Veteran tester trying a hand in growing

I’m a new account sending out a blanket hello to all members. I started recreational drug use at 14 but stopped any use after a few years due to legal reasons. Never finding myself far from the lifestyle and now(21 years later) in a state with legal medical practices I’m exploring all forms of cannabis intake. Many of which require large amounts of flower to process such as RSO(which is my preferred method). I have great friends who enjoy helping with the processing but I have a large household including multiple cardholders with diverse pot preferences. My spouse and I are doing our best to produce as much as we can from a small grow tent at this time. We’ve only just started our 3rd grow. I’ll follow up with a basic grow log and photos soon. In the beginning cannabis was her medicine and the grow was her project but it’s quickly becoming my preferred passtime. I’m constantly researching equipment upgrades and different grow techniques. I imagine its the reason my friend(longtime member) referred me here. I feel I’m finding myself amongst like minded individuals writing forums that seem to do a great job of staying on topic. My kind of place!


Wishing you well; Can you add outdoor gardening? I sympathize about the initial yield challenges but don’t worry-- you found a great resource.




Oh yes. Good question. I often forget the possibility due to young children and pets in my fence but I could make some changes and make it happen fairly easy. I’ve only got one outside being a male 9lb Hammer from a local vender seed. That’s probably my cheapest route to seeing higher yields isn’t it?


Nothing you can do indoors will ever compete with the return on investment of an outdoor grow… Period, end of story.


Glad you found this place. :wink:

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Oh yeah me too. Thank you all for your help.

Welcome to OF @WHITERABBIT you have stumbled onto a great cannabis website here lots of knowledge within these threads don’t be afraid to ask questions it will only further your own knowledge !