Introduce my self.

Hi first time grow new to this. Was raised in a nursery for 37 years. Pops had a landscape floral and retail depts. was a lil mom and pop business. Alway have loved plants and continue too. Been a enthusiast about cannabis for over 25years. Never got into growing till the shutdown. Gave me a good reason to do what I always have wanted to do. A child hood friend and I, who comes from the financial world want to get some land and get back to farming. I come front the country and want to get back to the country growing off the land. Just want to be apart of the community Learn help and grow.


Welcome to the community!

Are you growing anything right now?


Welcome to OG @nonball


Welcome @nonball happy to have you here!

I am very much like your friend, I dream of getting some land and farming, but will have to make due with some backyard farming and a tent full of medicine.


Welcome man! First job was in a nursery. Earliest memories on the grandparents’ farm. Also looking to get back to the land. I’m sure you’ll love OG man. Best buncha heads around IMHO.


Welcome to OG @nonball! A lot of good people and great information to be had.


welcome to the never never land of vast cannabis info and the worlds best members…


Welcome to the OG @nonball !

Are you growing anything currently or are you just getting started?

If your already growing you are going to find that Cannaporn is encouraged here! :wink:

Sounds like you made it to the perfect place for ya! :call_me_hand:


Welcome to the best GROW site on the internet @nonball. And like everybody will tell you the members are incredible treat them good and they will treat you even better Welcome to our tree


Welcome @nonball, you will love this place and the people that make the community. We would all love pics as soon as you get anything going…weed, veggies, 3d printing, food, sunsets, did I say weed?


Welcome @nonball! If you like plants, you will like it here! This place is full of decent, like minded folk.

New here myself @nonball , I promise you, if you even halfway show interest that there are lots folks here who can/will help out, no matter what skill level you are at.

@nonball welcome to OG! Looking forward to interacting and your grow journals!

Welcome to OG great place

Welcome to og