limit height wise do to floor joists. I need light tight that’s it.


So far what I am looking at want a little more space but this will do

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Closest tent I have seen is a 4x4x6`7``. I think that’s an inch taller then your max height.

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Any link would love to look at it currently have a visosun 60x60x72 and the zipper leeks light like a seive. I have another visosun 24x48x60 and the zippers are light tight. Top end is actually 79 inches so the 80 inch tents don’t fit.


So fucking close just a touch over 79 inches seems tight but I see me cutting pipe in my future.

That`s the only problem with grow tents. They never build a tent that fits your space perfectly.

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Fuck it i put in the order found it for 30 dollars cheaper. Hope I don’t have to get out the pipe cutter but worse things have happened

I just bought a shitty 4x4 off of Amazon, I’ll report back on it. I’m replacing a 2x4

Well I hope it works out for you. :+1:


Hey friend, if you’re on a budget, I bought my 3x3 on eBay for *$70. Not the highest quality but it does the job

Walmart sells tents my wife bought me one from it lol 32-32-6ft

both my vivosuns leak light one is less then 6 months of use

After going through 4 vivosun fans in one month I would never buy anything from that company again


agree i have there stuff was testing it as i may open a hydro shop, only thing i liked was there trimmers


Oh yeah just bought one myself. It is a great tent, and IMHO is worth far more than I paid for it.
I’m retiring all my tents, the cheapos…never again! I wore them all out the Hydropharms, and the cheapos. Cheapos I had to use a lighter to burn off all the threads around the entire zipper path to get it to zip proper like.
I’m replacing them with Gorilla Lites or the the Hydropolis tents.
To the OP, good luck however you choose.


Hi, I have a 4x4x6.5 ft tent for 50 bucks off eBay. But you get what you pay for. It doe's what I need and doesn't fall down and is temperature efficient BUT the stitching around the zipper came loose after the second zip and before a light was ever installed. Fixed with tape. I suspect it is a one season tent, but for 50 worked for me. Gorilla is obviously the tent of choice for me but a nearly 800 percent mark up new, but keep it forever. Anyway, just my 2 cents.


Sorry for weird italics


Gorilla shorty line is good

I’v been through several lesser quality tents, it’s always the zippers and stitching that causes issues.

I now have two Gorilla’s, one original and one Lite Line… theres a huge difference between the two of these even. First is obviously the thickness of material, then the stitching and velcro on LL seems cheaper. The LL has plenty of small light leaks. Seems to me they both use the same zipper however.

One thing i dont like about my regular 3x3… the only passive intake is located in the rear of the tent, i’d prefer the option on each side as well… like the larger 4x4’s.

I have a HTG Supply about 40 minutes from me, occasionally i stop in for supplies. They have a green Agro-Max Silverback series of tents setup in the store… this thing is beefy and i’d be looking at them as well if i was in the market.