Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

Welcome to OG @Cummings420 :v:


THANK U @DougDawson I appreciate the kind words


I knew there was something about you i liked! I can already tell what kind of friend you are… a good one!

Sorry about your accident that is horrible to read about. I have a cousin who is a lumberjack and i hear how hard the work the can be. Also congratulations on getting clean man. I come from a long line of alcoholics and drug addicts, i got lucky enough to only have a weed habit compared to all my other peers. Fuck hard drugs man!


Welcome to Overgrow !! @Cummings420
peace (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC)


My boss fell a tree on me I don’t remember anything from that day except walking out of the woods to 2 trees he said u got that one I’ll take this one next thing I know I’m getting woke up to raindrops hitting my face covered in branches I tried getting up legs weren’t cooperating as they were shattered I screamed for help could barely breathe I heard the ambulance or fire truck next thing I know I wake up in the hospital 17 days later


Thank u I’m glad to be here this place OG is awesome man


@Cummings420, welcome to Overgrow.


THANK U @Prince appreciate it


Welcome to OG, @Cummings420! Your accident sounds terrible (I worked in the woods and understand how dangerous it is), however, you’re now in recovery mode, and that’s seriously great! No shit! :+1: As a former drug addict myself (it was meth for me), I know how difficult stopping is. I offer my most sincere congratulations on your working to kill that monkey. d8JBdDJ

Again, welcome brother! Pot leaf hopper


Thank u @mota really appreciate it an my drug of choice was heroin n meth in that order I was an I.V. user I’m not ashamed of telling people as its my story an it doesn’t define me as who I am I just wish I quit way before I did as I had no relationship with daughter I mean I’d take her on weekends but I wasn’t there if u know what I mean but today we have a great relationship I see my grandson every few days I have no complaints LIFE IS GREAT GOD IS GREAT


A formal welcome to you @Cummings420 ! I’ve been reading a bit of your stuff in @Gadarien 's thread the past few days. Crazy story brother! Glad you came out on the other side and ended up here, Welcome to OG :sunglasses:


THANK U @Organical I really appreciate the kind words brother I really enjoy chatting with Gedarian an thank u for checking out some of my stuff an possibly hopefully u an I can have a friendly chat also


I never cared for downers, which is weird because I am one lazy motherfucker!

Can’t rush unless you fix.

That is exactly right. It’s your story and it’s in your past. There’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, in fact, I’m personally kind of proud of having quit using. It tells me I’m stronger than lots of other folks, and perhaps stronger than I would have guessed of myself.

FWIW, my daughter doesn’t speak with me. It sucks, but it’s just the way it is.


Welcome to overgrow @noobsy, @Rigdzin and @Cummings420!


Proud of u @mota it’s not easy dealing with addiction I’m glad u beat it an are staying strong an I’ll pray :pray: for u an ur daughter not being on talking terms but never give up on that who knows one day hoping sooner than later she could reach out to u stay strong bud appreciate the comments mota


Thank u @SiCKNeSs I’m really liking it so far man


It’s true, quitting an addiction is so hard, no matter what the drug. And you and I know how absurd it is that some make believe that weed is addictive. Fuck.

I should probably mention that I’m 74, and the last time I put a needle in my arm was well over 50 years ago. I actually have no desire to ever do that shit again, drug or needle. (For those who may not know, putting the needle in your arm is an important aspect of the ritual. It becomes like a ritual inside a ritual. At the “height” of my addiction, if I didn’t have any speed I’d shoot sugar water as a proxy. You don’t get high, but you do get a little relief from the driving desire. Well, that’s a trip down memory lane. Fuck.)

Thankfully, my daughter is someone who has her own successful life. Blood relatives aren’t necessarily our “real” family.


Exactly how u describe the needle that itself becomes a ritual damn I swear I’d never touch needs when I was younger an ya got so fined out my buddy had some an didn’t wanna share I was like what u mean an introduced the needle part to me first muscle than veins than the fem in the leg after that point anywhere ugh :weary: I’m so glad I don’t have no diseases or anything like that thank God I’m in sobriety an I’d never go back either no desire etc I’m 42 it’s been nice chatting with you friend I look forward to many many more


Thank you @Thirdstone, @Prince, @Organical, @Simdadon, @Gadarien, @Agreenpassion, @Coffin_Dodger, @SiCKNeSs for warm welcome!


Hi to everyone on OG! :v:

Have to say the content on this platform is legendary and thank you all for putting out your work. Keep up the good work!

I will enjoy my stay and try be part of this house.
These are my LSD auto flowers I got this year.